Chapter 3

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"What the hell!" I groan.

This day is going to be pretty freaking great. Oh I just know it! Note that, that was sarcasm! I look up at the same time the human pole looked up. 

"You've got to be freaking kidding me!"

"Its you again, stupid b*tch!"

We both groan at the same time, but her's just sounded more nasally. This day just keeps getting worse. Far out! I prayed that I would never see this fake Barbie again and here I am standing face to face with her! She looks even more fake than yesterday. Her face was basically covered in mounds of make up.

"I told you that you better watch it!" She screech. It took me a great amount of strength to not cover my ears and laugh at how stupid she sounds, I would've been the one that looked weird if I'd did that.

"You know each other?" Another nasally voice joins the fun. I look over at Human Pole's shoulder and recognize her as the other fake plastic I saw yesterday. Yet again, she looks more plastic.

"Oh its just the tramp I saw yesterday. The one I was telling you about," she keeps her eyes fixated on me. 

I scoff, "Excuse me?"

"You're excuse," she smirks.

"I would love to insult you but I'm afraid I won't do as well as nature did," I copy the look she was giving me.

She gasps and closes the gap between us, "You better watch what you're saying, I'm not the person that you want to mess with."

"Actually, you're the first," I glare at her and push her back. She tumbles back but her friend helps her stay balanced.

I am aware that we were attracting a little crowd. At the moment, I couldn't really give a damn. This girl can't just keep coming up on people, thinking that she's superior. Has no one ever told her off? 

Human Pole narrows her piercing icy blue eyes at me. She opens her mouth but gets cut off by her stupid best friend. 

"You-" number two human pole starts but gets cut off as well when number one pole snaps her fingers in front of her face, giving her a you-don't-talk-when-I'm-about-to.

"Well, we would love to insult you as well but... But," she looks over at her best friend and whispers something like, 'help me out now!'

"But... We're not going to," her number one follower continues for her and she nods her head like she said something amazing. "Oh yeah, that's right! You just got told!"

"Shut the hell up!" Human Pole groans.

"You do realize that make up isn't going to make up for your stupidity?" I ask the both of them.

Gasps were heard and Human Pole #1 looks around her, looking for someone to come and help her. I doubt that anyone's going to help her anyway. I figured that she's the Queen B*tch that every high school has. If it wasn't obvious enough.

"Cole! Get over here, Cole!" She whisper-yells at a guy.

I follow her line of sight and my eyes lands on the most yummiest, human being ever. I gasp and pretended to just cough. If he turns out to be an ass I am going to kill myself. Actually, what the hell am I talking about. I'm never going to kill myself over some stupid, yummy looking guy.

He slowly walks towards us with three other boys following him. They all looked just as good as him, well maybe he looked the best but... Oh, damn it! I need to focus!

"You just got roasted!" A blonde guy from the group says to the human poles, may I add that he is smoking hot as well.

"F*ck off, James!"

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