Author's Note

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Admin: Hey people. I wanted to say that this week I won't be able to do dares.
Admin: It's only for a week.
Gohan: Well at least I get a break.
Admin: You'll miss me.
Gohan: No I won't.
Lesly: For only a week?
Admin: Yep.
Crystal: *hugs admin* NNNOOO! I wanna torture Gohan more!
Gohan: WHAT!
Crystal: Nothing.
Admin: It's only for a week jeez.
Gohan: At least I can spend time with Les.
Gohara: Daddy's staying for a week?
Admin: Yep.
Gohara: *kicks Gohan's leg* Stay away.
Gohan: *grabs leg* Ow! Why!
Gohara: Because you being tortured is funny.
Admin: Well while they have a family reunion, I won't be able to do dares for one week. If you leave dares, I will try to do it when I get back. Keep asking or daring!
Gohara: Take daddy with you!

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