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Dani messaged you

Dani: why didn't you tell me that Josh DMed you?

Luna: because it's been happening for a while and I didn't want you to feel left out. I didn't wanna add you because they might not let me..

Dani: that's not an excuse. Did you even ask?

Luna: no..

Dani: that's kinda rude tbh. Leaving your friend out?

Luna: I'm sorry Dani..

Dani: sorry won't cut it tbh

Luna: can I make it up to you?

Dani: who are you? I don't recall your name.

Luna: I guess we aren't frens anymore.

Dani: I guess not. Goodbye. Don't bother DMing me.

Dani: you're the worse person ever.

Luna: bye

I wanted Danielle to seem like the stupid friend that makes a big deal out of everything. Also

Petty: to blow things out of proportion.

Basically Danielle ^^

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