Chapter Ten

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Zuko still had no idea that his girlfriend burnt a small community to the ground. In fact no one knew and no one would know considering it was such a small place. The community was irrelevant to most people. He would not hear about the incident for months and by then it'd be too late, he'd be stuck with his crazy girlfriend forever.


•••Zuko and Katara's perspective•••
Zuko landed the Airship a little while east of Meio's village. He yawned and got up. He touched his scar for a moment and thought about what he did to Iejo.

He bit his lip realizing he had burnt Iejo the exact same way his father had burnt him. But Iejo deserved the burn unlike Zuko who didn't do anything wrong. He would now use that as his sort of trademark, that's the mark you got if you tried something on Zuko.

He glanced at Katara and noticed that she had already fallen asleep. He picked her up from the chair, bridal style, and carried her into her cabin. He laid her down on the mattress and covered her with the blanket.

Katara felt herself being jolted around and she woke up. She sat up quickly and bumped heads with Zuko. They both groaned but she began to laugh slightly as she rubbed her forehead. "Owe..." she mumbled looking at his facial expression.

Zuko pouted like a child as he rubbed his forehead. "That hurt..." he mumbled softly. "Well I'm going to bed. See you in the morning.."he said.

In that moment after looking at her he pulled something risky, something he hadn't pulled in about a month and a half. He leaned down and kissed her, on the lips. He didn't care that she was on her mattress.

Katara gasped but then closed her eyes as she kissed him back. She put a hand on the back of his neck pulling him closer, but she then realized what she was doing and how wrong it all was. "I guess you were jealous earlier..." she whispered.

Zuko pulled away, opened his eyes and looked at her. He didn't understand why she wouldn't accept him. So what if he cheated on Mai or had an affair (if they ever got married), why did it matter? He was Zuko and he knew Katara liked him. What girl wouldn't want to be his mistress? Which was a rather cocky way of thinking. It frustrated him at times how Katara had such strong morals on this topic.

She placed a hand on his chest and began to blush. "Zuko, you need to stop...." she whispered and turned on her side facing the dark wall. "You should leave, go to bed."

Zuko narrowed his eyes. "Well you're correct I was jealous..." he whispered and left the cabin. He closed the door for her and sighed. He ran a hand through his hair.

He knew exactly why she was being so stubborn about this topic, it was because of Jet. He figured Jet had pulled stuff like this on Katara a lot and she didn't want another girl going through it. And also she claimed Mai hated her and knew what was happening between the two, he rolled his eyes. "Patience..."he told himself.

Little did he know Mai destroyed a town just because she was jealous. And if he knew that well, then he'd definitely get rid of Mai, for good.

He should've known she was crazy after she was left with just Azula all those years. He knew that Mai told him that she was willing to fight Azula because that's how much she loved him, but didn't that just show craziness? At the moment Zuko did love both Katara and Mai. But Azula must've gotten in her head.

He walked into his cabin, the cabins were no bigger than a small walk in closet. He got under his blanket and fell asleep.

And even if Zuko really did want to be with Katara according to Fire Nation code he couldn't, the Fire lord stayed with FireBenders only and it was strict. They couldn't just be a regular citizen they needed to be a bender. He didn't know how the people would feel about him dating a WaterBender but he figured they wouldn't like it.

A Different Nation a New Code (Zutara)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang