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I finished eating my lunch at the table. My mom was cleaning dishes in her own world. The phone rang and she dried her hands to answer it.

"Williams line." She answered, like always, "Why yes she's right here. Diana." My mom passed the phone to me.

"Diana speaking." I spoke in the phone.

"Hi, it's Lisa. Are we still on today?" She asked.

"Yeah. Where do you wanna meet?" I asked.

"How about my mom can drive us? She'll pick you up." Lisa said.

"Alright. I'll be waiting." I said.

"See you soon." I hung up the phone and gave it back to my mom.

"Who was that?" My mom asked.

"Lisa. A friend of mine." I answered.

"You have a new friend?" My mom asked excitedly.

"Yeah. A few actually. Lisa, her boyfriend Harry, Carol and her boyfriend James, and my student mentor Liam." I listed.

"They sound nice." My mom smiled and went back to cleaning the dishes. I finished off my water and set my dirty dishes next to the sink.

"I'm going shopping with Lisa today by the way. Her mom will be picking me up any time now." I informed my mom.

"Do you need any money?" My mom asked.

"No, I have my birthday money from grandma." I answered.

"Alright dear. Just be careful and watch those guys." My mother joked, about the guys.

"Don't worry mom I'll be fine." I laughed. I have her a quick hug and went outside. I sat down on my porch and smoothed my purple dress out. My same white heels clad my feet and I tapped my foot while I waited. Soon Lisa's car pulled up and she waved. I walked to the car and got in the back seat behind Lisa's mom.

"Hello Diana. Lisa has not stopped talking about you." Lisa's mom said.

"Mom!" Lisa shouted. She looked at me and smiled, "I hope you're ready to experience what it's like to shop with me." Lisa beamed.


Lisa's mom dropped us off at our first stop. From now on, we're walking. We walked into the department store and something a bright orange caught my eye. I quickly walked over and went nuts.

"This dress is stunning. I have to try it on." I gushed. Lisa found a dress she liked as well and we went to the dressing rooms. Once inside the dressing room I kicked my shoes off and quickly changed. I just adore the color orange. I walked out and Lisa freaked.

"That color is amazing on you!" She spoke. She had on a lovely purple dress far different from mine.

"I love that purple." I beamed.

"I'm so getting this dress. What about you?" She asked.

"I'll take anything orange." We laughed as we went back in our dressing rooms. This day is going to be so much fun.


Later on in the day Lisa and I went to an ice cream shop to have a little treat. Surprisingly I only have two bags while Lisa has four. I'm saving my money for a store later when I go to buy shoes.

"What are you getting?" Lisa asked.

"I think one scoop of vanilla and one scoop of chocolate." I answered.

"I'm getting strawberry. I just love the chunks of strawberries in the ice cream." We babbled some more about our favorite things. The guy in front of us was taking forever. He finally moved and when he turned around he smirked.

"Lisa, Diana." It was Louis.

"Tomlinson." Lisa spit.

"Still see you have an attitude." He pushed.

"Still see you think you're a god." Lisa said back. Louis subtly rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"See ya around babe." Louis walked out of the shop with his ice cream in hand.

"He's suck a dirt bag. I swear he goes after anything that walks." Lisa said.

"Stop saying gross things Lisa." I sternly said.

"Sorry I'm stating the facts. Just stay away from him and your life will be so much better. I swear on my life." She was dead serious. I just kept quiet and let Lisa get her order first.

"So in the end Harry only ended up falling off the swing and lost the bet." Lisa and I died laughing. Her boyfriend isn't all brains, but I guess his kindness makes up for it.

The bell above the door rang and out of curiosity I looked to see who walked in. The adorable blond from my science class. He had a friend with him and his friend had on the same letter man jacket Niall had on in science.

"Earth to Diana." Lisa snapped her fingers in my face.

"What?" I snapped.

"Did you even hear me?" Lisa asked crossing her arms and sitting back.

"Uh, not really. No." I confessed.

"You were looking at that guy, weren't you?" Lisa smiled.

"What? No, no, no. I was, uh looking at, at that poster in the window." I lied.

"Mmm hm." Lisa simply said.


The next morning my mom and I walked into our new church. It was pretty full. I looked around and I saw Liam. He saw me and waved me over. I grabbed my mom's arm and dragged her with me.

"Hi Liam." I gave him a hug. He wore a nice shirt and tie with dress pants and dress shoes. He always impresses.

"Oh is this the Liam you told me about yesterday?" My mom asked.

"Yeah. Liam this is my mom." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Williams." Liam kindly said.

"Miss Williams." My mom corrected. Liam gave me a quick look. He's going to ask me tomorrow, "You are a kind young man. Thank you for helping my daughter." My mom continued.

"It was my pleaser." Liam smiled, "How about you two come join my family and I?" Liam offered.

"That would be lovely." We followed Liam and my mom gave me a look. She mouthed 'British?' And I nodded. She smiled and pranced along.

"Mom, Dad, this is Miss Williams and Diana." Liam introduced us. They stood up and shook my mom's hand.

"It's a pleaser to meet you. I'm Karen and this is my husband Geoff." Liam's mom spoke.

"I'm Beverly. I only just met your son but he is a lovely boy. You're raising a good kid." My mom complemented.

"Why thank you so much." My mom and Liam's mom sat down and continued to talk.

"Liam has told us about you, Diana. From Georgia I hear." Geoff, Liam's dad, said.

"Yeah. We just moved here about two weeks ago." I said.

"Geoff, kids, the service is about to start." Liam's mom said. The three of us sat down. I sat at the end next to Liam and tried to listen to the service. It just got boring after about twenty minutes. I examined the church. It was a beautiful place. Lovely stain glass windows, gorgeous decorations, stunning lights. I started to look around at the people who also occupied the service today. The color green caught my eye. Diagonal from me across the small walk way was Niall. He wore a nice green sweater and kakis with worn out converse. I mentally giggled at his shoe choice.

"What are you looking at?" Liam whispered in my ear.

"Nothing." I smiled. Liam only shook his head knowing I'm lying.

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