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Fading in and out of consciousness I'm taken backstage. "Dammit girl, why'd you try to jump onstage?" the manager frantically said to me. I tried to speak but all that came out was gurgling noises. "I'm sorry" I finally said slurring my words together. "But you don't have to cancel the show because of my dumbass." I apologized. "That's cute, you thought we were gonna end the show because of you? Besides Magic Man still has to do there set. Here, we are just gonna let you stay back here until paramedics arrive. Your friend is outside on the phone with someone, so you should be just fine get some rest." the manager said to me as he left.
I cant believe this shit man. I ate weed cookies, tried to jump onstage and gave myself a concussion, and this dick tells me to get some rest? YOU ARE NEVER SUPPOSE TO SLEEP WITH A CONCUSSION THAT SHIT CAN KILL YOU! So, I'm trying to stay awake and alert but man could I use some sleep. Those weed brownies are doing just the trick to numb out the pain but they're also trying to make me sleep. I decided to pull out my phone and blog about this moment since i couldn't go to sleep, but even my boring typing couldn't save this moment. Maybe closing my eyes for two seconds wont kill me. Just as I have this thought a knock came on the door. Must be Tara I thought. "Come in, I'm Fine." As the door opens a man pops his head in "Hello?" he says. My vision is still a little blurry and fucked up so I'm having a hard time associating who he is. But its not Tara. "Hey, pal how are you feeling" he says. As he gets closer i slowly understand whats happening. Danny fucking Duke. We talked about him in the car and now here he is actually in front of me. "Holy shit, its danny" I said unaware that I actually said that. "haha yeah I am, i guess" he chuckles. "that was quite a gnarly tumble you took out there, what were you thinking?" he looked at me grinning. "Ate some weed brownies for the first time" I laughed off. "Nice!" he said holding his hand up for a high five. I have never smacked someones hand so quickly. "Where are the others?" I asked him. "Oh they're backstage, they told me they would come back here after Magic Man's set. But I wanted to check on you first" He wanted to check.... on me? "Dude, that was intense the way you had the crowd shouting. We've never had that happened before. Pretty hot."he said looking away from me. Holy shitballs. Did he just say I was pretty or did he say i wad Hot? "Yeah, I know pretty stupid. I guess I just wanted your attention." I said slowly realizing that I actually said that out loud. "Well you definitely got mine" he said smirking. It got eeriely quiet. We were staring at each other, I took a deep breathe and I sat up. He noticed me moving and slowly came towards me. I could feel his hot breath under mine. His oil black hair sleeked backed. He was perfect. It was Perfect.

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