Night seven

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*all maids and butlers awake and start cleaning*
[Clawde]me a slut,I'm not the one fucking nuns
[Sebastian] *crys in corner*
[Rei] you fucked a nun you ain't even fucked me yet
[Sebastian] *sniffels* I'm sorry..
[Rei] well we'll just have to change that *winks/ smirks*
[Rin] *laughs in corner*
[Sebastian] *blushes*
[Rin] it's my new otp...
[Clawde] *looks disgusted*
[Rin] *nudges Clawdes shoulder, raises eyebrows and smirks*
[Clawde]*blushes* un Rei what are you doing
[Rin] huehuehue
[Rei] you go girl
[Clawde]*blushes intensely*
[Rin] Awwe, he's embarrassed *smirks*
[Rei] AWWE
[Sebastian] I don't believe he's even a man *laughs* bird man
[Clawde] I am a man *blushes / looks angry*
[Sebastian] Are you Clawde? When animals are around you act like snow white! Not to mention you knit....
[Clawde] well anytime you se a cat you pay it more attention than you give me ..wait didn't mean that*blushes*
[Rin] PARDON?!
[Clawde] I don't mean it like that
[Clawde] fine... Anytime the both of you leave and it's just me and Sebastian it's the saddest thing ever because it's just akward silence
[Rei]*comforts Rin*
[Rin] *hugs Clawde* it better be
[Clawde] I swear that's it
[Rin] Good. For a second I thought you were gay.
[Clawde] oh hell no
[Sebastian] I am surely not gay and if I was it wouldn't be for him.
[Rei] show me straight you are *winks*
[Sebastian] Maybe I will *winks*
[Rin] Keep it for somewhere else you to would ya?
[Rei] oh yea *smirks*
[Clawde] can you two keep quiet there are children in this manor
[Sebastian] Are you high Rin?
[Rei] um Rin hunny what have you been smoking ?
[Clawde] let's not
[Rin] YES WE SHALL! KII-*Sebastian covers her mouth*
[Rei]*shhes Rin*
[Clawde] are you mad ?
[Rin] They're 13 they should know by now!!
[Rei] maybe she dose have a point
[Rin] Exactly!!
[Clawde] I don't know about this
[Rin] Why? In case they need a picture book or something? *laughs*
[Clawde] no just because it's gonna be really akward
[Rin] Give me wine, then leave it to me
[Rei] I'm not sure that's a good idea*laughs*
[Rin] Believe me, it will work. [Sebastian] Yeeaaahh, totally not an excuse for you to drink...
[Rei] oh no not at all*laughs*
[Rin] Believe me, it will work. No, you see when I'm tipsy I'm honest so I'll cut the bullcrap and get straight to it
[Rin] No, you see when I'm tipsy I'm honest so I'll cut the bullcrap and get straight to it
[Clawde] are you sure it safe for you to be drunk?
[Rin] Of course. *frowns* Or does my Clawdey not trust me?
[Clawde] I trust you just not .. Drunk you
[Rin] You've never seen me drunk....
[Rei] I have *laughs* you're funny when you're drunk
[Clawde] Rei told me
[Rin] *blushes* S-she's lieing I swear!!
[Rei] you think I would lie that's disgusting I hate liars
[Rin] *pulls hair over face to hide the blush, sits down and puts her blazer over her head* I'm in blazer town go away..
[Rei] *hugs Rin* aw come on Rin
[Rin] Hmph.
[Rei]*comforts Rin* is Rin coming back from blazer town any time soon ?
[Rin] Only if she gets cake and ice cream...
[Clawde] fine*walks to kitchen to get cake and ice cream*
[Rin] *pulls blazer off of face*
[Rei] welcome back
[Rin] It's good to be back *smiles*
[Sebastian] Wow, your good at getting your way
[Rei] yea she is. Wish I could get my way like that
[Rin] I honestly thought he would pull the thing off me to be honest hehe
[Rei] I think he doesn't want to piss you off*laughs*
[Rin] If he did he would have a really bad time
[Sebastian] If feel somewhat sorry for him now
[Rei] yea same here
[Rin] So do I He'd get torn to shreads
[Rei] you shouldn't be so hard on him*laughs*
[Rin] Awe, learn to take a joke
[Rej] yea I know *laughs*
[Rin] He better hurry up or I'll go in there and make him
[Clawde]*walks in* here you go
[Rin] *takes* Why thank you dear *kisses his cheek*
[Clawde]*blushes* that's okay my queen
[Rin] *laughs* Yea I'm totally a queen *eats*
[Rei] Sebastian why don't I have a cute nickname like that*pouts*
[Sebastian] You do now kitten *winks*
[Rei] yay*smiles*
[Sebastian] *pats her head*
[Sebastian] *hugs her* My kitten.
[Rei]*purrs* master
[Sebastian] *blushes* M-master?
[Rei] yea that's your new name *blushes* d don't you like it
[Sebastian] Of course I do I was just surprised
[Rei] yay I thought you didn't like it their master
[Sebastian] *smiles*
[Clawde]*whispers in Rins ear* kinky
[Rin] *snorts* *whispers in Clawdes ear* Why do you never treat me like that hun~?
[Clawde] would you like me to call you a cat ?
[Rin]...not a cat you idiot.
[Clawde] what would you like me to call you
[Rin] I don't know your supposed to make the nicknames *buries her face in his neck*
[Rei] what are you two talking about over their ?*smirks*
[Rin] Nicknames. Sad I know
[Rei] don't you like queen ?
[Rin] I'm not a posh brat that loves herself and steals others money, am I?
