Chapter 17: So Cold

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     It was about midday now. The Saint was sitting in his chair in the war room, reading through the data Red had sent him. So far, nothing was important, just more shipment details, personal messages, and meaningless numbers, already translated to English. The green text illuminated the room with an unnatural glow. He sat there, nervously dry washing his hands, pondering the situation he was in. He already knew the team was angry with Nox and him. How were they going to handle the news that they were going to be away for a few days? Would there even be a team by tomorrow, or would it just be he and Nox? He really should have been up front with them about Nox's plan. His conscience had been eating away at him ever since. Damn conscience. Try as he might, he could never quite bury it for good, and every once in a while, it would get the better of him. Sometimes he did feel bad about the way he treated people. Like Miranda, his maid. Poor girl. She really was a sweet little thing, and he really did sometimes feel like his daily mental abuse towards her was unnecessary, but he needed to take his boiling rage and frustration out on someone. And he did pay her extra for the abuse, but at what cost? She probably resents him. She probably wouldn't hesitate to stab him in the back if she ever had the chance. He squeezed his hands together, and shook his head. No. His conscience was weakness. He didn't need it. Not now at least. Too much to do for it to get in the way. Still, there was some steam he needed to blow off. He turned around, to see Nox standing there. As he figured.

"How did I know you'd be there?" he said to Nox, his mind somewhere else. He stood up, grabbing the cane beside him.

"I didn't know you needed a cane."

"I don't," the Saint replied, striding over to a thin dueling sword mounted on the wall. He took it off the mount, holding it in his hands. Feeling the weight, its balance. He took a couple quick swings. Nice and light.

"What's the sword for?" Nox inquired. The Saint took the blade in his other hand and held it out to Nox. "For you," the Saint said.

"A duel?" Nox asked, taking the sword in his hand

"More like sparring. I'm a tad rusty."

"Thank you," Nox said, returning the sword to its mount, "but I have my own sword." The Saint stared at Nox, confused. Then what he meant became apparent. A short, katana style sword seemed to materialize at Nox's hand. The sword was called a wakizashi, used by the Samurai for close quarter fighting, and also allegedly attributed to the Shinobi. He twirls it around a bit. The blade whistles through the air before finally stopping, as Nox takes a backward style grip with the blade in his right hand, left shoulder facing the Saint. His left palm is facing outward, parallel to his body. The blade sticks out perpendicular. "Where is your weapon?" Nox asks quizzically. The Saint smiles. He takes his cane in both hands, then twists the silver orb on top clockwise. It slides out, revealing a thin, concealed sword. He holds the blade straight out with his right hand, shoulders pointing toward Nox, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bending. A fencer's stance. "Shall we?" the Saint asks.

"En garde." Nox crow hopps forward, feigning a slash. The Saint hops backward, blade still pointed at Nox. Then he steps forward, lunging. Nox parries, pushing the blade out to the side with his palm. Then he slashes low with his sword. The Saint skillfully evades this strike, stepping to his left. Then he makes a quick slash with his sword, aiming at Nox's face. The tip of his sword makes contact, scratching Nox's jaw. Nox wipes his jaw. A small crimson smear appears on his glove. Nox chuckles. "You are good."

"Oh yes," the Saint replies, lunging forward again. Nox parries again, this time with his blade, before counterattacking at the Saint's chest. The Saint easily deflects the blow, stepping to the side. Nox remains squared up with his opponent. The Saint slashes vertically. Nox parries it, this time pushing the Saint back with his foot. The kick strikes the Saint square in the chest, and he stumbles backward against the wall. Nox lunges, planting the wakizashi into the wall next to the Saint. "But I'm better," Nox says coldly.

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