Chapter Seven

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•••Aang and Toph's perspective•••
Aang held Toph's hand as he guided her through the abandoned, Southern Air Temple where he used to live. He looked around at his surroundings and smiled. "I really wish you could see this place. It's amazing..." he sighed.

Even if the place was in ruin Aang still loved it. The temple held so many great memories for him. He really wanted Toph to see it. But he needed her help fixing the temple. It was made out of packed earth and stone so the job would be easy for the two.

Toph shrugged. "I'm sure it is 'pretty,' Aang but I don't know what pretty is..." she mumbled quietly.

Aang looked at her. "Oh right. that case you're pretty how about that?"

She smiled. "Like I said I can't see but thanks for the compliment. By the way you suck at flirting."

Aang brought Toph to a bridge that connected the temple with that of the the town. He stopped and put his arm out. "There's a huge hole" he said. He took some rock and bent it back into place.

Toph waited for him to finish and she walked on ahead of him. Aang looked over and he ran after her. "Be careful Toph this place may be rigged with Fire Nation traps."

"Okay..?" She replied rather carelessly.

He puffed his cheeks out and crossed his arms following behind her. He was taller so he could see ahead of her.


•••Zuko and Katara's perspective•••
The two had been traveling for a day and a half before they made it to the abandoned Southern Air Temple. "Hey, this is the Temple Aang grew up in" Katara pointed out.

Zuko glanced at Katara. "Oh..." he said softly.

He knew this was the first place the Fire Nation had attacked. Sadly it was still in ruins. He felt guilty that his family killed all of Aang's friends. "I know I wasn't involved with destroying his temple but I feel guilty. I feel guilty about everything my family did."

She looked over at him and shook her head. "Like you wasn't you."

"But sometimes it was me. Like the time when I went to Kyoshi Island, entered Suki's village trying to fight you guys...and then I ended up destroying it."

She stayed quiet and played with her mother's necklace.

"I don't understand how everyone I hurt forgave me."

"Well, not to be stereotypical...but not everyone else is a hot headed fire bender. Most people forgive."

He rolled his eyes and landed the ship.


•••Aang and Toph's perspective•••
Toph walked down the steps of the Southern Air Temple and suddenly stopped. She could sense that there was a gap and she fixed it. She then kept walking.

Aang still followed behind her. He walked up next to her and grabbed her hand holding it in his. She ripped her hand away. "Aang just because I'm blind doesn't mean you need to guide me."

"There could be booby traps. I know you like to be independent but you can't be here, it is dangerous."

Toph turned to him or at least tried to. "Shut up..." she mumbled throwing a rock at him which he redirected off the edge.

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