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Our lips pressed against each other, our bodies molded into one. The pure silence of air and nothing but our breathing filled the room. He pulled back and looked at me. I'm wide eyed and in awe. He grins and laughs because he knows what he's doing. He turned around to lock the door and turn off the lights. Pitch Black.
I was awaken to the sound of cheering. Danny must have left to go back onstage for the finale. I crept out of the green room to go peek onstage "This goes out to our homie who took a trip tonight, we love ya dude!" Chris said into his mic. The crowd cheered. I was touched, I have never been so appreciated before. I started feeling better and I went looking for Tara. I found her in the corner on her phone. She looked upset. "I'm on my way home now" she said. "Everything alright T?" I asked "Its fine, whatever" she whispered under her breath. We left the venue and began walking toward the parking garage. We walked in silence. I looked over to Tara who seemed like she had seen a ghost. Pale complexion and goosebumps. She seemed hurt. "Tara, is everything OK?" I asked. No response. "Its OK. You don't have to tell me. Just take your time." I told her.
We found her car and got in. As we drove away I could see tears form in her eyes. I knew something was wrong but she wont tell me. "This is my last concert." she said. "What? Why?" I asked. She breathed heavily as tears began to fall. She wasn't responding. "I can never go back." she muttered minutes later. "Why are you talking like this? Stop being so vague." I said. Then she swerved off the road and pulled over. I looked over at her confused, what is going on? She laid her head on the steering wheel and cried. She cried hard and loud. "Just take your time." I said. I laid my head against the window and closed my eyes. I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

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