Meeting everyone

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Fridas POV

I opened the door to see five people sitting on the sofa. Talking. Like normal people. "Frida you are home" Syd said and have my a hug. Okay this almost scary she always screams out my name when I have been away. Okay that sounds so bad 'she always screams out my name'.

"FFRRRRRRRRIIIII finally I have missed you" Shel screamed and ran up and huged me. They all started to scream.

"SHUT UP I WANT YOU TO MEAT SOME PEOPLE" I screamed at them and they all got quiet. "This is my brother Johan his and my friend Ludwig my friend Elin and my other friend Jennifer" I told them and then I turnd to my Swedish friends. "This is Sysney and her boyfriend Yohio. Then we have Shelby and her boyfriend Seike and last and much better than the ohters we have Louis" I told them in Swedish. Its bad tought that Yohio and Seike are from Sweden.

"Ehm no we are so much better than Lou just look at me" Yohio said and I lought. Shel Syd and Lou all looking really confused.

We sat down and started to talk. We probably sat there for an hour.

Louis phone rang so he excused himself and walked out of the room. After five minutes he camr back.

"Ehm Frida just so you know they are kinda coming any minute and Zwyn have been drinking a little" Lou told me and I nodded.

"WE ARE HEAR EVERYBODY DO FEAR ONE DIRECTION HAS ARIVED" Niall scramed sa he walked in to my house.

"Niall help us whit Zayn" I coild hear Harry say and o walked out to se Zayn sleeping on Harry.

"Zayn I have a mitror inside the house" I said and he shoot up from Harry and ran inside. "Sorry hun now go to the car and sleep and Liam will be out in a minute" I said to him and he walked out whit a sad face.

"Hiw the hell did you do that?" the boys started to sak me questions and I just said the I was awesome.

Elins POV

Some boys was standing and asking Frida questions. The boy whit an Irish voice came in to the room and started to talk to Louis.

"Lou I thin Simon wanted you to come to the studio tomorrow" he said and Louis just nodded.

"How is it going whit the new album?" Seike I guess asked both of them.

"Good we have just a few more songs to record" the bolnd boy awnserd him.

"Sooo what are you all doing back in Sweden?" Louis asked us.

Johan started. "I am working at a computer company" he told louis and then it was Ludwigs turn.

"I am studying computers" he said  and Louis laught.

"I am writing books" I told him and then Jennifer said.

"I am an artist" we talked for a while and then it was time to go to bed.

A/N Two chapters in one day. I am really kind today. Vote Coment And Fan

Me and my bffs (One Direction and Seremedy)Where stories live. Discover now