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I fare Gohan to kiss Turles.
Admin: Is no one else going to dare Gohan?!
Gohan: Is that good or bad?
Admin: Kinda half and half. But let's go to Turles!
Gohan: NO! *flys away*
Admin: COME HERE! *chases him.

Time skip (I'm so lazy XD)

Admin: Now your going to kiss Gohan right?
Turles: Don't forget our deal.
Admin: Right. *instant transmissions to Gohan*
Turles: *Kisses Gohan* Now our deal? *turns to admin*
Gohan: *shocked expression* ah- ha- heidbeldb?
Admin: About that... The tree of might has been dead.
Turles: WHAT! Come here boy!
Gohan: *Stands in front of admin* Of you want Hunter you have to go through me. *goes super saiyan*
Turles: fine. *blows up wall* I'll leave then. *flies away*
Admin: Why do people keep destroying my house! *anime cries*
Gohan: Keep asking or daring!
Admin: *still crying* yeah.

Ask or Dare Gohan!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora