Night nine

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[Rei]*wakes up and remembers what happened the morning before* masterrrrr *moans*
[Sebastian] Yes kitten?
[Rei] I don't feel so good*pouts*
[Sebastian] Rest for a while, ok? I'll take care of things
[Rei] but master I'll feel bad *frowns*
[Sebastian] It's alright, ok?
[Rei] if that's what my master wants *pouts*
[Sebastian] Good *kisses her forehead and gets changed*
[Rei] master
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Rei] you forgot to put your night wear on last night *blushes*
[Sebastian] *blushes* A-alright, anyway I'll check on you later ok kitten?
[Rei] thank you master *smiles*
[Sebastian] It's ok *walks out*
[Clawde]*wakes up concerned for Rin*
[Rin] *walks in on the brink of tears*
[Clawde] *panics* Rin my loves what's wrong *runs to her*
[Rin] *cries into his chest* I'm sorry..!
[Clawde] sorry for what my love ?*hugs her*
[Rin] For being such a brat yesterday..
[Clawde]it wasn't your fault, you were under alot of stress yesterday
[Rin] Sebastian was shouting at me, that's why I raised my voice.
[Rin] Sebastian was shouting at me, that's why I raised my voice.
[Clawde] why was Sebastian shouting at you ?
[Rin] I was taking Rei to her room but felt sick so I went to the bathroom for a minute I went to leave but Sebastian started shouting at me for dunping her in the hall
[Clawde] I'm sure Sebastian didn't mean it, he was just mad at what happened yesterday
[Rin]*hugs him* Probably..
[Clawde] but you still need to be punished *smirks and starts to suck on Rins sweet spot*
[Rin] Aaah~!
[Clawde] you knew this was coming *continues*
[Rin] Hnnngg~ B-baka, you caught me by surprise..
[Clawde] ohh I love the element of surprise especially when I get to use it against you *smirks and continues*
[Rin] B-b-baka~
[Clawde] I know you love it*smirks and continues*
[oAlois]*walks in rubbing eyes* Clawde I'm hun*opens eyes* *looks shocked* *turns around and walks out*
[Rin] Well done, now you've scared Alois..And I'll get you for this later.
[Clawde] he's old enough to know what we do, all us adult do
[Rin] Eh, fair point
[Clawde] remember you an Rei taught them *laughs*
[Rin] Hey! We are the BEST teacher's ever
[Rei]*coughs* damn right we are *coughs*
[Clawde]oh hey Rei
[Rin] When did you get here?
*whispers* save me....
[Rei] Alois got me *cough*
[Clawde] you're problem not mines
[Rin] He walked in on us and looked very scared
[Rei] well no wonder *coughs* I see all them hickys on your neck
[Rin] He won't stop
[Rei] lucky master only teases me *yawns*
[Rin] You okay?
[Rei] I'll be alright just couldn't sleep last night
[Rin] Okay, just curious
[Rei] master kept me up, He wanted me to try this outfit on, *coughs* it was quiet cute*smiles*
[Rin] *smiles * Well that's nice, I spent most of my night crying, being stupid and trying to sleep, hehe.
[Clawde] wait shouldn't you be helping Sebastian
[Rei] no he said I *coughs* was to stay in bed so I could get better
[Rin] So your sick
[Rei] yea but I'll be alright
[Rin] Alright then
Rei] yea but I'll be alright
[Rin] Alright then
[Rei] I should probably go wake Lizzy *yawns*
[Rin] Oh, okay then
[Rei]*walks away to Lizzy room* lady Elizabeth are you awake ?
[Lizzy] Yes, you can come in
[Rei]*walks in* good mor*coughs* good morning mi'lady
[Lizzy] Are you okay Rei?
[Rei] yes mi'lady I'll be fine *coughs*
[Lizzy] Okay, if you say so
[Rei]*desses lizzy* I think Sebastian already made breakfast but what ever *cough* you do dont tell him I'm out of bed
[Lizzy] Ok, I won't *smiles and skips out*
[Ciel] where's Alois gone ? And Lizzy for the matter
[Sebastian] No idea young lord
[Alois]*runs in looking terrified* I'm here I'm here
[Lizzy]Me to!
