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The heat of a thousand bodies uncomfortably press against mine, as i jump to the music.
Panama Wedding, Just finished their set and now we we were waiting for the reason why we came here. Everytime someone comes on stage or the lights go down, everyone starts screaming. I'm sweating the fuck out and I'm just really excited to hear 'Mississippi'. The tour manager comes out and plays a spotify playlist while they set up. Halsey, St.Lucia, Børns, and Miniature Tigers play so far on the playlist. I don't know the songs and I could care less. But, BITCH, when I said I threw the fuck out to Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Run Away With Me' I was LIVID. No one knew that song but me I guess, It was the best moment.
Suddenly, the lights go down for a fifth time and everyone screams again. I don't scream. I don't understand why you would when you don't even know if the band is about to play yet. But as if it were some ironic twist, The Griswolds finally step on stage. Blood curling screams fill my ears as the boys go to their instruments. My heart pumps and I start screaming like a wild fan girl. Then they start playing.
Down and Out, 16 Years, If You Wanna Stay. They are playing all the jams. I'm Dancing so hard even Tara is weired out. I'm jumping, screaming, dancing, singing. I'm so alive. Then the moment my heart stopped, "Here we go Walking down the Mississippi on our own" IM SHAKING AND SCREAMING. I'm so happy in this moment i feel pure joy as the world slows down around me. Then the fucking bridge comes on. I'm so joyful in this moment that my body takes over. The next thing I know, I'm climbing on top of the barricade. Everyone is cheering me on and holding me up so I don't fall. I can faintly hear Tara say "THAT'S MY GIRL! I see the weed cookies are finally in play" No wonder I'm acting so differently. I'm jamming so hard on top of the barricade that i didn't notice chris staring at me pointing his finger and smiling. My soul is shook. Then i saw them, Security charging towards me, in a last second decision I jumped. Like a flying squirrel i jumped arms and legs spread out and tried to fly onstage.
I missed. Well, sorta. My ribcage hit the stage knocking the wind out of me and i fell back hitting my head on the barricade and I went unconscious. Way to fuck up the concert.

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