Chapter 1

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"Th-th-thanks Tra-cy." I slurred as I basically fell through the doorway to my house. I laughed and closed the door.

I wobbled into the living room to find a very handsome man but, the room was slightly spinning so it was probably all in my head...

"Well hello there handsome." I said. I tried walking up to him but in my drunk state, fell on the couch. I laughed.

"Woooo..." I said throwing my hands in the air and fell on my side laughing. The man just stood there watching my every move like I was a piece of prey.

"Sooo...What brought you here for?" I slurred my head tilting to the side. His eyes moved down to my neck and turned a redish color. I only laughed like the stupid drunk girl I was... He walked up to me placing a hand on either side of my head.

I pushed myself up with my elbows and placed a kiss on his nose and then both of his cheeks. My elbows shifted making me fall back and laugh. His eyes moved from my neck, to my eyes and then to my lips and BOOM! Lips on lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. My eyes were closed but I opened them when I felt my body being pressed against the wall.

Me being drunk, I didn't think much of being on the couch one second and then being on the wall the next.

His lips left mine and went down to my neck earning a delighted moan from me. He growled and moved his hands up my waist.

I felt myself start to drift off after that. "Goodnight." I giggled. My eyes started to close and I felt myself get placed on something soft before fully entering the world of darkness.

"OWWWWW!" I groaned as I placed my hands on my head. Hangovers suck!

My phone began to ring and I groaned again. "Shut up!" I said picking it up. I saw my best friends name on the screen and answered it.

"Hey Tracy..." I mumbled after placing the phone over my ear.

"Lets never get that drunk again!" She moaned.

"Agreed!" I pouted.

"So what happened to you last night? Any memory?" She asked me.

"Well, I either hooked up with a man at the bar or in my dream...?" I replied.

"Lucky! I'm pregnant now.." She sighed.

"WHAT!?" I screamed.

"HEY! HEY! Joking! Gee, quiet down girl!" She mumbled. She's right, I wasn't helping myself by screaming bloody mary.

"I hate you." I lightly laughed. "Never do that to me again."

"Like that's going to happen." She laughed.

"Yeah, you're right" It was in Tracy's nature to joke around and get people shocked like that. It's just what she did best!

"Ok, ya know what? I gotta go. Wendy's still sick and I gotta go try to survive this hangover and..." I gulped to hold back the vomit. "I'm going to go puke." I hung up and raced to the bathroom. Luckily, I made it to the toilet where I proceeded do I say this, puke my guts out...

We shouldn't have even been drinking! WE'RE UNDER AGE! Why am I such a rebel? One day it's going to kill me...

After all my guts were puked out, I went to the kitchen grabbed a box of hot fudge sundae poptarts and headed to my sisters room.

It was just us at home... Mom was at work for most of the day trying to get enough money to keep the house and buy food...

Our dad left when I was 5. I'm a year older then my sister so she was only 4 at the time... He would always call us 'his little princesses' and that's the reason no one dares call me that again. Well not because he called me that but because what he said when he left...

'I don't give a fuck about you or Wendy or Alice! You're just a piece of shit and the girls are nothing but worthless garbage!' His voice echoed through my thoughts.

'James please..." My mother begged him to stay.

"Daddy..." I looked up at him pleading. I was wearing my "I'm Daddy's Little Princess" shirt at the time.

I saw regret flash in his eyes for just a second and then it was gone... 'You're no princess of mine... Not you or your sister... You. Are. Nothing." He spat.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks as he stormed out of the door, out of our lives, out of our hearts...forever...

Two years later, my grandmother died... The police said it was an animal attack taking she lived in the woods. She was great... Caring, loving, kind and a little bit of sass. She would do anything to make the people around her happy and she made me happy every second I was with her... I loved her so much...

"Alice?" My sisters voice broke me out of the terrible memories. I shook my head to clear the thoughts and whipped away the single tear that had fallen. "Is everything ok?" She coughed. She just had a cold but it was a really nasty one. It wasn't even winter?

"Yeah... How you feeling?" I asked.

"I think I'm getting better, thanks" Her eyes moved down to the box of poptarts in my hand. "Can I have one?" She begged. I moved the box of heaven behind me.

"No. Way." I told her.

"Come on! Just one?!"

"No. Go get your nasty strawberry poptarts." I said scrunching my face up in disgust.

I didn't like strawberry poptarts because,

One: I just didn't like the taste


Two:Why have plain strawberry poptarts when you can have awesome hot fudge sundae poptarts?!

People say:You can't buy happiness.' JUST DID BITCHES!

Wendy faked a cough. "Aw, but I'm sick and have to stay in bed. Mothers orders." She innocently said. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk out.

"What about the poptarts?"She called out.

"You're not getting any." I said. I went to my bedroom and leaped onto my bed, careful not to damage the box of deliciousness.

I leaned onto my pillows and opened the box of happiness. I took out a package an opened that too.

Finally! Why do they make you do so many steps just to get to happiness?

I started to get tired. No, no, no! I opened my mouth to take a bite out of the poptart and BANG! Darkness...

When I opened my eyes again I was right where I had been when I fell asleep, in bed. I looked down and found the poptart still laying on my chest. "Oh yay!" I said picking it up and sitting up.

I closed my eyes and smiled taking a bite out of the piece of heaven. I swallowed and opened my eyes to take another bite but stopped just as my teeth were about to bite into the soft poptart.

"Can I help you?" I asked pulling it away.

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