[Rin] *glares*
[Rei] well what would you like to be called
[Rin] A stupid demon that is very confused to why she is in a relationship and has friends *laughs*
[Clawde] don't say that
[Rin] Why?
[Rei] because you clearly have friends cause you're a good person "person"
[Clawde] yea
[Rei] wait should we tell the children about sex tonight ?
[Rin] Hmmmmmmmmm
[Clawde] I'm not sure...
[Rei] ME TO
[Clawde] y'all are evil
[Rei and Rin] we know *smiles*
[Rin] If we weren't evil what kind of demons would we be~?
[Rei] exactly *runs over to Sebastian* master ...
[Sebastian] Yes,do you need something?
[Rei] I want you master
[Sebastian] W-what?!
[Rei] master I want you
[Rin] I-in w-what way?
[Rei] which way do you think master
[Sebastian] U-u-uh....
[Clawde] *Laughs* looks like you're the one who's not a man now
[Sebastian] Shut up.....Faustus.
[Sebastian] Well....
[Rei] master please I want you
[Sebastian] How can I say no to my kitten
[Rei]thank you master *looks up into Sebastians eyes*
[Sebastian] *looks into her eyes* [Rin] *whispers to Clawde* Wow kinky much am I right
[Clawde] what a demon pretending to be a cat and calling her boyfriend her master no not at all
[Rin] *snorts*
[Rei] master... Ill be waiting
[Sebastian] Alright kitten....
[Rei]*walks upstairs to her room and waits for Sebastian*
[Sebastian] I'll take my leave now *walks away*
[Clawde] I wonder what they will be doing *smirks*
[Rin] Oh yes, so do I
[Clawde] what shall we do my love
[Rin] That's up to you hun
[Clawde] well we could go to my room *smirks*
[Rin] *raises eyebrows and smirks* to do what?
[Clawde] hmmm I wonder *smirks*
[Rin] I'm waiting~
[Clawde]i think you already know my love
[Rin] No I don't tell me~?
[Clawde] I don't think I should say that children may hear* smirks *
[Rin] Tease! *sticks tongue out*
[Clawde]*kisses Rin*
[Rin] *blushes*
[Clawde] caught you by surprise *laughs*
[Rin] Hmph. *pushes him*
[Clawde] oh come on you liked it
[Rin] I'll admit...ok I did..
[Clawde] told you *smirks*
[Rin] *Grabs his bow* Stop it. *pouts*
[Clawde] and what if I don't
[Rin] There will be matters taken into my hands.
[Clawde] are you trying to turn me on cause if you are it's working *smirks*
[Rin] *pushes up against him* That's no way to speak, is it? *smirks*
[Clawde] oh yea well maybe if this is the punishment I'll just keep talking
[Rin] Hehe...Try it
[Clawde] oh yea Rin I like it when you pin me against the wall
[Rin] S-stop i-it *turns away and blushes*
[Clawde] oh come on that was so hot *smirks*
[Rin] I-it takes more than that Faustus.
[Clawde] oh are you going to tell me what it takes because I'll go to the lengths
[Rin] Nope. You can try by your self.
[Clawde] oh you little tease you
[Rin] I'll give you a hint..*moves head to the side* That's all I'm doing~
[Clawde]*starts to kiss neck*
[Rin] *blushes and keeps mouth closed*
[Clawde]i know you're blushing *smirks*
[Rin] I know you can you have eyes don't you?
[Clawde] clearly*smirks*so you like it ?
[Rin] That's for me to know and you do find out...
[Clawde] that means yes *smirks*
[Rin] Grr. I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice *bites his neck*
[Clawde] aw I like it when you're rough*smirks*
[Rin] Hmph *sucks his neck*
[Rin] *pulls away* T-that'll leave a mark you know..
[Clawde] oh I know that's why I didn't stop you
[Rin] What will you tell the children?
[Clawde] If they ask I'll just tell them it was you
[Rin] Oh, ok. I thought you would get revenge and embarrass me *laughs nervously*
[Clawde] oh yea that give me an idea *starts to suck hard on Rins neck*
[Rin] Ahh!! C-Clawde...
[Clawde] *continues sucking her neck* I'm not stopping you know
[Rin] *grips his shoulders* Y-yes, I know...
[Clawde]good girl *continues to suck*
[Rin] C-Clawde...
[Clawde] yea*smirks*
[Rin] *moans* Hnngg
[Clawde]oh no bad girl you must keep quiet the children will hear us *smirks* another one of those and I'll have to punish you
[Rin] Y-yes
[Clawde]good girl
[Rin] *grips his shoulders tighter*
[Clawde]*stops sucking*
[Rin] *pants*
[Clawde]now I know your sweet spot *smirks*
[Rin] O-ok but I can wear a choker over it.
[Clawde] nope I want everyone to see what I have done to you
[Rin] Oh really? What makes you think I will so easily?
[Clawde] you don't want punished again do you ?
[Rin] Maybe I do..Maybe I don't *smirks*
[Clawde] oh you're a naughty girl aren't you
[Rin] Hehe, well I can't be an angel can I.. *pushes up against him and whispers in his ear* master?
[Clawde] oh I like it when you call me master
[Rin] *puts her hands through his hair* Do you? Well that's remembered.
[Clawde] call me master again *smirks*
[Rin] Oh master~
[Clawde] oh I love it when you call me that
[Rin] Oh I can tell the look on your face says it all
[Clawde]*smirks intensely*
[Rin] What are you plotting master~? *wraps her leg around his waist*
[Clawde] oh you're a naughty little girl aren't you *smirks*
[Rin] But you love me for it~ *kisses him*
[Clawde] oh yes I love my bad little girl*picks her up and takes her to his room*
[Rin] What are you doing master?
