Chapter 3

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After our last meeting with Ms. Shoko, I begin to wonder if mom also had a microchip implant as well. None of them had mentioned anything about her, so I didn't feel like bringing this up. Mom was also one of the key researchers in Transhuman Development Project. It didn't matter whether she wanted it or not, she still needed to have a microchip implant. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to access the research facility.

I can't seem to recall any of mom's behaviors that felt odd to me. I don't think that will help me with anything. After all, anyone with a microchip implant will behave like they normally would. Dr. Hayama is living proof that the microchip implant doesn't hinder any of his normal behavior. So, I can only assume that mom did have a microchip implant. But it was already gone at some point. It's just that, I don't know when.

If she still had one, why didn't Satoru Yuuya killed her just like the other researchers? Why did he send skilled assassins just to kill her? I know that he did it just to capture us. He already expected that we wouldn't listen to him. So, sending skilled assassins to kill mom and dad was meant to be a warning sign for us to follow with his demand.

I can only conclude that mom no longer had the microchip implant at that time. Otherwise, he wouldn't need to send skilled assassins just to kill her. I still have the diary that mom left for us. We had finished reading the diary, but I feel like rereading the diary again. Maybe I can find the answers I've been searching for and other clues on what Satoru Yuuya is planning to do next.

"You're reading it again?" Yuuto asks me. He notices that I'm holding the diary as he enters my room. I nod at him. "I was just curious if mom still had a microchip implant with her when she wrote the diary. From the look of it, she didn't seem to have one. But who knows?" Yuuto sits on the floor before he begins to talk to me. "I think mom no longer had a microchip implant within her. If she did, they didn't have to come all the way to Tochigi just to kill her."

It looks like Yuuto and I are on the same page about this. We firmly believe that mom didn't have the microchip implant within her. But the question is, how did she manage to remove it from her arm? Ms. Shoko did say that it was impossible to remove the microchip implant by force. It may become even worse than triggering the suicide mode.

"Did you ask dad about this?" Yuuto asks me. I sigh when I recall dad's answer when I was asking him about this. "For some reason, dad seems reluctant to tell me anything about mom. He only said that mom was just like the other researchers. But that was just about it. He even told me to go and ask Ms. Shoko about this." Yuuto doesn't even look surprised at all with dad's answer. He may have known this that dad won't tell us anything.

"I guess that we need to see Ms. Shoko. But I do hope that Ms. Shoko is willing to tell us. I'm just worried that she doesn't want to tell us anything," Yuuto says to me. "Well, you don't have to worry about that," I say to him, "I've already told Ms. Shoko that we want to see her. And she's okay with that." Yuuto looks surprised that Ms. Shoko agreed to see us. "Did you tell her why we want to see her?" He asks me again.

"No, but I think she knows why we want to see her. I think dad must have told her that we will come to see her and ask her about mom," I say to him. Dad can be a jerk sometimes. I wish that he can be honest with us about issues like this. But he'd rather pass it to someone else. It's heartbreaking for us that dad doesn't want to tell us personally. But since he already knows that we're going to see Ms. Shoko, he seems to be okay with us asking her about this.

The next day, we've decided to meet with Ms. Shoko after school. We also have told dad that we'll be late to come home because we'll be seeing her today. Dad doesn't seem to oppose us seeing her, so I guess dad is okay with it, as long as we tell him where we're going. Even though we can always protect ourselves, dad can still be a worry-wart sometimes. There's nothing wrong with his reaction, anyway. He's doing what a father will do.

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