[Ciel] where were you to *stares at Alois* and what's wrong with you
[Alois] what I have saw cannot be unseen*hides face*
[Lizzy] What did you see? Are you okay?
[Clawde] he saw me and Rin kissing
[Alois] that was NOT kissing
[Ciel]*snickers to himself*
[Lizzy] We've seen worse Alot worse
[Alois] well the last town all we saw was bedding and pillows moving, poor Rin-chan poor poor Rin chan
[Rin] *walks in* Yes, poor Rin-chan
[Clawde] it's your fault for misbehaving
[Alois]*gives a look of disgust*
[Rin] *whispers* I did nothing wrong...
[Lizzy] *hits Clawde's shoulder* Don't say that!
[Rei]*walks in* why does everyone look like death*coughs* I mean I've met death he's a nice guy but y'all look dead,Do I need to get the undertaker? *coughs*
[Rin] No we're ok
[Rei] not you the children *points to them * see they look scared *coughs* what do you tell them *coughs*
[Rin] *points to Clawde* It's him not me
[Rei] DAMN IT CLA*coughs* CLAWDE WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU *coughing fit*
[Rin] CLAWDE YOU DID THIS!! *helps Rei*
[Clawde] I did nothing of the sort
[Rei] *coughing on the floor* I hate you *coughs* Clawde
[Rin] *gives Rei water*
[Rei] thank you Rin Chan *hugs her*
[Rin] It's okay *hugs back and glares at Clawde*
[Clawde] my love you're just asking to be punished with that look
[Rei] *stands up and walks to Clawde* Clawde..
[Clawde] what is it spears
[Rei]BAD *punches Clawde on the arm*
[Clawde] Owww that hurt you know
[Rei] Good *crosses arms*
[Rin] OOoooOOoHHhhHh!!
[Clawde] what you dying for ? *looks at Rin whilst running arm*
[Rin] Nothing, huehue
[Rei] Huehuehuehuwhuehuehuehuehuehue *coughs* OW 
[Rin] Go lay down, your sick
[Rei] I'll be fine*coughs* any ways I feel bad not doing anything
[Rin] Fine, but Sebastian won't be happy
[Rei] *sighs* I know, where is master anyway ?
[Rin] No idea
[Clawde] he's in the kitchen
[Rei] SHIT hide me *hides behind Clawde*
[Rin] Pfffttt
[Rei] what?
[Rin] You
[Rei] what did I do now *coughs*
[Rin] I don't know
[Rei] CLAWDE IM GONNA *coughing fit* 
[Sebastian] *walks in* Kitten why are you out of bed?
[Rei]*coughing fit  rolling on the floor*
[Rin] *helps Rei*
[Clawde]*bursts out laughing*
[Rin] *jumps on Clawde* THAT ISN'T FUNNY
[Rei]*coughing fit  rolling on the floor* ma st er
[Sebastian] *helps Rei* *gives her water*
[Rei] thank you master *drinks water*
[Sebastian] That's alright kitten
[Rei] master, everything is spinning
[Sebastian] *picks her up* This is why I told you to stay in bed
[Rei]*passes out*
[Sebastian] *takes her to her room*
[Clawde] wow she's dumb
[Rin] SHE'S NOT DUMB SHE'S SICK!! *slaps him*
[Clawde] why do you both hit so hard *rubs area slapped*
[Rin] I don't know, why do we??!
[Alois] probably because you're both demons *laughs*
[Ciel] that would make sense *laughs*
[Lizzy] Probably *giggles*
[Clawde] no children Rei isn't a full demon she's a half demon you must learn the difference
[Rin] There kids, leave them alone
[Clawde] what she's a half breed a disgrace to her family's name.Sorry that just slipped out
[Rin] *looks disgusted* So if I was half I would be a disgrace!?
[Clawde] no I'm just saying her whole family are reapers and she's the only demon so they cast her out
[Rin] Which is why we treat her with respect!