[Clawde] we're going to have some fun
[Rin] Oh really?
[Clawde] yes my bad girl
[Rin] okay *smirks*
[Ciel]*wakes up*
[Lizzy] *wakes up and goes to Ciels room*
[Ciel] hey Lizzy *hugs Lizzy*
[Lizzy] Hello *hugs back*
[Alois]*wakes and walk to Ciels room* morning guys
[Lizzy] Good morning Alois
[Ciel]morning Alois
[Alois] *smiles*
[Ciel] um Alois ... *points to his crouch* you have a situation
[Lizzy] *blushes and looks away*
[Alois]*blushes and runs away*
[Lizzy] Well...that was awkward
[Ciel] completely *laughs*
[Lizzy] *giggles*
[Alois]this is so embarrassing *sits on the floor with a pillow covering his crotch*
[Lizzy] *knocks on door* Alois, can I come in
[Alois] sure*blushes*
[Lizzy] *comes in and sits down* If your embarrassed don't be it happens to all boys! Please don't ask how I know that.
[Alois] yea I am embarrassed but it's only because you both seen *blushes*
[Lizzy] It's ok! As I said it happens to all boys. I'm sure it'll happen to Ciel one day and you and I will laugh about it
[Alois]yes but Lizzy you're a girl and you just saw my ... You know
[Lizzy] It's fine, really. Now we should probably wake the servants shouldn't we? *smiles*
[Alois] I'll come help you just one second and I'll get dressed
[Lizzy] Ok, I'm going to get dressed to meet me at my room *walks out*
[Alois] alright *gets dressed and walks to Lizzys room*I'm coming in*opens door*
[Lizzy] Ok, I'm just doing my hair
[Alois]Alright I'll just sit on the bed *sits on lizzys bed*
[Lizzy] Ready! Should we get Ciel?
[Alois]alright*walks to Ciels room and walks in*
[Ciel] DONT YOU TWO KNOW HOW TO KNOCK *pulls up bed covers to cover his legs*
[Lizzy] SORRY! *walks out red faced*
[Alois]im so sorry Ciel *walks out of the room looking terrifyed*
[Lizzy] Well....should we go ourselves?
[Alois]let's just get them without him
[Lizzy] Yeah *walks away*
[Alois]*walks to Clawde's room to wake him up*
[Lizzy] *follows* Knowing them Rin's probably in there aswell
[Alois]*knocks on Clawde's door*
[Clawde]yes your heigness I'll be out in just one second
[Lizzy] *leans against wall*
[Clawde]*whispers in Rins ear* hurry up and get ready
[Rin] Why?
[Clawde]the children are awake
[Rin] Ok *gets up and opens curtains*
[Clawde]*gets dressed as quickly as possible*
[Rin] *gets dressed quickly*
[Clawde]are you ready my love ?
[Rin] *ties hair up* Yes
[Clawde]my love aren't you going to cover up the mark on your neck
[Rin] *smirks* You said you wanted everyone to see it so no Unless you want me too?
[Clawde]good girl No my love i want them to see
[Rin] Alright then, your lucky you can hide yours behind you collar
[Clawde]trust me if i could show it i would
[Rin] Oh I know you would. Come on we should hurry the children are waiting
[Clawde]alright*opens door to let Rin out first*
[Rin] Thank you. *kisses his cheek*
[Alois]Do you know if Sebastian and Rei are awake ?
[Rin] No actually, they went to bed early
[Clawde]me and Rin will go check
[Rin] *walks to Sebastian's room and knocks*
[Rei]master some ones at the door
[Sebastian] Who is it?
[Clawde]its Clawde and Rin
[Rin] Get up. The kids are awake
[Rei] oh we didn't sleep *laughs*
[Rin] Ok then. Get dressed
[Clawde]can you please just get out of bed
[Sebastian] Ok then
[Rei] master...
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Rin] *walks away*
[Rei] master can you help me please *pouts*
[Sebastian] Of course *smiles and helps her get dressed*
[Rei] thank you master but you forgot something
[Sebastian] What?
[Rei]my corset
[Sebastian] Oh
[Rei] I'm sorry master
[Sebastian]its not your fault
[Rei] master I I love you *purrs*
[Sebastian] *smiles* I love you too kitten
[Rei] thank you master I shall now help you dress *takes Sebastians night wear off of him*
[Sebastian] *blushes*
[Rei]*looks up from being down on her knees into Sebastians eyes* is their something wrong master ?
[Sebastian] No! I'm just not used to someone dressing me
[Rei]do you like it master
[Sebastian] It beats dressing myself so yes I do
[Rei]im glad you like it master *smiles*
[Sebastian] *smiles* We should go make breakfast for the kids
[Rei]as you say master
[Sebastian] *holds the door open for Rei*
[Rei]*walks out the door* thank you master
[Sebastian] You're welcome kitten *walks to the kitchen*
[Rei] *sets table*
[Sebastian] *puts out drinks*
[Clawde]*lays out breakfast*
[Rin] *shouts the kids*
[Alois]is breakfast ready?
[Rin] Yes, your highness
[Lizzy] *sits at table*
[Ciel]thank you
[Lizzy] Thank you
[Alois] thank you
[Rin] You're welcome
[Rei]youre welcome
[Sebastian] You're welcome
[Clawde]youre welcome
[Rin] *walks out*
[Rei]*leaves to talk to Rin*
[Rin] Oh Rei, do you need anything?
[Rei] so what did you and Clawde do this morning when Sebastian and me left ? *smirks*
[Rin] Oh we y'now just did stupid things and talked.. What ?
