Telling you

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A/N Ellooo so this is a updated. YAY. I don't really know what to say. Ehmmm *thinking* Yes OMG so I was on twitter today and Leigh-Anne from Little Mix is following me and I cant breath. Oh sorry you maybe want to read the story well here it is.

Fridas POV

I was the last to wake up saw always. But today either Syd or Shel woke me up. Thats weird.

I got up and took a shower and fixing me for the day. It took not to be exact but 24 minutes and 41 second. Hat was kinda exact wasn't it. Haha.

"Girl you are up c'mon Syd want to talk to us about something" Shel said as I walked in to the kitchen.

"Okay" I said as we walked in to the tv area. Ther sat Syd whit her phone in one hand and a big smile on her face.

"Sitt down" she said whitout saying hey. It must be important. "I meat somebody last night" she said really fast. Like really really fast.

"Wow omg you meat somebody that is so cool" I said sarcastic. She gave me a death look and Shel start to laugh.

"Yohio" she said nothing else. Wait Yohio why Yohio? "I meat Yohio" she told us after like 5 minutes and 16 seconds. But who counts. I do.


Two hours and fifty minutes later.

Me and the girls had been talking for a bit after Syd told us. But they wher going to meat up whit ther families. And I was left alone. I decided to go and get a Starbucks.

As I was walking to Starbucks I was that ther wher a lot of people in the park today. But for my surprise ther was almost no people in Starbucks. One point to Frida.

I ordered a tea and saw that that man/boy was here today again. Oh shit hes starting at me. I took my tea and walked over to the boy.

"Hi" he said to me.

"Hej" I said oh shit I just said hej to him. He cant talk Swedish I am so stupid. "Sorry Hello" I said to him and he started to laugh.

A/N I am sorry its so bad. Still love you all.







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