Night one

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[Grell]*talking to ciel* Listen here buddy if u step away now u may leave unharmed ok? Just step away from bassy.
[Ciel]you can't take my butler away from me we have a contract he will fillfill my every wish and command
[Grell]I'll tell Lizzy that u and Alois had....FUN....
[Ciel]Tell her he was great
[Grell].....You know what you gayfudge i'll get Angela on ur ass if u don't let me have bassy for ATLEAST a day.
[Ciel] We can make a deal. If you leave me alone you can have Sebastian for one whole day. And you can do what ever you want with him.
[Grell] Can I even kiss him
[Ciel] what ever you want
[Grell]... Even tongue
[Ciel]what ever
[Grell] DEAL
[Ciel] good
[Grell] can I ask you a question young lord ?
[Ciel] yes what is it
[Grell] did you really do that with Alois ?
[Ciel] yes
[Grell] umm alright then im not at all disturbed *runs into Sebastian arms*
[Ciel] well he was good * runs to Alois *
[Grell]well I'm happy and so is he so it all worked out
[Lizzy] WHAT !!!!
[Ciel]*kisses Alois then runs to Lizzy* hey Lizzy *brings Alois over* you can have both of us
[Lizzy] what ?
[Ciel] you can have me and Alois
[Lizzy] oh you mean that "girl" from that costume party
[Ciel] Well yes...kind of
[Lizzy]oh hello again miss?
[Alois] hello again
[Lizzy] wait what's your name again and where is Sebastian and Alois's butler?
* Sebastian and Clawde walk into the room *
[Alois] my name is Alois Transey and this is my butler Clawde
[Lizzy] nice to meet you*hugs Alois*
[Alois] *hugs Lizzy* nice to meet you too
[Rei] *walks in* young master would like me to make some tea for you and your guests
[Rin] *walks in* mi'lady would you like some crumpets
[Ciel] yes I think we would enjoy some tea
[Alois]yes please Rin
* Rei and Rin walk away to the kitchen *
[Alois]so Lizzy how long have you know Ciel
[Lizzy] well... Since we were young we would play together
[Ciel] oh yes that was long ago
[Lizzy]... I miss your father, mother and lady red
[Alois] I'm sorry
[Lizzy]its okay * smiles *
[Alois] * smiles *
*Rin and Rei come back with tea and crumpets*
[Ciel] thank you
[Alois] thank you
[Lizzy] thank you
[Sebastian] young master it's almost time for dinner Clawde Rin and Rei will start making it
* Lizzy Alois and Ciel walk into the dining room and sit down*
[Lizzy] so Alois what's your butler like ?
[Alois] he's much like Sebastian
[Lizzy] oh well he must be very handy * laughs *
* bangs from kitchen *
[Lizzy] did you hear the banging from the kitchen?
[Ciel]why yes I do, what's happening?
[Lizzy] I haven't the slightest clue do you Alois
[Alois] nope
  * loud bang *
[Lizzy] doesn't loud like nothing
[Alois] let's go see what's happening
[Ciel] fine
  *everyone walks into the kitchen*
[Ciel] Sebastian what are you doing?
[Sebastian] nothing my lord
[Alois] Clawde what's happening?
[Clawde] nothing some pots just fell
[Alois] it doesn't sound like it
[Lizzy] * sighs and opens door *
  * all walk in *
[Lizzy] it's a mess in here what happened
[Ciel] Sebastian what is this mess ?
[Sebastian] as Clawde said some pots fell out the cupboard
[Alois] but there's smashed plates on the floor
[Clawde] Rin tripped and the plates she was holding fell
[Sebastian] and a pot hit her head and she passed * points at passed out rin* and we panicked
[Clawde] I'm so sorry master me Rei and Sebastian will clean this up as soon as possible but for now we will take Rin to her room to rest
[Lizzy] yes! Please do
* Clawde and Sebastian take passed out Rin to her room while Rei continues dinner *
[Lizzy] oh, I do hope she's okay. I'm happy we checked
[Ciel] I'm sure she'll be alright
[Lizzy] if you say so let's go sit back down
  * Lizzy Alois and Ciel sit back down *