[Rei] I know that's not true darling I see that hicky *smirks*
[Rin] Hicky? Haha silly that's bruise
[Rei]*takes chocker off* oh so mines are all bruises to huh
[Rin] ...well I guess there is no point in lying..yes he gave it to me
[Rei]were you a good little girl for your master ?
[Rin] I'm both I'm apparently his good girl and bad little girl....*blushes*
[Rei] oh you can't be a bad girl for your master you'll get punished
[Rin] I like punishments though *smirks*
[Rei] me to *smirks*
[Rin] What did Sebastian do to you?
[Rei] things *smirks*
[Rin] I'm not gonna ask anymore...
[Rei] hue hue hue*smirks*
[Rin] You are so strange sometimes....get Clawde to come to the kitchen would ya? I need to do something.
[Clawde] yes my love
[Rei] I'll leave you two alone *smirks*
[Rin] I'm only doing this so we're even *sucks at the top of his neck*
[Clawde]*smirks* oh did you get jealous because Rei has six ?'
[Rin] No..I'm doing it because you can see mine but not yours *continues sucking*
[Clawde] well that's because you my love are a woman and don't have to wear a tie
[Rin] *stares at him*
[Clawde]you do realise my love this one won't be visible ethier
[Rin] *curses under her breath*
[Clawde]that is no way for a Lady to speak.ill have punish you for that
[Rin] *curses under her breath*
[Clawde] I'll punish you
[Rin] *gulps* O-ok then master
<time skip till the children are away playing>
[Rei]*nosebleed* MASTER
[Sebastian] U-U-UM...!
[Rei] master... I like it when you pretend to be a kitten...
[Sebastian] You do~?
[Rei] yes master I like it a lot
[Rei] master...will you dress me up like a kitten?
[Sebastian] Of course, kitten
[Rei]*purrs* thank you master
[Sebastian] You're welcome kitten
[Rei] master.. Should we tell the kids ?
[Sebastian] About what?
[Rei] "the birds and the bees"
[Sebastian] I Do-
[Rin] YESSSSSS!!!!
[Clawde]*face palms*
[Rei] YAY
[Clawde] I don't think this is a good idea
[Rei] oh shh Clawde you're just not a man *laughs*
[Rin] She's right you know
[Clawde] Rin do you want punished
[Rin] *smirks and puts hand on forehead* Oh no~!
[Rei] you too are some kinky hoes
[Rin] Can you hear yourself talking to your 'master' ?!
[Rei] master she's being mean to me *pouts*
[Sebastian] *hugs Rei* Shhh she's just jealous
[Sebastian] *hugs Rei* Shhh she's just jealous
[Rin] *walks out and slams door* I'M FLIPPING DONE! WHERE'S THE WINE?!?!
[Clawde]here*hands Rin bottle of wine*
[Rin] *takes it and sits in the corner downing it*
[Clawde] she's a hypocrite *laughs*
[Sebastian] How?
[Clawde] she says that me and Rin are kinky when all she does is call you master and acts like a cat towards you
[Rin] *stops drinking* EXACTLY!! *starts drinking and falls over*
[Rei]*blushes* masterrrrr...
[Sebastian] whhhaaaattt
[Rei] they're being mean to me because I love you *pouts in the corner*
[Sebastian] *hugs her* Shhhh it's ok
[Clawde] This is what I'm saying
[Sebastian] Well...yeah that's true. [Rin] *tries to stand up but fails* I'M TOTALY SOBER DON'T EVEN WORRY 'BOUT IT
[Clawde] for God sake Rin it's 3pm and you're drunk already
[Rei] *laughs*
[Rin] *gets up and walks to him and puts her arms around his waist* I told you *hiccup* I'm sober.... [Sebastian] *laughs*
[Clawde] darling you're anything but sober*picks up Rin and takes her to bed*
[Rin] *flail arms about and falls out his arms* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DON'T WANNA GO TO BED
[Sebastian] Yeah hehe
[Clawde] do you want the children to see you like this *smirks*
[Rin] They only laug- wait..why are you smirking...??
[Clawde] do you want them to see you *starts sucking on neck* with that
[Rin] Kyaaa!!
[Rei] see that's what I mean
[Sebastian] She did have a full bottle though
[Clawde] yea so now she must be punished *continues sucking*
[Rin] *grips his shoulders* Hnng
[Rei]*jealous* master why do you never do that *crosses arms*
[Sebastian] *picks her up and walks away* Shhh kitten
[Rei]okay master*blushes*
[Sebastian] *smirks and walks away*
[Rei] master ... Where are we going ?
[Sebastian] Somewhere
[Rei] does this "somewhere"have a bed? *smirks*
[Sebastian] Well done kitten
[Rei] yay that's my favourite place *purrs*
[Sebastian] *smiles*
[Rei] master ...
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Rei] do you like it when I call master ?
[Sebastian] Of course, why?
[Rei] because Rin is copying me and calling Clawde it *pouts*
[Sebastian] Sharing is caring. And if you don't like her calling Clawde master, give her ideas of what to call him
[Rei] what like sir or Daddy *laughs*
[Sebastian] Yea *laughs* maybe sir because daddy's a bit to...
[Rei] what kinky I'm sure she'll love it *laughs*
[Sebastian] Well when they're 'finished' tell her *laughs*
[Rei] okay master... Um master
[Sebastian] Yes kitten?
[Rei] what are we going to do *tilts head to the side*
[Sebastian] What do you want to do?
