Chapter 10

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Your entire body ached. Your eyes refused to open, while your arms and legs refused to move. Even not moving they were pure agony, you couldn't imagine what they would be like if they did eventually move. You could feel your muscles twitching, the beating they took taking its toll.

In the back of your mind there was a nagging feeling, one that told you, you knew this pain. That this wasn't the first time that this happened. But when? The harder you tried to remember the less you could, all you could see was white. Flurries of it, a pure white that reminded you of only one thing. Snow? Why would you be seeing snow?

This hard bed you were on wasn't helping too much either. It was digging into every part of your body that touched the hard surface. It was cold as well, not that you minded the cold but it was chilling.

The darkness that seemed to surround you, seemed to be slowly fading as you gained control of your limbs. Moving just your fingers at first and then more. Your arms you moved next, twitching and shuffling them as you tried to gain back control of your numb, aching limbs.

When you were moving you had a realization. The hard surface underneath you were on were stones. Your legs you could move next, but you still couldn't open your eyes. You wished you hadn't started moving, the pain seemed to intensify the more you moved but you couldn't stop. You needed to get up and get out of here.

Whatever this guild wanted you for wasn't good. Whatever they were going to do to you wasn't good either. Not if they didn't care if you were dead. Then there was the matter of Hiro as well. Did they get him too? Is he safe?

You finally get the strength to lift up your arms up, but you don't get very far as you feel resistance around your wrist. You feel yourself frown as you realized you were shackled to the ground. This was worse than you thought. Taking a deep breath, you forced your eyes opened, only to be met with more darkness.

You turned your head, the darkness spinning with your growing headache but still forced it to move. A tiny fraction of light seeped into the room from a large imposing door at the other side of the room. So much so that it didn't even reach where you were laying. This door had no windows, and only one side let in the small sliver of light.

The cuff on your wrists caught the light and you had to narrow your eyes to see the small engraving in the darkness. Magic cancelling cuffs. These people aren't stupid. But you know even you wouldn't have been able to escape normal cuffs. You let your hand drop and sigh in relief as the muscle relaxes slightly.

"Is she awake?" A voice asks behind the door, the voice unfamiliar and gruff.

"I don't know," an all too familiar voice cackles, the very same man that bought you here. You listened intently but couldn't hear much more as the door was unlocked and light flooded into the room. You immediately shut your eyes, unused to light. "Looks like someone is awake!" the same man laughs. You open your eyes to glance at the two people that are holding you prisoner, only the light seems to gets brighter, forcing your eyes shut again.

"I can see that. You may leave," the man orders, you hear the fading cackles as the balding man with the long nose leaves. Leaving your cell in silence. The stones crunch under the man's feet as he slowly approaches you. Every time that you tried to glance at him you were blinded, as he made sure to stay out of the blinding rays. You were quickly getting used to the light, but not quickly enough.

The footsteps stopped by your head and you held your breath, "finally (Y/N). I've been trying to catch you for so long, I never thought I'd be able to see this day."

Mustering up courage you didn't know you had, vulnerable, weak and chain to the floor, you still managed to sass your kidnapper, "you obviously didn't try hard enough or we would've been having this conversation a lot sooner!"

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