Chapter 2 ((REDONE))

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Sweating, I make my way down the stairs, not bothering to shower, to get myself some cereal. Typical routine of grabbing a bowl, putting it down, pour some milk, pour the cereal, grab a spoon and start munching. I turn on the T.V to see what's on until I get a call...from work. "Hello?" I ask having a bit of anxiety of the phone. "The doctor called in sick today and I know it's your day off but we have so many appointments we can't afford to cancel them all." A nervous small female voice rang. "Am I gonna get paid extra for it, Bella?" I ask stirring my food. A "mhm!" reached my ear as I sighed. "Alright." I say and hang up not bothering to say goodbye. Today was the first day off in a while and I was looking forward to it but, money for another day off.

I know time skips are unprofessional but I doubt you want a detailed description about driving a car~~~~

I reached the giant gray building with tall fences and barb wire on the top lay. I walk in using my card before locking it up with the officer that stood by the door. I walk up some gray stairs, getting stared at by some crazies with white on, and reached a room that needed to be unlocked with another card. I unlock it, make myself some coffee/tea, and sit around awaiting my next patient in a white room with only a desk two chairs and a camera. Along with, of course, a coffee machine.  A unfamiliar man walks in with an officer that looked just as unfamiliar. I sit down at the more comfy chair as I invite him to sit with a small smile but eyes that meant I mean business. The officer hands me a file, thinner than the others, and walks out the room. 'Weird.' The patient sits down whilst looking down. He had long, tangled, and damaged black hair. His arms were just as pale as the shirt. Today's weird. I think but continue doing my job as a psychiatrist at the Juvenile Correction Facility. I put down the tape recorder, along with my notebook and the file. "Hello, I'm Dr.(L/N) as you know I'm the psychiatrist here I will be treating you until your time here runs out. May I ask what your name is? Or should I look at the file?" I ask handing my hand out to greet him. The man giggled and shook my hand but didn't answer his name. I look at the file, though it looked different than usual. There wasn't much information, with no picture, not to mention the paper was thinner than the weird paper the facilities used. I stay silent for a bit before looking up at him when he started giggling. I stood up but so did he. "Please sit down sir, I'm going to go ask the officer somethi-" Before I finish I hear multiple screams from outside in the halls. I run to the door to look out the window before attempting to swipe my card to get out, but the man grabbed it and threw it. The card's retractable string broke and the man slowly rose his head. My heart began racing faster than before as I realize, he's from my dream.

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