Chapter 7

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So! After this, it's all improv. That's right, this is all I have so up to the first 374 words is the last I have written. Then I'll go on to making the rest on this actual account ;3 Confusing so simpler way: Wrote on draft of PG account, copied down on R account, first 374 words end of draft part, rest is improv. IDK? Does that make sense? XD Hopefully it does ;3

We had everything set. Donn said that we wouldn't be able to have the bucket over the door because Donn never left his bedroom door open.

So here's the plan:

Donn calls Danny to come into his room so they can talk. Donn and I have the buckets around us and we stand in front of the door. When Danny comes in, Donn throws the marshmallow cream first and then I throw the crushed poptarts on him.

After that, we would quickly grab the two buckets of sprinkles and throw that on him. Then Donn would grab my dress that lay on the floor and throw it on him using his vampire speed. While he's doing that, I grab my phone and take a quick picture when he's done.

How do we get out of there? Donn gets us out using his vampire speed

Good? Let's find out

I looked over at Donn and we both exchanged a little nod before turning back to the door. "Danny. Come here for a second." He called out. It wasn't so loud because they were vampires and I mean, they had some awesome hearing.

"I'm not gonna walk in on anything am I?" Donn asked.

"Nothing but a sleepong Alice." Donn replied.

"A dressed, sleeping Alice?"

"Yes now get your ass in here." The door opened up to a chuckling Danny and right away, Donn threw the marshmallow cream onto him. I threw the crushed poptarts onto his frozen, shocked figure.

After that, Donn and I threw the bucket of sprinkles onto him. Donn grabbed the dress and I grabbed my phone getting onto the camera. Before Donn could put the dress on him, Danny dodged to the side in one swift movement.

I took a quick picture of the candy man before Donn picked me up bridal style.

"What about the dress?" I asked laughing.

"Hell no!" Danny argued.

"Ditch the dress idea! Run!" Donn laughed. "How's that for Mr. Serious!"

Just before Danny could grab us, Donn rushed us out of the room. He was going too fast for me to see anything so I couldn't tell if Danny was chasing us but he probably was.

Me and Donn were laughing. I could hear Danny groan and moan as the marshmallow cream starts to stick to his surroundings.

"Why?!" Danny asked.

"Because I'm so serious." Donn laughed.

"Come on! That was a joke!"

"And so is this!" I laughed.

"I can't even move anymore!" Danny complained.

We stopped and looked back at Danny laughing even harder as he tried to move. "I mean, vampire speed isn't even getting me out of this?!"

I took out my phone taking a few more pictures before I put my phone down and walked up to him. "Hmm." I said a mischievous smirk on my face.

He narrowed his eyes at me not able to move much but I could still see the gleam of humor in them and the small curl of his lips.

I scoped up some of the cream on my finger and licked it.

"Yummy!" I smiled.

"Fuck you." Danny laughed.

"Still gonna call me 'Mr. Serious'?" Donn asked laughing.

"I have to admit, this was a good prank," Danny laughed. "But it's too sticky! Not even vampire speed is getting me to move!"

"Ok," Donn laughed. "Alice, why don't you go swim in the pool or something for now. I'm gonna help Danny get out of this." 

"Ok." I said lightly laughing and walking off towards my room to get on my bikini.

It was pretty simply, just black and white polka-dots. I walked out and headed for the back screen door.

I opened it up and and stepped out before closing it again. I smiled looking at the pool. I loved swimming. It was just so relaxing.

I was about to step into the pool when I saw a rose a couple feet away next to the pool.

"Hmm?" I walked over and picked it up, careful not to prick my finger. I brought it up to my nose and inhaled it's beautiful scent.

The beautiful scent soon turned into a burning smell and I opened my eyes looking around.

At the edge of the forest, I saw the outline of a person. "Huh?" I looked down at the Rose to see it withering in flames. I yelped and quickly dropped it.

I raced to the pool flicking up some water, putting out the fire. I looked back where I had seen the man but he was no longer there.

I was a little worried and went back inside not wanting to swim anymore.

Danny walked by drying his hair as I walked in. He looked over at me and laughed.

"Why the worried face? I love a good prank." He said and raised his palm for a high five.

"Nah its not that, I'm ok..." I said.

"Who was who and what about a rose?" Donn asked coming in.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Danny asked.

"How did you-! Oh...." I said realizing I he could read my mind.

"Wait... DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?" Danny asked excitedly with a large smile on his face. "Oh I see it now! He did mark you!" Danny exclaimed happily.

Donn said something about that didn't he. Crap I forgot to hide it...

"Ok back to my questions, mind answering them?" Donn asked a little worried.

"It was really nothing..." I assured.

"Did you see someone outside?" Donn asked ignoring me and walking over to the door.

I quickly skipped over standing by he side. "Really Donn it was nothing..." I told him.

"What the fuck is that?" Donn asked seeing the withered, mostly ash, rose. He opened the screen door and walked outside picking it up. I followed him out.

"Where did this come from?" I could feel the anger and pain rolling off him in waves and it hurt.

"Donn nothing happened. It's not what it sounds like." I tried to sooth him. I knew what he was thinking and I might of too. I just didn't want him to get so worked up if it was nothing.

"You're gonna tell me what happened and you're gonna tell me now." Donn growled.


Q:Who and what do you think the person was who Alice saw. And what are your thoughts about that burning rose?

Ok at first it was a little hard to think of things after finishing the draft but I think I'm doing OK now ;3 I hope you like this chapter and I know a lot of things are starting to pop up >:3




And read on ;3

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