Bumping in to you

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Shelbys POV

Me and Syd walked out of Starbucks we talked about how Fri looked when she saw that boy. It was like love at first sight. So cute.

I looked back at Fri and the magic boy. Nice nickname right. Okay you dont think its a good name. But its like he peatrefid her. Whit magic. Have you never watched Harry Potter? No. Okay. Awkward.

I tock one more step and bumped in to someone. I fell to the floor and it hurt. I could fell him looking at me and saw that Syds jaw fell to the grund when she saw him. Like hes Seike or something.

"Oh sorry let me help you up" (A/N Shel see Oh. You know your name) he said whit a kind voice. And a familiar voice. I looked up at him and yes I was right ther he was standing perfect as always.

"Ehmm no it was my fault. Ehmm sorry but I just ehmm have to ask ehmm you are Seike right?" I asked him and he gave me a big smile.

"Yes so I guess your a fan?" he asked me while helping me up. Wow hes even hotter in real life.

"Ehm yes I am like your biggest fan ever. You have started some of my tweets about you." I said really fast whitout breathing between the words.

"You want a autographs now or on our date?" he saked me. Whait on our date? How dose he know that I'm single.

"Ehmm on our date?" I asked sound like a zombie. Not that zombies can talk but still.

"Yea I am kind of asking you out I think" Seike said and started to blush. So cute.

"And I think I am saying yes" I told him. I gave him my number before Syd and I walked of.

**Back at our place**

Sydneys POV

The girls and I just had a movie day when Fri came back. We watched Finding Nemo, Toy Story and Toy Story 2. Not really the movies tou think three girls would watch hu. But we have hearts you know.

When Toy Stoy 2 was done Shel and Fri sleept so I decided I would go out for a walk in the park.

I took everything I needed and started to walk. It was kinda late. The sun was going down and it started to get darker.

As I was walking along the park a saw somebody sitting alone on a bench watching the sun set. I slowly walked up to the person to se it was a boy. But I couldn't se the face tjat clear.

"You want to sitt down?" the boy asked me whitout looking at me. He had a soft but still rough voice. So hot.

"Why not" I said sitting down beside him. We didn't saw anything but it wasn't awkward. It was perfect.

A/N Hi. I love you all for reading and ceap Vote Fan and Coment. I dont really know what to say so.

By all you crazy donuts. ♥

Me and my bffs (One Direction and Seremedy)Where stories live. Discover now