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At lunch, now Monday, it was pretty low key. Lisa, Carol, Lucy, and I talked about studying for a test together later next week.

"I'll be right back." I said. I got up and turned around. I bumped hard into somebody and I swear everything went silent. I was covered in food.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." The guy freaked. I threw my hands down and dashed to the bathrooms. Lisa followed after me.

Once in the bathroom and let a small huff out, "Diana." Lisa said.

"He ruined my new dress." I said with a small tear falling down my cheek.

"I know sweetheart." Lisa started to help me clean up as much as possible.

----Niall's POV----

After the girl ran, I followed Lisa Miller. Lisa ran in the bathroom after the girl I dumped my food on. I waited outside the bathroom for one of the two to come out. I felt so bad. The new girl seemed so nice and all I wanted to do was try and talk to her and I blew it. Thanks to my buddies.

She looked so pretty on Saturday and Sunday. I was happy when I saw her when I went to church. But she was with that Liam guy. Of course she'll hang out with the smart guy.

The bathroom door swung open and almost hit me. Lisa looked at and saw me and only huffed. She started to walk away but I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Lisa, can I just talk to you." I begged.

"I'm trying to help my friend. Let go of my arm."

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"You ruined her dress. She's pretty upset about that." Lisa said angrily. I let Lisa's arm go and looked back to the bathroom, "If you go in there you will be destroyed and labeled as a pervert, you know that right?" Lisa sassed.

"Keep your mouth shut and I'll treat ya to something." I walked in the girls bathroom once the coast was clear. The new girl, Diana, kept her head over the sink letting tears fall.

"Lisa, I just want a new dress-" Diana looked up and practically screamed when she saw me, "You're not supposed to be in here." She freaked.

"I know," I stuffed my hands in my pockets, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Diana wiped her tears away and still looked at me through the mirror.

"Thank you for apologizing." Diana said.

"Can I do something to make up for what I did? Like going to a movie Saturday night or dinner?" I suggested. Diana seemed to freeze.

"I'm not looking for a relationship-"

"Not as a date." I rushed, "Just two possibly new friends hanging out together on a Saturday night." So much for it being a date. Diana thought for a minute. She turned around and smiled up at me.

"Sure. I'd like that." I smiled as well, "But right now I suggest you get out of here before lunch is over." She laughed. I chuckled as well.

"I really agree with that." I gave a light wave good bye and checked outside the door before I went out. Step one: complete.

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