Chapter 4

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Victoria's POV

So the plan for this semester was pretty clear. We were putting on the classic, 'Romeo & Juliet'. But because we were producing this event in a middle school full of 12 and 13 year olds, the principal had told us to not have the lovers die at the end, which seemed to get Louis pretty pissed off.

As we went over the syllabus and the children got to know the auditorium, I couldn't help but notice Logan, who was wearing a sad expression on her face as she sat in the back row.

Before I knew it the bell rung, and Louis dismissed the class. "Logan!" I called out, catching up with her. She collected her binder and pencil and gave me a shy grin.


"Is something wrong?" I asked her

Her eyes lowered to the ground.

"No, it's just that I'm kind of nervous. Not only about the play, but because of my friends. We don't have a lot of classes together, and I don't want us to split apart"

My heart ached at her words. I could definitely relate, seeing as I had plenty friendship problems throughout my middle school years as well.

"Believe me, I can relate to that" I began.

"When I was in 7th grade, about two months into the year or so, I felt like me and my group of friends were growing apart, and I really didn't want that to happen. But you know how I solved that problem? By hanging out with them on the weekends, and by cherishing the moments spent in the day with one another. Along the way, I did make some new friends, and so did they. To this day, we still keep in touch, so don't loose faith okay?"

Logan gave me a smile.

"Thank you so much"

"No problem. Now get to 2nd hour" I laughed.

She walked out of the class room, her long blonde ponytail swinging behind her. I smiled once more, and turned around to see Louis staring at me from the stage.

"Wow" he sighed, placing a box of props on the ground.

"You handled that pretty well"

"Yeah well, I went through the same stuff she did, so I figured she could go for some advice.

Louis simply nodded at my response.

"Come over and help me with these props, will you? 2nd hour starts in 4 minutes" he asked.

I walked over, my boots making soft thumping noises on the ground. But I wasn't aware of was that as I climbed up onto the stage, there was a lone syllabus laying on it. I tripped over packet and was ready for a really bad fall, when I felt a strong pair of arms catch me. I instantly got the chills.

I looked up, right into Louis green eyes.

Louis POV

I watched her mouth move as she told me about her talk with Logan. They were plump, and a beautiful shade of pink. She often licked her lips as she spoke, her tongue poking out in a way that was just so goddamn cute. What the hell was this girl doing to me? I didn't have feelings for her, fuck no. We'd just met, and I was under the impression she didn't exactly like me.

She pursed her lips together as she finished talking. I didn't really hear much of what she had said since I had gotten...distracted, so I just nodded.

I came back to reality, realizing next period was going to start.

"Come over and help me with these props, will you? 2nd hour starts in 4 minutes"

She walked over, light brown waves bouncing up and down as she moved. Shit, why was I observing her every fucking move?

As she climbed up onto the stage, I noticed an extra syllabus laying down. I didn't even think as I ran over to catch her.

Victoria's POV

My heart began to race faster, at his touch. He had caught me, just like in the musicals I went to where there was dance. The male lead would spin the woman around and then catch her just like Louis was doing now. I snapped back to reality and lifted myself up from Louis hold.

"Uh...thanks" I awkwardly spoke.

"Yeah uh, be careful next time"

Students were starting to come in as the bell for 2nd hour rung.

Victoria's POV

Before you know, 3rd hour was over and it was time for lunch. I went into the lounge to find Rosie talking with a familiar looking brunette. I walked over to them, and they both looked up,

"Ohmygod, Carolyn? Is that you?!" I shrieked, hugging my other best friend.

"Hey! I was going to call you, but my phone lost battery"

"It's fine" I grinned, plopping down into the seat next to them.

We talked for a few minutes, catching up on our lives, and planned to hang out this weekend.

"I'll be right back, gotta go to the bathroom" I excused my myself

I roamed the halls, and spotted a sign indicating the location of the restroom. Then I noticed a tall figure leaning against the wall, the only trace of identity being a mop of curly brown hair. I quickened my pace, feeling a surge of fear washing over me. As I passed the stranger, thinking I'd make it into the restroom before who knows what happened, a large hand grabbed my wrist pulling me behind.

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