[Clawde] I was only telling the children
   *all children run away*
[Rin] Hmph.
[Clawde] where did they go?
[Rin] No idea
[Alois] I feel bad for Rei chan *sad face*
[Ciel] wait isn't her birthday coming up soon ?
[Lizzy] I think so
[Lizzy] YES
[Ciel] fine*sighs*
[Lizzy] Yay!!!
[Alois] YAY
[Ciel] we can't tell Rei though make it a surprise
[Lizzy] YAY
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Ciel] we are having a surprise birthday party for Rei
[Sebastian] Okay young lord
[Ciel] am I correct in saying her birthday is tomorrow, yes ?
[Sebastian] Yes, I think so
[Ciel]*takes off eyepatch* Sebastian this is an order make sure Rei has a great birthday
[Sebastian] *bows* Yes, my lord
[Alois]*whispers to Lizzy* well that was dramatic *laughs*
[Lizzy] Very hehe!
[Alois] I hope Rei is feeling alright
[Lizzy] Me too, all we can do is wait
[Alois] oh yes I almost for got, CLAWDE
[Clawde] yes your heigness
[Alois] you mustn't do anything to annoy Rei chan tomorrow *sicks out toung* Kay ? *smiles*
[Clawde] as you wish your heigness *sighs*
[Lizzy] Rin! You do the same okay? [Rin] Yes my lady
[Ciel] now that that's sorted who wants tea *smiles*
[Lizzy] Me!! *smiles*
<time skip till Rei wakes up>

[Rei]*wakes up* damn what time is it *looks beside her to look at the clock* what how in hell have I been asleep since 1:39 it's 7 *sighs and walks out of room*
[Rin] Oh, hello Rei
[Rei] hey Rin Chan *smiles*
[Rin] *smiles* I have to go, I'll talk to you later bye! *walks away*
[Rei]*thinks to self* well that was weird, wait where is everyone, *calls out* MASTER
[Sebastian] Yes? What is it?? I'm quite busy at the moment
[Rei] did I miss something is everyone away out ?
[Sebastian] No were all just busy is all
[Rei] are you sure ? It seems like you're all ignoring me
[Sebastian] I'm sure, we're not ignoring you
[Rei] *sighs* okay.... What do I do know ?
[Sebastian] Anything you want *walks away*
[Rei] I want to help my master but he doesn't want me *walks away to bed and cries self to sleep*
<a few hours later>
[Rin] Rei, *shakes her* get up
[Rei] huuug what is it *rubs eyes*
[Rin] Get up and follow me please
[Rei] Rin chan I'm not even dressed ,let me throw something on *puts on a night gown* now what is it ?
[Rin] Follow me *walks out*
[Rei] *follows Rin whilst half asleep*
[Rin] *opens living room door*
[Rei] *rubs her eyes as she walks in*Rin why are you taking me to the living room at 3 am ?Are you sleep walking ?Is that even possible ?
[Rin] What day is it today?
[Rei] October 28th why ?
[Rin] . . .Anything special happening??
[Rei] not that I know of, Well one thing but it's nothing much
[Everyone] Happy birthday!
[Rei] AHHHHHHHHH why is everyone awake, Lizzy Ciel Alois did Clawde wake you all up? Because everyone know that sleep makes you grow so why is everyone here at 3:34am? Now you dont mind I'm taking the children back to bed *picks up Lizzy and take Ciel and Alois's hand* come on *puts children to bed*
[Rin] So much for putting effort into this..
[Rei] im sorry guys but I really don't like being woken up in the morning we can do this later if you like
[Rin] Sure whatever
[Rei]im sorry Rin chan I'm so happy that you all remembered me birthday though*smiles*
[Rin] *smiles*
[Rei] im gonna back to bed okay
[Rin] Okay
*everyone goes to bed and fall asleep*

Sorry there's not been many updates me and Rin hav even really busy with school work
Hope you enjoyed this anyway a
From your demon maids Rei and Rin xxx
Ps we are so sorry it's late

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