[Rei] hmmmmm what do I want to do.. Um I want to do you master *blushes and looks away*
[Sebastian] *blushes deep red* U-uh
[Rei] I'm sorry master that just slipped out *looks at the floor*
[Sebastian] It's ok kitten *smiles*
[Rei]*blushes* master I I am sorry I shouldn't have been so blunt
[Sebastian] Look at me
[Rei]*looks at Sebastian* yes master?
[Sebastian] *kisses her* It's ok
[Rei] don't look at me like that *blushes*
[Sebastian] Like what? *smirks*
[Rei] like I'm a naughty girl*pouts*
[Sebastian] Awwwe I'm sowwy
[Rei] master please it's embarrassing *blushes*
[Sebastian] Ok then *smiles*
[Rei] can we please forget that I said that
[Sebastian] If that's what you want
[Rei] well clearly my master didn't like what I said so I'd like to forget what I suggested
[Sebastian] I was just surprised but if you want to forget it that's what I'll do
[Rei] wait do you do want to do it ?
[Sebastian] up to you
[Rei] I'll do anything for my master *looks up at Sebastian with lust in her eyes*
[Sebastian] *starts to walk to his room* But we'll have to be quiet ok?
[Rei] yes master *blushes*
[Sebastian] good girl
[Clawde] there punishment over *smirks*
[Rin] *lays on floor* I honestly hate you sometimes
[Clawde] don't lie I know you love it
[Rin] Oh yea? You have no proof
[Clawde] oh I have plenty of proof
[Rin] *sits up and glares at him* Where?
[Clawde] I could hear you moaning on my ears my love
[Rin] I-I.....u-u-uh...Y-you could be lying baka!
[Clawde] and I saw the faces you were making *smirks*
[Rin] W-what kind of faces? *softens voice*
[Clawde] the faces of pleasure
[Rin] Baka... *pushes him*
[Clawde] I love it when you play hard to get *smirks*
[Rin] I have not the slightest idea what you are talking about. *turns away*
[Clawde] you have a perfect idea of what I mean young lady *smirks*
[Rin] No I don't..*walks forward* so tell me
[Clawde] you know about your faces of pleasure do you not ?
[Rin] What, *grins* do you think I can see my own face?
[Clawde] do you want me to do it again in front of a mirror ?
[Rin] Oh haha *sticks tongue out*
[Clawde] because I will *smirks*
[Rin] *backs up* You would have to catch me first
[Clawde] *runs after rin*
[Rin] *runs as fast as she can*
[Clawde] you know I'm faster *smirks*
[Rin] I'm taking my chances
[Clawde] oh I love it when you think you can win
[Rin] And I hate it when you get cocky!*trips and falls* AHH!
[Clawde] got you know *smirks and grabs Rin*
[Rin] *Grabs the floor* No fair I can't run *pouts*
[Clawde] you can run perfectly my love you just didn't win *smirk*
[Rin] *blushes and looks away* N-no I can't! It's hard to run in these shoes baka!
[Clawde] then don't wear them *smirks*
[Rin] What do you expect me to run barefoot?
[Clawde] why not *smirks*
[Rin] Because running in tights is- Y'know what I'm not gonna argue, you won! Do as you please!
[Clawde] good girl*smirks and picks up Rin and takes her to mirror* now you can see
[Rin] *sighs*
[Clawde] I know you like just give in *starts sucking Rins neck*
[Rin] Aah! *breath shakens* *grips his hair*
[Clawde] don't be so rough
[Rin] *Grip losens* I'm sorry...*looks away*
[Clawde] what you don't like it rough because I can be rough to *smirks*
[Rin] Whats that supposed to mean?
[Clawde] would you like for me to be rough *smirks*
[Rin] I did lose so as I said do as you please
[Clawde] good girl*smirks*
[Rin] *blushes* Well go on.
[Clawde]okay then *continues to suck but harder*
[Rin] ...*closes eyes*
[Alois] what shall we do?
[Lizzy] I don't know
[Ciel] it's been so boring *pouts*
[Lizzy] I know the others ditched us *puts hands on hips*
[Alois] I think they're "enjoying" there time together *smirks*
[Alois] I think they're "enjoying" there time together *smirks*
[Ciel] Alois don't say that in front of lady Elizabeth *blushes*
[Alois] I'm sorry *blushes*
[Lizzy] It's ok, I'm sure they're cleaning or something
[Ciel] probably *smiles*
[Alois] they've been working so hard lately
[Lizzy] Yeah
[Ciel] probably because they want to spend as much time together as possible
[Lizzy] Yes, I think they're so cute as couples!
[Alois] yea *smiles*
[Lizzy] What do you think Ciel?
[Ciel] I guess they are "cute"
[Lizzy] Yay! So what now?
[Ciel] um I guess we could go outside and make crowns if you would like
[Lizzy] Yeah, that seems nice
[Alois] alright
[Lizzy] *Begins to walk outside*
*all children walk outside and see finny*
[Ciel] hello finny
[Lizzy] Hi Finny! *waves*
[Alois] hey finny
[Finny] Hello! *waves*
[Ciel] we haven't seen you in a while
[Finny] I've been out doing the garden and taking care of Plu-plu
so that must be why
[Alois] oh yes I forgot you had a dog is he alright ?
[Finny] Yeah, he's ok he's sleeping right now though
[Ciel] um finny?
[Finny] Yes, young master?
[Ciel] do you know how to make flower crowns ?
[Finny] Of course I do, why?
[Ciel] could you make some for lady Elizabeth?
[Finny] Of course!
[Lizzy] Yay!
[Alois] I want one to *smiles*
[Finny] Come to the grass and I'll give you all one! *walks to the grass, sits down and picks flowers* [Lizzy] *sits down and helps pick flowers*
[Alois]*helps pick flowers*
[Lizzy] Ciel, aren't you coming?
