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7 years later

Luna: happy 7th anniversary

Tyler: I bought you some flowers 💐💐

Spooky Jim Christmas: I got you a chicken 🐔🐔🐓🐓

Luna: thanks guys

Luna: I got Tyler a diamond ring 💍 and Josh gets an alien 👽

Spooky Jim Christmas: thank you

Tyler: it's beautiful

Tyler: how are you and Josh?

Luna: our love is going strong :)

Tyler: that's great to hear!

Luna: I'm going on a date with him today,, I gotta go get ready for it

Spooky Jim Christmas: have fun!

I now live in apartment with Josh, and we're both 21. I opened the closet and picked out a blue cocktail dress and silver flats. I put on a moon necklace that Josh gave me last year, and I put my hair in a French braid. Looking in the mirror, I headed to the bathroom where Josh was.

"Baby, are you ready?"

"Yep! One second!" He walked out and we headed to the car.

Soon we arrived at a restaurant that Josh made a reservation to. A staff member sat us at a table and we looked through the menu.

A waitress came over with our food soon and we ate, making small conversation.

"That concert was the best thing that happened, wasn't it?" Josh spoke.

"That was 7 years ago! Of course it was great but you're the best thing that happened to me." Josh kissed me softly.

"Luna, I have something to say."

"Go ahead."

"Ever since I met you, I was in love with you. Every time I looked at you, I saw a light shine. You are my one and only moon."

"Aww thank you! You are my one and only Jawsh!"

"Thank you, what I'm trying to say is," Josh got down on one knee and pulled a box from his pocket.

"Luna Dawn Mayers, will you marry me?" I tried to look normal.


"Wait, what?" Josh looked torn.

"Just kidding! Of course, Josh! I will marry you!" Josh slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. The whole restaurant turned into clapping. I looked at Josh in the eyes.

"I'm in love with you." I whispered.

"I'm in love with you too."

We asked the waitress for our bill and she soon came back with it. We paid half and half and headed back home.

Luna: do you even know what just happened

Tyler: I think I know

Luna: what happened then

Tyler: Josh proposed to you

Luna: how did you know??

Tyler: Josh got in contact with me and since I proposed to someone before I gave him advice.

Luna: thank you Tyler :)

Tyler: no problem!

Spooky Jim Christmas: I heard someone proposed to someone

Luna: yes someone did

Luna: I proposed to you

Spooky Jim Christmas: what

Luna: jk Josh proposed to me

Spooky Jim Christmas: congrats!

Luna: thank you 💘

Luna: I'm gonna cuddle with Josh, bye

Spooky Jim Christmas: bye

Tyler: be safe :)

I changed into my pjs and got into bed with Josh.

"Thank you for proving to me that everything was right when I thought everything was wrong." I coo

"Anything for you, moon."

I love this chapter and it's a bit shorter than most chapters (not including DMs)

The last chapter will be posted soon actually because I love updating for you guys :)

I hope you enjoyed!

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