Me and my bffs (One Direction and Seremedy)

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A/N Hi this is a story of me and two of the best people I have ever meet. Its Sydney who I meat because I was reading her story and we started to talk. And Shelby who is Syds friend and we started to talk. We wher talking and I was like Omg I have to write a fanfic about us. So here we are. It is about Me (Frida) Syd and Shel. Its some One Direction in it and some Seremedy. If you dont know what Seremedy is I'll te you. It's a Swedish band and we three just love them so yeah. Well I hope you like and Please VOTE FAN AND COMENT.

Fridas POV

"C'mon wake up" I could hear before I feel to the floor.  Every morning. Every. "Are you okay?" I could hear Syd say from the other side of my bed.

"Yes I think so" I said standing up. I have only been here for one month and I already have two new best friends and some new people that I hate. Yay.

"FRIDAAAA you are awake finally" I could hear Shel scream when I walked out of my room.

"We are going to Starbucks so hurry" Syd said and I ran. An I mean ran to my room. I love everything about Starbucks. Mabey cause I'm from Sweden and we don't have Starbucks ther.

I pulled out a pair of black jeans a white shirt and my gray high heels. And hen I walled out to the girls. God when I say that it sounds like we are five ore six girls.

We wher walking to Starbucks and talking about different things like. Yohio and Seike was moving to London. Yay and Louis Tomlinson and Calder wernt together anymore. Just so you know Syd likes Yohio. Shel likes Seike and I like Louis.

As we walked in to Starbucks I saw this cute boy staring at me. Like I was sexy or something. Well I am but still.

"Hes cute go talk to him" Syd said puching me to him. I am so going to kill her. I gave her a look and saw that he was still standing at me.

"Hi??" I said to him making it sound more like a question rather than a Hi.

"Hi" he said back to me and I fell in love. Almost. He sounded like someone I know. "You want to sitt down?" he asked me and I just noded and sat down. rather that a Hi. I am so weird.

"Fia we are going but you can stay heres your coffee." Shel said and gave me my coffee and both of them walked out. Me and the cute boy both satt in silens for a while until he spoke up.

"Sooo whts your name?" he had this really cute voice that I cant get enough of.

"Frida what is yours?" I asked him. Wow the first thing I said to him. He smiled at me and stod up. Wonedr why. He walked out of Starbucks and left me in shock.

A/N I hope you like it. Please follow _derpina_  and super_sydney. I love you both. And if you dont get it they are Shel and Syd.

Please Vote Fan and Coment ♥

Me and my bffs (One Direction and Seremedy)Where stories live. Discover now