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"Its been a while since I've been to a concert, Tara" "Don't worry, I'm an expert in Concerts and music. With me by your side it will be a guaranteed fun time." She couldn't have been more wrong.
I hate Tara. Not like hate-hate but like hate. My hatred for her goes to the extent of blocking her on social media for a period of time just so I can rid myself of her presence. Its not like we hate each other, we are actually really good friends. Maybe even best friends. I don't know what I would do without her.
"I don't know T. Will we even fit in?" "Its a concert, not a swingers bar. Relax, everything will be fine. So you are gonna take this extra ticket, get dressed, and I will be over there within an hour. We better leave now if we want to make barricade." With that said she hung up on me as if I said yes.
Do you know someone who is basically at all the events and festivals and posts about all over instagram and snapchat? Tara is that someone. She basically runs the venue scene. Shes at ALL the latest indie band concerts and knows everything about the band, the members, their social media, everything. She swears its not an obsession though. I wish I was as fun as her and I could go to all the concerts, but I, don't have the money and I'm sooooo busy with my blog. But I know it wouldn't do much harm to actually go out and have fun; instead of just sitting here and trying to catch pokemon from my couch. Wait. She didn't even tell who we were seeing. I think she texted me their name. Oh! "The Griswolds" we've listened to some of their music before. I think they're nice. This should be fine.

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