Chapter 5

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Victoria's POV

My dark brown eyes met with sparkling green ones. The stranger looked around my age, and had messy curls and plump lips. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans and I could see multiple tattoos all over his body.

"Hey babe" he breathed out, the smell of mint filling my senses. I tried to move from his grip, but his large hands firmly held my wrist.

"Feisty, aren't we?" he chuckled, and I hinted a British accent. I continued to try to squirm out of his hold.

"Please let me go" I whispered.

"Sure" he whispered into my ear, his warm breath giving me chills.

He let go, and I grabbed my now sore wrist and rubbed it. I looked up at him to see he has a devious smirk on his face.

"See you later, gorgeous" he winked at me, walking away. I continued to stare at him until he vanished.

I sighed, and checked my watch. 35minutes of lunch left, then one more class and I could finally go home. I continued my original plan, and went to the restroom. When I was done, I continued to replay what had happened. Who was that guy? I mean, he just appeared out of nowhere.

I shook my head from those thoughts, and decided to head back to theater. I could help Louis out, and maybe ask him if he knew the mysterious stranger. As I entered the classroom, I spotted Louis looking over assignments.

"Victoria...Did you come to help?"

"Um, no actually. I wanted to talk to you about something. I was on my way to the restroom during lunch," I began.

"And I had...encountered this...guy. He had curly hair and was wearing a lot of black. He had tattoos too? And, well he grabbed my wrist from behind me and said he'd 'see me later'. Look I know you probably won't care, but he just disappeared after and I..."

I glanced over at Louis. His expression had darkened, and his fists were clenched.

"Stay away from that guy. Harry's trouble" he firmly told me.

"You know him?"

"That's none of your concern, Victoria. I'll...I'll deal with this. In the meantime, you can help. Just...go over to the art room. Ask for some markers and colored paper and then come straight back in here"


18 minutes of lunch left

I huffed while eying my watch. I headed down to the art room, and walked in to see Rosie emerged in a deep conversation with Harry. She shook her head, and glared at him. She mumbled a few words and then pushed him out of the room. Her face paled when she saw me.

Harry stopped in his tracks and gave me a smug smile.

"Well well well" he began. "It's a small world after all"

I ignored him and focused my gaze on Rosie.

"Hey, uh Louis said that we needed some art supplies for next hour" I explained.

"Woah, Louis? Louis Tomlinson?" Harry asked, an amused expression on his face.

"Yes" I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "Hey babe, why don't you and I go pay a visit to Louis since your already on your way. I bet he'll be thrilled to see me"

"Yeah, that's not happening" Rosie protested, giving him a death stare.

"Aw, really? Who's going to stop me" he laughed.

I bit my lip in order to keep from smiling. I found it his laugh quite amusing. I quickly shook the thoughts from my head and faced Rosie.

"I'll just go, I don't want to start anything"

"Good girl" Harry said, gazing at me

Rosie groaned and stomped back into her classroom.

Harry followed my lead as I shuffled across the hallway. I could feel him on my trail, his black boots making soft sounds on the floor.

When we reached room 117, I turned around to look up at Harry. I felt a little intimidated due to my petite height. He basically towered over me.

I noticed a curl peeking out just below his eyebrow, and fought the urge to brush it away.

"You like what you see?" Harry's raspy voice spoke. He took a step towards me, and my heartbeat increased.

"I know I do" he scanned me, his eyes trailing up and down my body. I instantly felt self conscious, and suddenly my dress appeared to look shorter then it was this morning. He took another step towards me, and I could hear low breaths escaping from his mouth. He leaned in, and I swore he was about to kiss me, when the door knob turned.

Louis was standing in the doorway with an unpleasant look on his face. He looked at me as if to say 'I told you to stay away from him'

"Long time no see" Harry spoke, smirking at Louis, as he leaned against the wall.

I could see Louis eyes turning a darker color of green, and his fist clenching.

"Victoria, go inside" he instructed.

"What, no" I protested. There was no way I was leaving them two alone.

"Angry aren't we?" Harry chuckled.

"You're are one lucky man, having this beauty helping you around" he said, pointing his chin toward me. They were not about to make me apart of this.

When Louis didn't respond, Harry's face crept into a sinister smile.

"What're you thinking about mate? Cause what I'm thinking is how great Victoria would be in bed. Just thinking of all the dirty things I could do to her..."

My mouth fell open at his crude remark. Before I could say anything, Louis' fist connected with Harry's jaw.

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