Part 7

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It had been a week since my father and my mate left. One hundred and sixty-eight hours, ten thousand and eighty minutes, and six hundred and four thousand eight hundred seconds had passed since I saw my mate for the first time in six years.

Being a father had agreed well with him, I thought as I left the clinic for the night, making my way to my brother's house. My mind drifted to my mate's son and my heart broke a little more. He looked just like Alexander, from his dirty blonde locks to his shocking blue eyes.

Opening the door to James' home, I walk in and take my shoes off, placing them in the foyer. Hearing my brother's voice drifting from the living room, I make my way towards him. "Well I'm sure that he will find someone Father. After all, he has been focusing on raising his son alone."

I froze at his words, standing just outside the living room. "What do you mean the council only gave Alexander a year and a half to find a new queen?" James sounded upset as he all but yelled at who he was speaking with. My heart stopped. The council was making Alexander pick a new queen; what was wrong with his wife? Wasn't she still our queen?

I had spent six years avoiding anything that related to my mate. Hearing about him and his life with his family was more than I could handle. "That's what your father told me. Alexander has had the past six years to find someone.

"And while I know that moving on after the death of someone you've loved deeply, he has the entire race to think about; not to mention his son. If he doesn't marry within the next year and a half, then he'll have to be acting king until his son is old enough to take the crown, and find his mate." The voice on the other side of the voice said as I strained to hear him.

I felt as if ice exploded throughout my body. The woman that Alexander had married died six years ago? His son was six, so he had been raising that little boy by his self? I hadn't helped any, had I? I had been running from him because I still believed that he was still hers, that he would never be mine.

Shaking my head, I cough softly before stepping into the living room. James looked over his shoulder and smiled at me. Quickly ending the call, he tossed his cell onto the coffee table and stood up. "You were working late tonight Kathy," he said with a smile before he hugged me. I hugged him back, nodding.

"I received a call from our father this morning." James sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "He's stepping down soon and both he and King Tate want me to take his place. I can't leave you here and I won't ask you to return to London." James suddenly stopped and smiled at me. I could see that he longed to go to our father and take his place; it meant the world to him. But he didn't want to leave me alone, and he didn't want me running into my mate. Giving my head a shake, my mind is quickly made up. 

"Why don't you call Papa back in the morning and tell him that the both of us will be in London next week. We have to let Alpha Bane know that we're leaving and he'll have to find someone to take my shifts at the clinic." The look of surprise and shock on James' face almost had me laughing. "I can't ask you to do that Kathy."

"I can't let you give up something that I can tell means the world to you." I cross my arms and James laughed. You're not going to let it drop, I can see." James sighed and smiled at me. "Alright, alright; I'll give Dad a call in the morning and let him know. But," he added as he sat on the couch, "this still doesn't mean I like the idea of you running into your mate or your mother."

"How about we make a compromise, James?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that we could buy a house in Kent. It's just right outside of London. During the week, you could stay with Dad in the city and on the weekends, both of you could join me."

"That's... a really good idea." I smile at him and glance at the clock. My morning shifted started early and I knew that I needed to get some sleep. "Well, I'm going up to bed. I'll see you in the morning." I placed a kiss on his head before making my way to my room.

The next few days were busy. James and Alpha Bane tried to find a replacement for beta, while I started to train a few healers to take my place. Our things were packed away and shipped to London. With Papa's help, we found a nice little cottage in Kent large enough for the three of us. But even though I was busy, Alexander was never far from my mind.

Knowing that he was no longer taken, my wolf wanted to rush to him. We had been away from him for far too long, but I held back. What if he didn't want me anymore? All I ever did was run from him.

It was decided that Papa would meet us at the airport and we would stay with him for a day or so before I went on to Kent. I was nervous because he stayed at the castle, though it was a private wing. My chances of running into Alexander were high and I had no idea what to say to him.

The sixteen hour flight I had made sitting beside James quietly. He would often start small conversations and I would nod my head, not really listening. He seemed to understand, and for that I was grateful. The two of us had exited the plane and were on our way to the baggage claim when James spotted Papa.

"I see him Kathy," he said as he rushed ahead of me, the crowd parting for him. Smiling, I hurried after him, eager to see my father again. "Where's your sister... Oh, there she is." I smiled at Papa as I hugged him. James left to grab our bags as Papa led us out to his waiting car.

I admit that I let my thoughts wonder as Papa's strong, warm voice filled my ears. He and James had been talking about what James would have to do as the head warrior. "... You've come at a good time son. Tomorrow night will is the ball. And I'm sure that it will be a grand affair."

Papa's words captured my attention and my head snapped up. An idea began to form as I shifted forward a bit in my seat. "Papa, I'd like to go," my soft voice broke through their conversation, reminding them that I was there. James whipped his head around to look at me, not liking the idea.

"Kathy..." James started to speak as he shook his head no. Papa glanced from me to James, slowly understanding that he was missing something. "What's wrong son?"

James sighed as he turned back around in his seat. "I don't want Kathy going because she might come across her mate."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Papa laughed, stopping when he saw the anger on James' face. "But I take it you don't agree with that."

"The last time that she ran into him, he had a family... marked another woman." I lay my hand on James's shoulder, calming him somewhat. "I don't blame him brother," my voice was a bit softer as I spoke. "He thought I was dead. We don't normally find our other half so late in our lives."

"If I ever meet Sharon Malloy, I'll kill her."

"James!" James looked at papa, his eyes hard. "All of what Kathy's gone through, Dad; is because of Sharon. So yeah, if I ever see her, I'll kill her." Papa's eyes met mine in the review mirror and I slowly nodded.

"James, I really wantto go. Besides, if he's there, I'll have you and Papa with me." I smiled whenmy brother sighed deeply and Papa chuckled. "If that's what you wantsweetheart, then after we get your things unpacked, I'll take you out for adress." James grumbled under his voice, but I just smiled. Alexander was notgoing to know what hit him tomorrow night. It was time that I got my mate. ݰ;c�!֘�H�

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