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Five years after the Fire Lords defeat, Zuko remains the current Fire Lord and spends his days scurrying around the Fire Nation trying to fix all the problems his father created, his people were now crazy, violent brain washed individuals and he didn't know how to stop them, only the small villages of the Fire Nation were sympathetic, rational people. Other than that he spends his time with Mai, the couple often talked about their future together, even though he was with Mai his mind drifted off to Katara more than it should. But he kept telling himself it was an immature teenage boy thing that he needed to get over. Other than that his life was full of surprises and riches.

Katara on the other hand wasn't doing so great, sure, her water bending skills had gotten much better and she was now one of the top three water benders in the world, she found herself stuck with Jet for some unexplainable reason. Jet was not a nice "boyfriend", he was the biggest asshole. But Katara needed a boy to turn to so she could get Zuko off her mind, he had Mai, he didn't want a peaceful Water Bender she figured, she knew he wanted a feisty Fire bender and that's exactly what he got from Mai, little did she know Zuko wished Mai was Katara.

Aang matured and was now very powerful, his crush over Katara seized to exist the day Toph asked him out on a date. Aang was even older now but you'd never know. Aang always knew that him and Katara wouldn't work, she was at least two years older than him (if you looked at it maturity/physically), Toph on the other hand was just his age and an amazing bender. She was powerful and he loved that, even though she was blind she was a great bender. So him and Toph were now a thing and he couldn't of been happier.

Sokka was a great warrior and he now worked for the Northern Water Tribes army, he was pretty high up in the ranks, unfortunately his skills weren't needed at the moment because everything was peaceful. So instead of residing in The Northern Water Tribe kingdom he stayed with Suki in her village, the two got along great and often had small battles just to test each other's skills, and yes Suki still beat Sokka seventy percent of the time. Sokka had also recently proposed to Suki, he wanted to be with her the rest of his life, they were both amazing warriors, he valued that in a girl. He got over his sexist phase of thinking girls couldn't protect themselves.

Toph was dating Aang and it was fun and exciting for her. She had never dated anyone before and asking out Aang was nerve racking for her, it took her a lot of nerve to ask. And although she didn't know what Aang looked like she thought maybe he could be handsome? He was the Avatar after all, and she was worried that she'd be ugly and he'd reject, but he didn't. She messed with Aang a lot and played tricks on him twenty four seven, Aang wasn't a fan of these tricks but he didn't get mad, he grew out of his middle school boy phase a long time ago. Toph also had taught herself how to bend metal, making herself the most powerful Earth Bender to live, even more powerful than Bhoomi even though she was blind.

(Iroh didn't die in this).

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