Personal Sacrifice

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Are you one of those morons who sacrifices their own happiness for others? If you are, quit the bullshit. When we make a sacrifice, we don't do it for others, we do it for ourselves. Sacrificing things makes us free. Makes us happy. Don't live in an illusion. Don't pretend to be a martyr. Nobody needs a martyr. Do it for yourself, do it for your soul and admit it too. Don't lay the burden of your choices and decisions on others. There is no such thing as sacrificing your life for others. When you save someone, you save them because it's your own conscious that'll haunt you if you let them be.

Nobody in this world owes you anything and nor do you to them. We're all here fighting our personal battles, fighting the voices in our heads, the naysayers that tell us that we can't do what we can quite easily accomplish in this life. So this new year dear readers, pick up your swords of intellect and self-belief and defeat the demons that rage within your very soul.

Happy New Year & Do not let the fire within you extinguish itself. Build it with love. ;) 

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