Chapter 13

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Down below my father was trying to dodge the moves of the two wolves. I looked back to Donn and he gave me a smile before slightly standing up and then leaning over pulling the feathers forward from the falcon.

The large bird swooped down loudly calling out. My father looked up and then raced to the side leaving the falcon to pull up.

"Urgh!" I looked back to my father to see him being flung to the side by one of the wolves. He landed harshly on the ground and as he tried getting up, one of the large, black wolves placed a massive paw down on him.

"Alice please! I'm you're father!" He tried begging. The wolf growled.

"No..." I said closing my eyes and lowering my head. "My father left me a long time ago..." I said looking back up. And with those words said, the wolf stabbing it's long claws into my father chest. It tore them out and then stomped it's paw onto the unbeating heart of my father as it flew out.

The bird flew me down and I hopped off its back. Donn raced over to me and pulled me into his embrace. I dug my head deep in his chest happy to be with him again.

"I thought I lost you Alice..." He sighed.

"I'll never leave you Donn." I promised as I looked up at him. "Never."

He smiled looking down at him. I turned my head as the guardians stepped forward but Donn grabbed my head and placed my forehead against his. "This is going to hurt but just stay strong ok?" He warned me.

"Hu-!" The next second, Donn's lips were crashed against mine. I didn't understand what he meant by pain? Donn what are you-! A burning pain, more painful then when I received the Ying-Yang mark upon my chest or any other pain I've felt in my life, tore throughout my body. The source, the core of all this pain, lay in my chest where the Ying-Yang lie.

I tried to scream out in pain and pull away but Donn didn't allow me to move. His strong grip kept me close refusing to budge at all. Tears slid down my cheeks at the pain and I felt my knees grow weak. The pain soon started to die down and when they finally did, Donn's grip loosened. All I could do was drop to the ground and hold my chest as some the burning pain still slightly lingered.

"It happens all the time." Donn said helping me up. "Whenever the gaurdians go back into the marking it'll feel like that. You'll get used to it though." He assured me.

"Easy for you to say, you're a vampire. You've got the very high pain tolerance." I grumbled. Donn gave a little chuckle and kissed my forehead.

"Well, even in the beginning when I first had them it did hurt like hell too." He explained.


"Yep. But like I said, you get used to it."

"I don't think I've seen you use them in a while." We both turned to see Danny walking up to us as he dusted himself off.

"Well I haven't had to." Donn replied shrugging.

"And I never knew you were royalty Alice?! When did all this happen?" He laughed.

"Well, I guess since grandma passed her power onto me... It might have been a lot more helpful if she told me everything though..."

The thickness in the air dropped and in walked Teryn and the rest of the coven.

"You ok?" She asked. Maybe she knew? Maybe she knew I had been royalty all this time?

"Did you know?" I asked. Teryn tensed and then sighed looking back at everyone who also seemed a little on edge.

"Well, we all kinda figured... We didn't tell you though because being a royal witch can be a little dangerous... A lot of other beings are gonna want your power. And now that your full power has awakened, beings are gonna sense it on you. It's a higher risk for you."

"What's the difference between witch power and royal witch power?" I asked.

"You see," Another wizard, Alaric started. "There's four categories of magic. Light magic, dark magic, white magic and black magic."

"I thought it was just light magic and black magic...? Wouldn't white magic and light magic be the same along with dark magic and black magic?" I asked.

"Nope!" Teryn said popping her 'p'. "White magic has to do with a bonding between the witch or wizard and nature."

Alaric flicked his hand and a green grass arose from the ground. "It's my specialty." He smiled.

"Light magic has to do with weather. You might think it kinda sounds like white magic but white magic focuses on animals and plants rather then weather." Alaric explained.

A little girl stepped forward and flicked her wrist. "White magic is what I'm learning!" She exclaims and a few snowflakes fall from above her. She sticks out her tongue and snowflakes land on it.

I gave a little laugh and patted her head which made a wide smile fall on her lips. "Then there's dark magic." An elder steps forward. "It has to do with shadows. Witches and wizards who practice dark magic are able to control shadows, it gives them a greater advantage during night." She said.

"Black magic is what I practice." Teryn said stepping forward. "I can control darkness and fire." She says and flicks her wrist a black ball of fire hovering above her palm. "We only use dark magic and black magic for good though. Most find it hard to control it and that darkness consumes them, changes them insanly. But some of us can control it." She say and as she closes her hand into a fist the ball of black fire vanishes.

"You, Alice, princess of the witches, are able to learn all of these." Alaric says.

"All of them? That seems like a big thing...." I say shocked.

"It is a lot..." He agrees. "But we're here to help." I took a nervous breath. I was very unsure about being a royal... I didn't want this... But I guess it would happen either way... But did I honestly have to be a witch?!

As a human all I would have to do is be by Donn's side. I know I wouldn't be able to do much as a human so it's not like I would be up front 24/7. But as as witch, I could use magic. I could protect myself, I was a supernatural creature. I could do more by his side rather then if I was human.

I wasn't ready for all this royal attention stuff... I wasn't to sure. I didn't think I fit the picture of a princess or queen. I mean after all, Miss. Dangerous, Miss. I'm gonna get drunk under age.

I've entered three doors in my life. The door to the human world, the door to the supernatural world and now, the door to the royal world... Like going to a ball in a sweatshirt and jeans...
(Optional Q:How would you react to something like this?)

Q:Do you think Alice can handle everything?

So the first question being optional you don't have to answer but I guess I'm just a little qurious. I know what I would do.

'~waves hand dismissively in air as turning around and walking off~ FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT'
but then I would be like:
'but bae's back there... shit...'
and then think about it for another 20 minutes... XD





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