[Clawde] shall me and Sebastian continue dinner
[Ciel] alright
*Sebastian and Clawde go to make dinner*
[Ciel] shall we play a game ?
[Lizzy] okay!!!
[Alois] okay!!
[Lizzy] what game shall we play?
[Ciel] let's play hide and seek
[Lizzy] yay I love that game !
[Alois]okay who's counting
[Ciel] I'll count
[Lizzy]okay follow me Alois I know the best hiding spots
[Alois] okay let's go
[Ciel] *starts counting*
[Lizzy] *takes Alois's hand and runs to Sebastian* [Lizzy]Sebastian can we in the cupboard
[Sebastian] okay but hurry
[Ciel] *finishes counting* ready or not here I come
*Alois and Lizzy hide in Sebastian's cupboard with his cats*
[Ciel] can you help me find Alois and Lizzy. Pleaseeeeee
[Clawde]yes young Lord
[Lizzy] *pets cat* they're pretty aren't they Alois
* Clawde and Ciel look for Alois and lizzy *
[Alois] why yes they're almost as pretty as you
[Lizzy] *blushes* thank you y you're h handsome *kisses Alois on the cheek*
[Alois] *blushes* why thank you mi'lady
[Lizzy] you're quite welcome *smiles*
[Ciel] found you both. You're counting Lizzy
[Lizzy] ATTACK *cat attack Ciel*
[Ciel] ow why are there so many cats in my house.
*snezes* SEBASTIAN
[Lizzy] okay I'll count
[Alois] okay let's go hide Ciel
[Ciel]alright Alois follow me
[Alois] alright
[Ciel] *grabs Alois and they hide under Ciels bed
[Alois] it's really hot under here
[Lizzy] ready or not here I come *runs to Ciels study and looks under desk* aww
[Ciel] yes it is
[Alois] *takes shirt of* sorry it's hot
[Lizzy]Clawde can you help me find Alois and Ciel please
[Clawde] yes mi'lady
[Ciel] that's alright I might do the same*takes of shirt*
[Lizzy] thanks Clawde * hugs Clawde*
  * Lizzy and Clawde look for the boys *
[Lizzy] maybe they're in Ciel's room?
[Clawde] we can look
[Lizzy] okay * walks into Ciel's room * it's awful hot in here, doesn't he open the windows ? * opens the window *
[Clawde] maybe they're in the bathroom
[Ciel] * sneezes *
[Lizzy] * pulls Alois out from under the bed by his feet*
[Alois] *Screams*
[Ciel] *Laughs*
[Lizzy] *falls on bed laughing*
[Ciel] can we all sleep in my room tonight?
[Sebastian] if that is what you wish* sighs *
[Lizzy] yay. But wait who will dress me because Rin is asleep
[Rei] I could dress you mi'lady *Rei opens the door*
[Lizzy]oh well now I feel stupid
[Rei] I'm sorry my lady
[Lizzy] come on then
  * Lizzy and Rei go to the bathroom*
[Ciel]Sebastian is like to change now
[Alois] same here Clawde
[Sebastian] young master are you sure this bed will be big enough for you three* gets Ciels sleeping shirt*
[Ciel] it will be fine
[Clawde] * dresses Alois*
[Sebastian] alright *dresses Ciel*
  *lizzy walk in*
[Lizzy]I'm back
[Alois] hey Lizzy
[Ciel] shall we retire
[Rin] firstly would anyone like or need some thing before bed
[Alois] could we get cookies and milk?
[Rei] of course how could I say no *walk to kitchen to get Cookies and milk*
*Ciel Alois and Lizzy smile*
[Rei] here you go *Rei sits down cookies and milk
[All children] thank you
[Rei] you're welcome *smiles*
[Ciel] these are good
[Lizzy] they are yummy
[Rei] I baked them while you were playing hide and seek
[Clawde] are you alright now we did leave you alone for a while
[Rei] yes so thank you for showing concern *kisses Clawde on cheek*
[Alois] ewwwww
[Ciel] get a room
[lizzy] Rei !
[Rin] *Laughs*
[Clawde] alright children time for bed
[All children] alright
[Sebastian] after all young master sleeping helps your growth
[Lizzy] haha
[Ciel] don't mock my height
[Lizzy] he's right tho
*all children climb into bed*
[Sebastian]good night
[Clawde]good night children
[Rei] sweet dreams
[Sebastian] * blows out candle *
*all children fall asleep*

Hope you enjoyed

From your demon maids Rei and Rin xxx

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