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I walked in my house and set my books down on the front table by the door, "Diana!" My mother called. I walked in the kitchen and she gasped, "What happened to your dress!?" She freaked.

"A guy dropped is lunch on me. It's fine. His friends pushed him and he ran into me." I explained.

"Oh sweetheart, I can take you to get-"

"No, it's fine mom." I stopped myself from going to my room, "I'm seeing a movie Saturday night by the way." I spoke.

"With who?" My mom asked.

"The guy who dropped his lunch on me. He goes to our church too." My mom nodded.

"I'll call you for dinner darling." My mom said. I smiled and went to my room to change.


The next day at school was pretty dead. I just wanna go home and relax, "Today we will do some trust exercises and practice emotion in acting. Find a partner and come to the stage." Mrs. Jackson instructed.

"Partner?" I turned around and Louis smiled. I nodded with a small smile and followed him to the stage.

"So first we're going to do the trust exercises." We did this last week. I turned my back to Louis and waited for further instructions, "And fall." Mrs. Jackson said in a calming voice. I fell back and Louis caught me. He smiled down at me when I did.

"Hello love." He spoke. I laughed and stood back up. We did this a few more times until we were given a half sheet of paper.

"Now, I've passed out three different scripts. I want you to practice this script and we'll share them on Friday." Mrs. Jackson said. She dismissed us and Louis and I went some where back stage to practice the rest of the hour.

"So, lets see what we got here." Louis and I read over the script. This became suddenly weird.

"Hey, boyfriend." I giggled.

"Hello girlfriend. This is a little wired." Louis started to blush as he nervously rubbed his neck. How cute!

"I'm sure we can do this." I spoke.

"I'm trusting you." Louis winked. I smiled and we began reading our lines.


Lisa, Harry, Liam, and I all walked home together. I am so grateful I met them. They keep me sane.

"What's everybody up to this weekend?" Liam asked.

"Lisa and I are going to see a movie." Harry answered with a smile, putting his arm around Lisa.

"On Saturday?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" Lisa asked.

"I'm going too." I beamed.

"With who?" Liam asked. I smiled thinking about him.

"Niall." I innocently said.

"Horan? The one who trashed your dress?" Lisa asked. I nodded.

"He asked me after you left." I said to Lisa.

"Doesn't he go to our church?" Liam asked.

"Yeah." I started thinking about what will happen on Saturday. I hope I don't bore him.

"Just be careful Diana. Jocks can be pretty bad. The soccer players and football players are the dirtiest people at our school." Lisa warned.

"I'll be fine." I assured her.

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