Chapter 2

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There was a strange, yet handsome, man sitting in the chair that was in the corner of my room. I had to be in a dream! My dreams were normally very realistic anyway... Wait a minute...?

"You're the guy I saw in my dream last night?" He didn't do anything, just sat there watching me like a hawk...

"What's your name, dream man?" I asked. He still didn't do anything. "If you're going to be in my dreams at least tell me your name." 

He hesitated before replying. "Donn."

"Donn..." I tested the name on my lips and it somehow felt right. Donn seemed effected by his name leaving my lips too because his whole body tensed. 

"I'm Alice." I said and he nodded.

"I know." Well I guess he was kinda my dream so he probably already did know my name... I looked over him taking in his appearance. The exact image of a bad boy.

He had brown messy hair, a black shirt but his black leather jacket hid most of it, and then he was wearing gray jeans. His eyes were a dark blue just like the ocean.

"You seem like a bad boy..." I said. "Isn't that...bad? What about a good boy? Shouldn't you be more like that?"

"Bad boys ain't no good but good boys ain't now fun." He replied with a smirk. I bit my lip and moved my gaze up thinking.

"Hmm? Gotta point..." I shrugged. What to do, what to do... "Do you dreams have...uh..." How do you put this in words? "Well I mean... what do you like to do, if you do anything that is... Oh and uh besides being my dream, if you like being my dream..."

His sweet chuckle filled the air and I couldn't help a small blush heat up my cheeks. Probably from embarrassment though...

"Well, I do like hot fudge sundae poptarts." I hadn't even noticed he had stolen my box of poptarts till he reached down into the poptart box and pulled out a package.

My mouth dropped. No one steals my poptarts.

"Well Donn the bad boy, I'm now a cop and if you don't give me those poptarts right now, you're going straight to dream jail! And don't let the name fool ya, dreams don't come true there." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

He put on a fake worried expression and tossed me the box and package. I gave him a nod of approval and took a bite out of the poptart that had been sitting in my hand the whole time.

1 Week Later

Donn was a cool guy. Ok let me rephrase that. He was a cool, hot, bad boy. I'm sorry but he was hot! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't not get excited as I waited for sleep to take me over...

Wendy was better now and Tracy and I had still not gotten drunk so all was well!

After a couple more seconds, I was asleep. I opened my eyes again and sat up looking around to find Donn in his normal spot on the chair. "What's on the agenda today?" I asked.

"Well, I planed on having some of these delicious hot fudge sundae poptarts." He said as he leaned down and picked up the box of heaven. I gasped as he pulled out a package, opened it up and took a bite out of MY poptart!

"That's it you poptart stealing monster! You're going down!" After that I proceeded to leap to my feet and jump off my bed towards him. I grabbed onto the poptart box as the rest of my body fell to the ground. "I'll never let go Jack!" I screamed. 

Donn dropped the poptarts. "Shh!" He laughed. I got off the ground and sat down on the edge of the bed.

After a while of talking, most of the poptarts were gone...but we still have another box in the cabinet!

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