[Ciel] oh of course *helps pick flowers*
[Finny] *makes a flower crown and puts it on Lizzys head and begins to make two more*
[Ciel] oh that looks nice on you Lizzy
[Alois] oh it's so pretty *smiles*
[Lizzy] *blushes* Thank you
[Ciel] Lizzy why are you blushing *laughs*
[Lizzy] I don't know *giggles* [Finny] *puts one of Alois's and Ciel's head* There you go!
[Lizzy] I don't know *giggles* [Finny] *puts one of Alois's and Ciel's head* There you go!
[Lizzy] Awe, you're both so cute!
[Ciel] eww
[Alois] aw come on Ciel
[Lizzy] Lighten up!
[Ciel] fine *fake smiles*
[Lizzy] I know your faking it but good enough
[Ciel]no I'm not *blushes*
[Lizzy] Hehe! *gasp* I know what we should do!
[Alois] what should we do ?
[Lizzy] We should prank the servants!
[Alois] yea
[Lizzy] *smiles evily*....with water balloons
[Ciel] are you sure that wise with Rei and Rin ?
[Lizzy] Of course we're to smart to get hurt *smiles* And what do you mean just Rei and Rin? Because they're girls?
[Ciel] yes because you know ... They have ... White shirts
[Lizzy] The wear bra's you idiot
[Ciel] yea and we'll see it ... *blushes*
[Lizzy] C'Mon it'll be funny to see Sebastian and Clawde's reaction
[Alois] I think it will be funny
[Ciel] fine *sighs*
[Lizzy] Then let's go fill up the water balloons!
[Ciel] down but I'm not happy with this idea
[Lizzy] Whhhyyyyyy???? Can't you be fun once in a while?
[Ciel] it won't be fun when Sebastian is shouting at us
[Lizzy] He'll be to focused on Rei to care about us and if he does I'll start crying and make him be sorry
[Ciel] alright then
[Lizzy] *runs away to fill up the balloons*
[Alois] okay
[Lizzy] *comes back with a bucket full of them* Let's go
[Alois] okay
[Lizzy] *runs inside*
*children walk inside to prank the servants*
[Lizzy] We have to be quiet just Incase they hear us
*the children quietly enter the manor and begin looking for the servents*
[Lizzy] Hmm, maybe they're upstairs?
[Lizzy] *quietly walks up stairs*
[Alois and Ciel]* follow lizzy*
[Lizzy] *starts walking around* Do you see anything?
[Ciel] there's a light coming from Sebastians room
[Lizzy] Let's check
[Alois] okay
[Lizzy] *walks slowly to Sebastian's room*
[Ciel and Alois]*follow behind lizzy*
[Lizzy] *whispers* Should I knock first?
[Ciel] not if we're trying to prank them
[Lizzy] Tochè
*children burst open the door to find Rei and Sebastian in bed*
[Lizzy] *Runs out*
[Alois and Ciel]*follow Lizzy*
[Lizzy] *looks traumatized*
[Alois] see in told you
[Ciel]*hits Alois over the head*
[Lizzy] W-what were they doing...?
[Ciel] how should we know
[Lizzy] You're more mature than me
[Alois] he's not really
[Lizzy] Well do you know Alois?
[Alois] nope I think we should go find Rin and Clawde and ask them
[Lizzy] *jumps on Ciel's shoulders* ONWARD
[Ciel] fine *sighs*
*children walk to Clawde's room and open the door to find Rin and Clawde in bed*
[Lizzy] AGAIN!?!? *runs out*
[Ciel and Alois]*follow Lizzy and try to comfort her*
[Ciel] well you said they were in love and I think that's what people do when they're in love
[Lizzy] ....Why couldn't they save it for when were in bed!? SLEEPING SO WE DON'T KNOW!!!
[Alois] because they were in love ?
[Lizzy] Well they better hurry up and finish, I'm hungry *sits on the floor*
[Ciel] should we get finny to get them ?
[Lizzy] No, He doesn't have to see what we did...
[Alois] I'll do it
[Lizzy] Are you sure!?!
[Alois] yea I don't really care
[Ciel] thank you Alois *pats his back*
[Lizzy] Well who are you getting Sebastian and Rei or Clawde and Rin?
[Alois] I'll get Clawde first then Sebastian *walks back up to Clawde's door and screams* CAN YOU TWO PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON AND COME AND DO YOUR JOBS
[Lizzy] Wow...he's very blunt..
[Ciel] he is isn't he *laughs*
[Lizzy] *laughs* They must have been enjoying themselves and he comes to ruin it
[Ciek] LIZZY a lady can't talk like that *looks shocked*
[Lizzy] Oops sorry!
[Ciel] Lizzy is their something you aren't telling me
[Lizzy] No, why?
[Ciel] you sound like you know something
[Lizzy] I can assure you I would have told you
[Ciel] okay *smirks*
[Lizzy] Why are you smirking?
[Ciel] oh no reason *continues smirking-*
[Lizzy] Tell mee~
[Ciel] um well if I so don't scream okay ?
[Lizzy] Ok promise
[Ciel] it looked like they were having fun because they were both ... Smiling
[Lizzy] How could you see? The covers were over most of them
[Ciel]I saw Rei's face
[Lizzy] Oh, ok. Why did you think I would scream?
[Ciel] because it looked fun ...
[Lizzy] ......Ciel...we are fourteen
[Ciel] I know but it looks fun *blushes and looks at floor*
[Lizzy] Hey maybe y'know they know how to make us older for a day?
