Chapter 54

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Daniel sat on the front stoop, watching his mate disappear into the trees. He felt like he was holding his breath. He knew Faith, Cara, had the ability to save him, or break him. While he'd never wanted a mate, he had one now, and he felt foolish for his earlier naïveté. Choose not to have a mate? Where was the choice? Men, or in this case werewolves, made choices and fate laughed. A self-deprecating smile crossed his face, and he admitted to himself that he'd been foolish—not the smartest thing for a leader to be, but true none-the-less.

A crack echoed off the trees, and birds startled into flight. His body tensed, and for a moment, he couldn't think. He certainly didn't process what he'd heard. Then the world seemed to start up again, and it clicked for him.

A gunshot.

He jumped off the steps, shifting in midair, instinct ruling him. He was faster, more dangerous, in that form. Reaching his destination in moments, he hung back. Faith stood hunched over, holding her stomach. He whined.

Her head whipped over and she met his gave. Pain clouded her eyes, but she locked her jaw, then dashed to his position. He nuzzled her hand, the only spot he could reach, and listened. She sat down next to him, but seemed to know silence was needed. But even the animals had grown quiet now. He scented the air, but could detect nothing but Faith's blood.

He shifted back, and turned to Faith. Her eyes were bulging as the focused at about waste level. Crouching down, he lifted her, choosing continuing silence over the various less than stellar comments that flitted through his head in that moment. He had to get her to safety, and a healer... again.


Val sat next to Amy after he'd chased her, then somehow she'd started chasing him. It turned out werewolves really loved the chase. "What about hide and go seek? I'm rather brilliant at that one."

Amy laughed. "That's a children's game."

"And chasing someone isn't?"

She leaned in. "That's instinct."

He scratched his jaw. "I could see where hide and go seek could be too. It's sort of like hunting, and I'd have a much better chance of winning."

"Ha! You wish."

"Is that a challenge?"

"You bet your sweet ass, it is."

He raised his eyebrows, mocking innocence. "You think my ass is sweet?"

She punched him. "Don't get any ideas."

"I won't..." His words died in mid sentence. "Cara's hurt."


He got up off the couch, and opened the front door, waiting.

"What do you mean Cara's hurt?"

He turned to Amy. "I mean she's hurt. I'm certain of it."

"What did you sense? I didn't sense anything."

"There." He pointed to where Daniel streaked across the front lawn carrying Cara. "He's naked."

"Yeah, he must have shifted."

Val turned to Amy, realizing another level of her alienation here. She hadn't batted an eye at Daniel's nakedness, which meant werewolves getting naked to shift was probably a common occurrence. But, at least among humans, nakedness often had a very strong sexual association, one that would likely make Amy very uncomfortable, especially if it came with unwanted advances.

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