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I dare Gohan to be in the same room with a drunk Goku.
Gohan: *shakes admin* Wake up Hunter, we have a dare.
Admin: *muffled by pillow* five more minutes.
Gohan: When did you get so lazy?
Admin: When did you get so stupid?
Lesly: *jumps through window* *blows air horns* Get rekt!!!!
Gohan: *jumps* Ah!
Admin: *reads dare* Crystal do just hate Gohan?
Gohan: I never saw my dad drunk.
Goku: *drunk* hey there son *hiccups* have some. *pour vodka down Gohan's throat*
Admin: we should leave.
Lesly: Yeah. *jumps through window*
Admin: *imstant transmissions to Lesly*

(Time skip) Im so lazy XD
Admin: I wonder what happened?
Lesly: I'm glad we decided to stay at my house.
Admin: *a toy hits head* Ow!
Lesly: GOHARA!!!
Admin: We should probably check up on them.
Lesly: Good idea. *instant transmissions*
Admin: *looks at burning house* MY HOUSE!
Goku and Gohan: *laughing drunk*
Admin: *goes super saiyan* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!! *chases Goku and Gohan*
Goku: *turns super saiyan 3* Fight *hiccups* me.
Lesly: Well. Keep asking or daring :)
Gohan: Ye- *gets knocked out*

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