[Ciel] maybe *smirks*
[Lizzy] We should ask when they get here *smiles back*
[Ciel] yay maybe then I'll be able to smile *looks at floor*
[Lizzy] *hugs Ciel*
[Lizzy] I love you and I don't care if you frown or smile *smiles*
[Ciel] I would love to smile got you Lizzy like I used to but I just can't I'm sorry *looks at ground*
[Lizzy] Don't be *smiles*
[Rin] *walks to Ciel and Lizzy blushing* H-hello my lady, and my lord...
[Clawde] hello children
[Ciel] hello ...
[Lizzy] Hi...
[Rin] *bows* I'm so sorry you had to see that
[Alois] I'm going to get Rei and Sebastian now *walks to Sebastians room and screams* CAN YOU TWO PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON AND COME AND DO YOUR JOBS
[Ciel] I guess it's okay ...
[Lizzy] Y-yes, we should have knocked *glares at Ciel*
[Ciel] well I'm sorry you wanted to prank her
[Clawde] I'm so sorry
[Lizzy] I was talking to Ciel but It's ok
[Ciel] well there's nothing to do here *sigh*
[Rin] *stands next to Clawde* It our fault we shouldn't have left you alone *rubs neck*
[Ciel] um Rin ...
[Rin] Yes my lord,
[Ciel] what's that all over your neck *points to Rins neck*
[Rin] uh uh uh uhhhh CLAWDE KNOWS ASK HIM
[Rin] Go on Clawde tell them...*punches him*
[Clawde] it was me *laughs*
[Lizzy] How did you give her them?
[Clawde] we will tell you in tomorrow's lesson
[Lizzy] I want to know now *crosses arms and puts food down*
[Clawde] mi'lady please be patient I can't just tell you I have to tell everyone together
[Lizzy] Hmph. *crosses arms*
[Ciel] oh come on Lizzy
[Rin] Lady Elizabeth that is no way for a lady to act!
[Lizzy] *sticks tongue out*
[Lizzy] And you shouldn't have intercourse during the day!!
[Clawde]mi'lady please don't be rude
[Clawde]Rin how does what know that word ?
[Rin] I don't know, mi'lady how do you know that word
[Lizzy] mother and father
[Clawde] Excuse me ???
[Lizzy] Mother and Father! I don't like repeating myself
[Clawde] mi'lady do you know what intercorse is ?
[Lizzy] I don't know what happens but I know that you and Rin were having it.
[Rin] *blushes*
[Clawde] and what makes you think that ?
[Lizzy] My brother
[Clawde] your brother ?
[Lizzy] He was telling me but then we got called for dinner
[Clawde] mi'lady what did he say?
[Lizzy] That "When two people love each other very much they share a bed and they might do things lik-" then we got called for dinner
[Rin] *eyes go pink* I'll be talking with him...
[Rei] why did your brother tell you this *eyes turn red with rage
[Lizzy] Apparently I am old enough to know
[Rei] who old were you when he told you this ?
[Lizzy] The age I am now it was only a month or two ago
[Rin] *whispers* I'll beat him to a pulp if he does that again...
[Rei] *whispers to Rin* I'm going to kill him
[Rin] *whispers* I'll help..
[Rei] well tomorrow we will tell you the rest
[Lizzy] Ok
[Rin] I'm going to go to the Midford manor I'll be back soon...*opens door and slams it*
[Rei] wait for me
[Rin] Hurry up then, Oi boys make the dinner, and what you want.
[Clawde] okay
[Rei] *follows Rin*
[Rin] I swear Rei he's probably the worst big brother ever
[Rei] bad onii chan bad *laughs*
[Rin] Heh, we'll tell her parents then we'll leave
[Rei] alright
[Lizzy] *sits upside down on a chair* I'm booorreeeddd
[Clawde] yes your heigness
[Ciel] thank you Clawde
[Lizzy] Thank you Clawde *falls of chair*
[Ciel]*catches her before she falls to the floor* are you okay Lizzy ?
[Lizzy] I'm fine it's just because I was sitting upside down I feel a little lightheaded
[Ciel]*kisses Lizzys forehead* I hope you're okay
[Lizzy] *blushes* Thank you
[Alois] GET A ROOM*smirks*
[Ciel] *smirks*
[Lizzy] You can put me down ya know
[Ciel] nah you're good here
[Lizzy] Are you trying to annoy Alois because if you are...I'll shout the word so Clawde and Sebastian can hear
[Alois]*gets even more jealous*
[Lizzy] Ciel you leave me no choice
[Alois] no it's fine I'm not annoyed
[Lizzy] Are you sure? Your face says different
[Alois]*fake smiles* no I'm fine
[Lizzy] I know a fake smile when I see one Alois I've seen it for years
[Alois] I'm not faking I'm just happy that you two have each other
[Lizzy] *gets out of Ciel's arms and hugs him*
[Alois]um Lizzy ...why are you hugging me ?
[Lizzy] So you're not left out
[Ciel] I'm sorry Alois
[Alois] I wasn't left out I was happy for you two
[Lizzy] Still have a hug.We still have those water balloons from earlier and we shouldn't waste them *smirks*
[Lizzy] *whispers* Wanna throw them at Clawde?
[Alois] I'm to tired to move *yawns*
[Lizzy] Well at least stay up for foooodddd
[Alois] I'll try *yawns*
[Lizzy] *flops on the floor*
[Alois]*throws self onto floor*
[Lizzy] *whispers* why boredom why us?
[Ciel]*lays down on the floor*
[Lizzy] Ciel?
[Ciel] yes ?
[Lizzy] Why do you think that 'thing' the servents were doing is interesting?
