Chapter 1

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A/N I thought this song would go great with this chapter 😂
Louise's POV:
I quietly groaned as the morning light crept through my eyes...wait, that's not morning light. It was much brighter. My eyes quickly opened in shock to my mum, Linda Belcher shining a flashlight in my eyes.

"Mum what's wrong? Why are you waking me up at..." I glanced at the clock as it proudly blinked 2:13am. "2:13am?!!! Mum wh---" I was hushed by my mother's delicate index finger.

"Louise, you mustn't speak. I heard a noise in the kitchen---and then I went to go see what it was...your father," she began to sob on my shoulders,"He--was throwing up blood on the floor---I looked at his eyes expecting to see tears, but they were no where to be found---his entire eye was---pitch black." I gasped in fear. I slowly crept out of bed and tip toed my way to Tina's room with my mom and told her what happened. A single tear ran down her face. I hugged her tight for a couple of seconds.

"We have to tell Gene." she said as she wiped her tear away. We all quickly tip toed to Gene's room and told him the news. He didn't look surprised at all. We all stared at him in shock because he hadn't responded at all. He just---sat there. A smile slowly spread on Gene's face.

"It's happening." He stood there for a second in silence. "Follow me." He said as he lead us to the basement.

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