Chapter 9

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Thanks to our encounter with Mr. Nishikawa, now we have a new lead about Satoru Yuuya. Besides that, we've also found out about Shinya Fukuyama's relationship with Awatori Group. It's just that no one knows about his connection with the yakuza group. Based on the comments on Mr. Nishikawa's blog, his readers are already aware of this.

We still don't know how those guys who pursued Dr. Hayama back then received a microchip implant. But we believe that they were trying to hide the fact that they received a microchip implant from Satoru Yuuya. I guess they're trying to make it clear that Satoru Yuuya is not one of them. There must be a reason why they hide Satoru Yuuya's connection with the yakuza group. I wish I know the reason why.

Mr. Nishikawa is about to leave once he has finished his meal. Before he leaves, he then stops by at the counter and looks at Hayato. "Will you be my bodyguard?" He asks Hayato. Hayato looks puzzled because it sounds like Mr. Nishikawa's request seems out of the blue to him. But he ignores Mr. Nishikawa, though. He continues with his work, pretending not to hear anything about his request. He must be thinking that Mr. Nishikawa's request is rather absurd.

"Hey, I'm serious, you know! I'll give you double the amount of money they pay you here." He keeps on pleading to Hayato. But he's still ignoring him despite knowing that Mr. Nishikawa is serious about it. Dad looks annoyed when he sees Mr. Nishikawa keeps on pestering Hayato to be his bodyguard. "I'm sorry, mister. I guess you should just give up about this. Hayato isn't the kind person who will accept any offer, even if it seems lucrative to him," dad says to him.

Mr. Nishikawa seems disappointed when Hayato is rejecting his request. "Hayato, please say something to him. At least he won't bug you again if you tell him directly that you don't want to be his bodyguard," I whisper. He then turns to face Mr. Nishikawa. "Sorry, I don't work for anyone else. I only work for this family. So, I have no reason to work with you. You'd better go and find someone else to be your bodyguard."

Somehow, Hayato's words hurt him even more than before. I never hear him rejecting people, so this is the first time I see him doing it. Dad seems amused with what he sees, though. I bet that he's scheming something just to take advantage of Mr. Nishikawa's generosity.

"I'm sorry to hear that Hayato rejects you right off the bat," dad says, "But what about you hire Azuma instead? He may not be as strong as Hayato, but he's one of the strongest friends I have. I wish I can be your bodyguard, but I have too many things on the plate right now. I don't want to abandon my children only because I need to keep our cash flow afloat." Mr. Sakakibara shrugs when dad suggests him to Mr. Nishikawa.

"Hey, what's the big idea, Akira? Do you realize that this guy is nothing but trouble? When he came to my bar for the first time, I had to throw away those lanky for him. They were almost about to cause a ruckus in my place," Mr. Sakakibara says to dad. He looks so pissed when he recalls the incident, though.

"Well, isn't that better? Those guys already know how strong you are. So, they won't mess around with you anymore. Besides, you get an extra income besides your bar business. Shouldn't you be happy with that?" Dad says to him. I can tell that dad is being sneaky, persuading Mr. Sakakibara to accept the job. "Okay, fine! But you'd better compensate me nicely. I'm a busy person, you know," Mr. Sakakibara scowls at Mr. Nishikawa.

Mr. Nishikawa doesn't look happy at first. But since he already knows how strong Mr. Sakakibara is, he doesn't have any objection about that. "Before that," dad says, "Azuma will be your bodyguard starting tomorrow. But for today, my son, Yuuto will escort you home. He may be young, but he's also as strong as Azuma." Yuuto then escorts Mr. Nishikawa out of the coffee shop.

Both Mr. Nishikawa and Yuuto leave the coffee shop after that. "I never thought that someone who is so timid like him is willing to cooperate with Public Security Bureau. I thought that he's the kind of person who hides behind the computer screen. And hoping that somebody else will take action instead. It looks like I underestimate him all this time," Mr. Sakakibara says to us.

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