Chapter Eleven

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Sokka and Suki's wedding planning was going great. Everything was coming together slowly but other than that it was great. They were working slowly because they didn't want to waste all their money at once and they wanted the best deals they could find. They were planning on having an elaborate wedding.

Another reason Sokka was holding out on planning and getting things together was because he wanted his sister to be there the day he was married.

Aang and Toph were doing great as well. She wouldn't let go the fact that she had miss stepped and got caught in that booby trap. Aang tried reasoning with her telling her it'd obviously happen eventually but she was still upset about the whole situation.

Toph eventually got over the situation and she taught Aang how to metal bend just a bit. He'd never be a master like Toph but he knew how to bend simple metals.


•••Zuko and Katara's perspective•••
Zuko walked into the ladies house and looked around, every single thing was the same as his grandparents had it. He clenched his fists and looked at the lady. "Do you have a husband I'd like to speak to him..." he grumbled. Every single item of furniture in this house was his grandparents, all of it.

The lady nodded hesitantly and disappeared into the parlor. She seemed scared and rather anxious but Katara didn't blame her. Zuko was being intimidating at the moment. She took Zuko's arm and looked at him. "Zuko you're scaring that women. Whatever happened to your wasn't her fault...most likely" she said trying to calm him down.

Zuko pulled his arm away and looked at Katara. "Exactly you said, most likely ..."

The women came back with a man who used to be a powerful General in his father's army, Sentzo. The General froze as he saw Zuko, he was now retired.

Zuko pursed his lips together and walked over to Sentzo getting in his face. He balled his fist up a small flame appearing, he wasn't controlling himself. "Why are you living in my mother's childhood home...?" He asked.

The women took a step back, she was frightened. She walked back into the Parlor and came out with a couple of kids. She then left the house.

"Zuko..." Katara whispered. She was concerned that he was in such an angry uncontrollable state. And the fact that he wasn't backing down even though this man had children scared her even more.

Zuko let his fire disperse and he walked around the man in a circle. "Will you answer me or not?"

Sentzo watched Zuko the boy didn't scare him but what scared him was what would happen to him if he hurt Zuko. He knew who Zuko' friends were, and one of them was standing right there, Katara second strongest Water Bender in the world. He knew if needed he could take Katara but not for long, he wasn't young like he used to be. "Your father told kill them..."he said.

Zuko's fist lit up again and he took a deep breath trying to control his anger. He stopped and stared him in the eyes. "Did you..?" He asked.

Sentzo didn't answer he averted eye contact, Zuko grabbed Sentzo's chin and brought his flaming fist meters away from his eye. "Tell me...or I burn you..."

Sentzo smirked, "Father like Son..." he whispered.

That set Zuko off and he didn't hesitate to burn Sentzo's eye. He stumbled back but not for long because he immediately fired back.

"Stop!" Katara yelled washing water into the flame. "Zuko calm down! Don't do that and don't give into this man..." she said.

Zuko let his shoulders rest and he took a deep breath. "Sentzo...I only need the truth and I won't hurt you...again" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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