[Ciel]shhh Alois is here
[Alois] wait you thought it looked fun?
[Lizzy] Ciel does
[Ciel] *face palms*
[Lizzy] But why do you think Rei and Rin were on the bottom?
[Ciel] um I'm not sure
[Lizzy] I hope tomorrow comes fast I'm really curious
[Ciel] me to *smirks
[Alois] y'all are werid *laughs*
[Lizzy] Is that you just noticing *laughs* HEY maybe we can convince them to tell us after dinner!!
[Ciel] but the girls are gone ???
[Lizzy] They should be back soon
[Alois] why y'all are so excited to talk about sex *laughs*
[Lizzy] Because it looks and sounds interesting
[Ciel] yea
[Alois] *laughs intensely*
[Rin] We're home!
[Rei] did you miss us
[Alois]*runs to Rei and Rin* they wanna talk about sex
[Rin] *flops on couch* Why? It's not really that interesting..
[Lizzy] Then why were the boys pinning you down?
[Ciel] yea why ?
[Rin] I..uh...Rei help
[Rei] children gather around
[Lizzy] *sits*
[Rin] I'll get the guys*walks in with Clawde and Sebastian*
*all children sit in front of the maids and butlers with a look of being entreged*
[Rei] okay well, when two people love each other very much they do some things that make them one
[Rin] *whisper Rei* That's it?
[Rei] nope
[Rin] *covers ears in embarrassment*
[Rei] are you okay Rin?
[Rin] I remember when I got told it wasn't the best day of my life...*blushes*
[Rei] oh come on you're the one who wanted to tell them
[Clawde] here *hands her a bottle of wine*
[Rin] *drinks*
[Rei] alright children let the anticipation grow while Rin drink her sins away
[Rin] Of course I'm the most sinful one...*drinks*
[Rei] here give me some
[Rin] *passes it to Rei and falls on Clawde* BEGIN
[Rei] go on Rin you start while I get buzzed
[Rin] No
[Rei] why not *drinks wine*
[Sebastian] *sighs* Are you sure this isn't 'How to get drunk with two stupid females'?
[Rei] master don't call me stupid *pouts*
[Rin] Rei start ffs *curls up in a ball on Clawde's lap*
[Rei]*starts to give the talk*
[Rin] *starts laughing*
[Children]*look terrified*
[Rei] are you honestly laughing
[Rin] I'm sorry I just can't take you serious- *starts dying of laughter*
[Rei] yea it was pretty funny look at their faces *points to the terrified faces and starts to laugh*
[Rin] Kids you should *hiccup* probably go to *hiccup* bed.
[Children]*look terrified*
[Children] *get up and leave*
[Rei] *drinks wine*
[Rin] *grabs it* Sharing is caring.
[Rei] yup *hiccups*
[Rin] *downs it* WOO*falls over*
[Rei] hey*hiccups* I was gonna drink that *hiccups*
[Sebastian] Why are our girlfriend's lightweight?
[Rei] I'm not a lightweight master *looks up at Sebastian with big wide eyes*
[Rin] Theres *hiccup* more in the kitchen *slurrs* *hits head of the ground*
[Sebastian] *sighs* Well she is.
[Rei] yea *laughs*
[Rin] I think my head is bleeding *raises hand*
[Clawde]idoit *cleans up Rins head*
[Rin] Fwank you, but ya love me really *rubs her head against his chest*
[Clawde] oh course I love you
[Rin] *lays head on his lap* Then why'd you call me and idiot, baka?
[Clawde] because that was stupid
[Rin] Wasn't my fault you me any *sticks out tongue*
[Clawde] this is the second time you've been drunk today *laughs*
[Rin] Wine is my *hiccup* best friend *hiccup* Do you ever drink? *plays with his bow*
[Clawde] *Poor kids he thought to himself* , some times
[Rin] I've never seen you
[Clawde] because I don't like to get drunk
[Rin] *pouts* So your a stubborn sober?
[Clawde] no I just make bad decisions when drunk
[Rin] *sits up* Like what?
[Clawse] I can't remember
[Rin] Well we all make bad decisions at one point so your not alone
[Clawde]*lifts Rin up * come on you were going to bed
[Rin] I'm not a baby, I can walk *pouts*
[Clawde] do you want punished ?
[Rin] *giggles* rawr Baka, I'm not scared of you!
[Clawde]*lifts Rin bride style come on we're going to bed*
[Rin] *rests head on his shoulder* Ok
[Rei] master...
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Rei] can we go to bed *rubs eyes*
[Sebastian] *picks her up bridal style* Ok kitten *staets to walk to his room*
[Rei]*yawns*thank you master
[Sebastian] You're welcome kitten
[Rei] *yawns* I need sleep master
[Sebastian] Go to sleep ok?
[Rei] but I have to change *pouts/ yawns*
[Sebastian] *pouts Aw boo hoo
[Rei]*tries to change while half asleep*
[Sebastian] *laughs*
[Rei] *continues trying
[Sebastian] Let me help *helps her*
[Rei]*falls forward and falls asleep*
[Sebastian] *catches her and puts her in bed* Jesus she had alot...
[Rei]*moans in her sleep*
[Sebastian] *looks at her and blushes*
[Rei]*moans once more*
[Sebastian] *blushes and gets dressed for bed*
[Rei]*starts talking about Sebastian in her sleep*
[Sebastian] *mumbles* cute
*everyone falls asleep

Sorry guys we won't be able to update for a while since school has started back buy here have a long chapter to say sorry for it

Hope you enjoyed it anyway
From your demon maids Rei and Rin xxx

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