Another Author's Note

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Admin: *closes door* Phew. I am alone. Alright now I can talk. Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated. I just... I don't know. But I am back and SCHOOL!!! Why school!!! It is starting in two weeks! I don't want it! So the updates Maury be a bit slower than usual (not like they're slow already) but I will update as soon as possible. *jumps on bed* now time for bed.
Gohan: *jumps threw window* A HA!
Admin: GOHAN! What are you doing in my room!
Gohan: I knew you were here so I decided to look!
Admin: Well I'm glad your here. *pouts* I'm still mad about my Manga collection.
Gohan: I' you more.
Admin: Goku better too.
Gohan: Fine. Well people, keep asking or daring right Hunter?
Admin: *half-asleep* yeah.

Ask or Dare Gohan!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora