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It was September thirtieth 1950 something. My mom and I had moved from Georgia to Michigan. It was a hard time. Moving, my parents splitting apart. It was odd to be out of my state. I had never traveled before. I saw places I never would have thought I would see. I also found something that I wasn't expecting to find until I was a little older.


September thirtieth. The first day of school. My new school I should say. I miss Georgia. I miss my friends and family. I wish I could've just moved in with Grandma or my best friend. I can't stand all of this sudden change.

When I was done getting ready for school, I walked downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast like always. I walked over to the front door and put my white high heels on and flattened my white with red polka dots dress. It had a cute red belt looking thing around it. Defiantly one of my favorites. I checked my hair in the mirror by the front door too. It took some time to put the curls in since I hardly know how to really work a hair curler. I've never been really big with following the popular hair styles but I'm starting in a new place so I thought I would give it a try.

I walked in the kitchen and sat in front of a plate with eggs and bacon. I put ketchup on top of my eggs and some on the side for my bacon. I started to eat as I listened to my mother hum as she finished cooking.

"Are you going to walk to school or do you want me to drive you?" My mother asked.

"I don't know where the school is so could you drive me?" I asked. My mother smiled at me and nodded.

I'm a spitting image of my mother. Well, I look like my mom when she was my age. Around fix foot six, beautiful brunette hair, blue eyes. I have my mom's small nose and lips. We've been mistake for sisters before. It's pretty crazy.

After breakfast, I grabbed my stuff for school and met my mom in her 1951 Mercury Eight. It's a used car since my parents hate buying brand new, off the line cars even though my family is pretty wealthy. We don't take advantage of our money. We use it wisely and only one weekend every other month my mom and I go on a small shopping trip.

Along the way to school I oogled over Elvis Presley as Jailhouse Rock played on our radio. He's just so cute. It's a dream of mine to go to one of his concerts. As the song ended we pulled in front of the school building. If it takes one Elvis Presley song, about three minutes, then it has to be at the most a ten minute walk. My mom looked at me and smiled.

"Should I go in?" My mom asked. She's always been protective of me and knows I don't like adjusting.

"No I'll be okay. I'll bring home any information for you." I gave my mom a hug and swiftly got out of the car. I look around and just see smiles. I hear laughter and various conversations. It eases me a little bit to see so many happy faces.

My mom drives away and I begin my walk up to the school. I take my time not wanting to seem like the lost puppy although I know I am. As I get close to the front doors I decided that I need to find out where the main office is. At the top of the stairs I see a small group of girls. They seem to be about my age, they may even be older. Come to think of it, they can't be older then me. I'm a senior.

I approach the group with a smile, "Hi girls." I say. They all look at me with smiles. One stands up and obsesses over my dress.

"I love that color! Where did you get this dress?" The red-headed girl asks.

"A store in Georgia." I answered feeling stupid.

"You're from Georgia? I knew your voice sounded a little different from ours. Are you new?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. I was actually wondering where the main office is." I said sheepishly. The girl picked her stuff up and smiled.

"I'll show you. I'll see you guys later." The red-headed girl said to her friends. We walked into the school and it looked like outside. So many smiles, "My name's Lisa Johns. How 'bout you?" She asked.

1950حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن