What's With All These Tags?!?!

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Admin: I got tagged again. XD
Gohan: Really?
Admin: And by the same person!
Gohan: My wife?
Admin: Yea. Lesly126c tagged me for the second time. Anyway, I need to answer questions. First question!
Gohan: *pulls out paper* I will ask them. 1. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
Admin: Totally! I would be my best friend.
Gohan: 2. What is your eye color?
Admin: I have the bluest of eyes! Not really. It's just blue.
Gohan: If you could marry someone (2D or irl) who would you marry?
Admin: I would say... Vi...Vi...Videl....
Gohan: Really?
Admin: Just get back to the questions!
Gohan: What is your best and worst subjects?
Admin: My best is math and my worst is Science.
Gohan: If you had one personal, selfish wish, what would it be?
Admin: I would wish for a million wishes! HAHAHAHA!
Gohan: Would you rather have the ability to read minds or go invisible?
Admin: Read minds. I would love to see what people are thinking *puts finger to forehead staring at Gohan*
Gohan: What are you doing?
Admin: Trying to read your mind!
Gohan: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Admin: 100% positive no one has feelings for me.
Gohan: Are you friends with the same people you were friends with 2 years ago?
Admin: I think like.......2 people? 3 maybe?
Gohan: What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
Admin: If you kept a jacket or hat on too long you get worms! XD
Gohan: If you could get rid of one limitation/weakness what would it be?
Admin: I seem to clam up and not speak what is on my mind.
Gohan: *tosses paper* That's all the questions!
Admin: Good. I'm going to play Pokémon now.
Gohan: Well... Keep asking or daring!
Admin: Also I tag JanaeH and TheSaiyanHybrid . Only those two because I can't think of anyone else. See ya!

Ask or Dare Gohan!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora