Night five

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[Rei]*wakes up
[Sebastian] Good morning Rei
[Rei] morning Sebastian *smiles*
[Sebastian]*kisses her forehead*
[Sebastian] Did you sleep well?
[Rei] that's alright shall we begin duties
[Sebastian]Yes we should
[Rei] come with me *takes Sebastians hand*
[Sebastian] Ok? *follows Rei*
[Rei] I need help with my clip again
[Sebastian] Alright
[Rei] thank you Sebastian *smiles*
[Sebastian] No problem
[Rei] * changes into maid uniform *
[Sebastian] *changes into butler uniform*
[Rei] let's go
[Sebastian] Ok.
[Rei]*starts maid duties*
[Sebastian] Will we let the others sleep in?
[Rei] yea they were up late last night I heard them
[Sebastian] Ok *begins cleaning*
[Clawde] *wakes up*
[Rin] *is still sleeping*
[Clawde] Rin Rin wake up
[Rin] nhhnggg..what?
[Clawde] come on we need to begin cleaning
[Rin] You can't make me do ANYTHING *pulls covers over her head*
[Clawde] find but Sebastian will be mad at you
[Rin] I don't care I'm brave and not scared of him
[Clawde] I'm not sure I believe that
[Rin] Oh really, why?
[Clawde] because when ever I tell you not to cry you start the cry
[Rin].....Why are you so mean?
[Clawde] I'm not being mean I'm being truthful
[Rin] So, that doesn't mean I'm not brave.
[Clawde] so then what does it mean?
[Rin] I'm emotional
[Clawde] oh I already knew that *laughs*
[Rin] *pretends to cry
[Clawde] oh no she's crying*he says sarcastically*
[Rin] what If I really was
[Clawde] I would know. alright come on now get up
[Rin] No, leave the princess be
[Alois]Rin Rin *he says half asleep*
[Rin] *shoots up* Did he just....?
[Alois]Rin rin rin *he says still half asleep*
[Rin] Clawde that's not funny....
[Clawde] it's not me
[Rin] Why would he say MY name??
[Clawde] how should I know ?
[Rin] I was talking to myself
[Alois]*still asleep* Rin Rin help me I need help come save me Rin Rinnnn
[Clawde] why does he want you to save him in his butler ?
[Rin] ...Clawde ask him what he was dreaming about later ok? And I have zero clue....
[Clawde] I'll ask him when he wakes up
[Rin]Ok I suppose I better get dressed...*sigh*
[Clawde] alright I'll make breakfast
[Rin]Ok *walks away*
[Clawde] *makes breakfast then wakes up the children*
[Lizzy] Good morning *yawns*
[Alois]good morning clawde*yawns*
[Clawde] come with me Alois I'll get you changed
Alois: Ok
[Clawde] Alois can I ask you a question?
[Alois] Of course
[Clawde]what were you dreaming about last night ?
[Alois] I dreamt I got kidnapped and Rin came to save me...
[Clawde] why did Rin save you and not me ?
[Alois] I Don't know I'm confused aswell
[Clawde] would you like to know why I asked you ?
[Alois] please
[Clawde] you were talking in your sleep
[Alois] Oh..
[Clawde] and Rin heard you
[Alois] *blushes* well that's embarrassing
[Clawde]alright lets just forget about it *dresses Alois*
[Alois] ok
[Clawde]Can you call Ciel up please
[Alois] Ok
[Clawde] thank you
[Ciel]im coming *walks upstairs*
[Alois] In there, Clawde wants to talk to you
[Clawde] thank you
[Alois] It's ok
[Clawde] young lord do you wish to change ?
[Ciel] Yes
[Clawde] alright *changes Ciel* there you are young master
[Ciel] thank you
[Clawde] that's fine
[Rin] Clllaaaawwwwddee!! I need heelpp...
[Clawde] what is it ,are you okay
[Rin] I can't tie my bow..
[Clawde] come here I'll do it *ties Rins bow* there
[Rin] Thank you
[Clawde] that's alright *smiles*
[Rin] *smiles back* Did u find out?
[Clawde] yea he had a nightmare that he got kidnapped and that I was killed or something so you were the only one who could  save him
[Rin] Oh, ok
[Clawde]well what did you expect
[Rin] I don't know probably something like that
[Clawde] come on now you have to dress lady  Elizabeth
[Rin] I did while you dressed the boys
[Clawde] oh alright
[Rin] *smiles* I'm sneaky what do you expect
[Clawde] I expect you to change first and then change the lady
[Rin] I did I just didn't have my bow on.....
[Clawde] oh alright
[Rin] HueHue, let's head down stairs
[Clawde] alright *walks down stairs*
[Rin]*follows Clawde*
[Rei] morning Rin morning Clawde *smiles*
[Rin] Good morning
[Clawde] morning
[Rei]did you sleep well young master !
[Ciel] I did
[Lizzy] Me too
[Alois] and me
[Ciel] Sebastian do we have any plans for the day ?
[Sebastian] You  are all going shopping today
[Alois] YAYYYY!!!!
[Ciel] alright
[Lizzy] YAAYY!!! *high fives Alois*
[Alois]*high fives Lizzy back*
[Rin] Well you all better get ready
[Lizzy] *runs and gets her stuff*
[Alois]*gets ready to go*
[Ciel] *collets stuff to go out*
   *everyone leaves to go shopping*
[Rei] okay what do you want to do ?
[Rin] I dunno
[Rei] we should probably go get some new outfits?
[Sebastian] What do we do then?
[Rei] well I think me an Rin will go get some new clothes
[Rin] Yea
[Rei] I mean you can come if you want but it will probably just be us trying on clothes
[Sebastian] Pass
[Rei] aw you don't wanna see me in a new maid outfit *she says sarcastically*
[Sebastian] ....I'll still pass
[Rei] oh you're no fun *kisses then leaves with Rin*
[Rei] you love me really
[Sebastian] I know I do
[Rei] damn right , love you babe *kisses*
[Rin] Bye
[Clawde] bye
[Rin] *walks away*
[Rei] let's go *walks away with Rin
[Clawde] you two are embarrassing *Laughs*
[Sebastian] *facepalms*
[Rei] oh sebby you love me really come to me *opens arms*
[Sebastian] Just go shopping poor Rin is waiting..
[Rei] oh alright , love you bye  *walks away with Rin* lets go
[Rin] *waves slowly*
[Rei] *waves*
[Sebastian] What now?
[Clawde] um I guess we just wait for the children to come
[Sebastian] Ok * sits down*
[Clawde]*sits down* um well this is awkward
[Sebastian] Very
[Alois] why are you two just sitting down ?
[Sebastian] There is nothing else to do..
[Clawde] yea we have nothin to do *yawns*
[Clawde] I guess we should just wait
  *everyone comes back from shopping*
[Rei] well that was fun
[Rin] *tired face* never again
[Rei] why not that was fun
[Rin] I got dragged around into EVERY shop with things you like *sits on Clawdes lap*
[Rei] well I'm sorry that I like clothes *pouts*
[Rin] I only got one thing how many did you get?
[Rei] only five
[Rin] At least it wasn't twelve
[Rei] yea I'm not as bad as Lizzy
[Rin] Ha
[Rei] ow my arms hurt *throws bags down* better
[Rin] Please don't throw things...
[Rei] well I'm sorry that theyre heavy and no one helped me carry them
[Rei] I'm gonna go try these on. Sebastian I need your help again *smirks*
[Sebastian] *stands up* Yes, my lady
[Rei] thank you baby *smiles* *walks upstairs to change with Sebastian*
[Clawde] aren't they obvious *laughs*
[Rin] *laughs* Very
[Clawde] *laughs*
[Alois] why are you all laughing ?
[Clawde] oh nothing *laughs*
[Rin] Because we're special
[Clawde] yea that *laughs*
[Alois] um okay
[Rin] *leans head on Clawdes shoulder* *smiles at Alois*
[Clawde]*hugs Rin* Bet you weren't expecting that *laughs*
[Rin]* blushes* No I wasn't
[Clawde] good *laughs*
[Rin] *Looks away* I might go try on my maid dress ok?
[Clawde] well I wanna see it *smirks*
[Rin] *blushes* Fine..creep
[Clawde] don't call me a creep
[Rin] Your acting like one *smiles*
[Clawde] I'm not I just wanna see my girlfriend in a new dress
[Rin]*Stands up and walks to her room* Fine, fine I take it back
[Clawde] good *smirks*
[Rin] Wait outside for a moment
[Clawde] oh fine. You're no fun
[Rin]*gets dressed* Your stepping over the boundary Faustus!
[Clawde] I'm only joking calm down
[Rin] You can come in
[Clawde] alright *walks in*Damn that's nice
[Rin] I need you to tie the apron and bow
[Rei] alright *ties apron and bow*
[Rin] Thank you *folds up other clothes
[Clawde] that's alright *smiles*
[Rin] I'm going to make tea do you want any?
[Clawde] please
[Rin] Ok *walks to the kitchen*
[Rei] Sebastian what the time ?
[Sebastian] 5:11p.m why?
[Rei] because I'm tired *yawns*
[Sebastian] Take a nap we will do the work
[Rei] are you sure ?
[Sebastian] I'm positive
[Rei]Alright * walks up to stairs and passed out on the bed *
[Sebastian]*Sebastian walks to kitchen to make dinner*
[Clawde] where did Rei go ?
[Sebastian] She was tired so I told her to sleep
[Clawde] oh alright
[Rin] After all that running around anyone would be
[Clawde] I guess so
[Rin] *sips tea*
[Clawde] I guess we should start dinner
[Sebastian] Yea
[Clawde]*starts making dinner*
*Rin and Sebastian help make dinner*
[Clawde]*continues making dinner*
[Rin] *sits on worktop*
[Sebastian] *helps make dinner*
[Clawde] Rin darling could you get the children to the table
[Rin] Okay *walks out*
[Alois] Rin
[Rin] Oh! Yes, your highness?
[Alois] um what did you hear this morning *blushes*
[Rin] Don't be embarrassed, all I heard was my name ok?
[Alois] alright *blushes harder*
[Rin] Are you ok? Do you feel unwell? *puts hand on his horehead* You're really warm and your face is flushed
[Alois] um I'm fine *backs away*
[Rin]....? Are you sure? You can tell me anything, ok?
[Alois] yea I'm fine
[Rin] ..Ok well dinner is almost ready, please head to the dining hall
[Ciel]are you coming Lizzy ?
[Lizzy] Yes
[Ciel] come on then *smiles*
[Lizzy] O-ok...
[Lizzy] Y-you just....smiled *smiles and walks to dining room*
[Ciel] oh yea I guess I did *laughs*
[Lizzy] *sits down*
[Ciel] *sits down*
[Alois] hi *smiles*
[Lizzy] Hello
[Alois] hey Lizzy *smiles*
[Lizzy] *smiles* Clawde?
[Clawde] yes mi'lady
[Lizzy] Are you and Sebastian friends? Like Rei and Rin?
[Rin] *laughs*
[Clawde] um I wouldn't say that *laughs*
[Lizzy] Well you should be
[Clawde] why mi'lady
[Lizzy] If your girlfriend's can get along why can't you?
[Rin] *breaks down in a fit of laughter*
[Alois] *dies of laughter*
[Clawde] umm alright *laughs*
[Lizzy] I'm hungry
[Sebastian] *serves dinner*
[Clawde]*serves tea*
[Rin] *calms down*
[Alois]thank you Clawde, Sebastian
[Lizzy] Thank you
[Ciel]thank you
[Lizzy] *begins to eat*
[Alois]*eats dinner*
[Ciel]*eats dinner*
[Clawde] um Rin?
[Rin] Yes?
[Clawde] could you go wake up Rei ?
[Rin] Okay *walks away*
[Clawde]thank you
[Rin] *walks in with Rei*
[Rei]*fixes dress*
[Rin] *stands*
[Alois]where were you Rei ?
[Rei]i was in bed I'm sorry young master i didn't get much sleep last night
[Lizzy] Thats fine
[Ciel] why couldn't you sleep ?
[Rin] Who?
[Rei]im not sure I think it was Alois
[Rin] I slept fine
[Alois] me... What did you hear ?
[Rei] you said Clawde a few times
[Alois] was that it ?
[Rei] yes
[Rin] When Clawde and I woke up he was saying my name
[Alois] I'm so sorry *blushes*
[Rin] Don't be *smiles*
[Rei]no that's alright you must've just had a nightmare
[Alois]yea it was a nightmare *blushes*
[Rin] Next time you have one wake me and I'll comfort you
[Rei] me to
[Alois] um alright *blushes*
[Rei] oh stop blushes *hugs alois*
[Rin] Your highness your face is red an awful lot are you sure your ok?
[Alois]yes Rin I'm fine*hugs Rei*
[Rin] Then why are you blushing?
[Rei] because he's hugging me *laughs*
[Alois]maybe I don't know *hugs Rei*
[Rin] He was blushing when I was talking to him earlier though
[Rei]*whispers in Rins ears* maybe he likes us
[Rin] No, never! *gets dishes and speed walks to the kitchen*
[Rei] how to you know *laughs*
[Rin] *shouts* SHUT UP
[Rei] hey don't mean so mean *runs away to Sebastian and hides behind him*
[Rin] *continues to walk to the kitchen*
[Rei]*whispers in Sebastians ear* she's scary
[Sebastian] A little bit
[Rei]not as scary as Grell though
[Sebastian] He's just insane but then again so is Rin
[Sebastian] *Also laughs*
[Rei]i hope Grell won't come back
[Sebastian] He won't Rin will scare him away he's terrified of her
[Rei]well at least I've got my Sebastian to protect me *smirks*
[Sebastian] Of course you do
[Rei]my hero *she says sarcastically*
[Sebastian] Oh ha ha.
[Lizzy] Alois, why do you blush around Rin and Rei?
[Alois] um I'm not sure *looks at ground*
[Lizzy] You can tell me, I'll keep it secret!
[Alois] I guess it's because I've never had a maid before
[Lizzy] Ok I was just curious
[Alois] that's alright
[Lizzy] What now?
[Ciel] should we have a ball tomorrow?
[Lizzy] YES
[Lizzy] YES[Alois] what kind of ball ?
[Ciel] alright. SEBASTIAN
[Sebastian] Yes,
[Ciel] we are having a ball tomorrow
[Sebastian] Ok
[Ciel] it will be a costume ball
[Sebastian] Ok
[Rei] what are you all so excited about?
[Rin] *walks in* What?
[Rei] do you know of this ball ?
[Rin] What ball?
[Ciel] we are having a costume ball tomorrow
[Rin] Oh, ok
[Rei] I need your help
[Rin] With what?
[Rei] my outfit
[Rin] Follow me
[Rei]*follows Rin*
[Rin] Dress up as a cat girl maid, Sebastian loves cats
[Rin] Your welcome
[Rei] thank you
[Rin] No problem, I dunno what I'm going to go as though
[Rei] go as a bird Clawde loves birds *Laughs*
[Rin] If you think I'm going to humiliate myself like that you have another thing coming *smiles*
[Rei] hmm what could you go as *thinks*
[Rin] I dunno, if I can't think I probably will just serve people
[Rei] no no no even the servents have to dress up
[Rin] Let me rephrase that, If I can't think I won't go
[Rei] Ummm Rin you honestly think lady Elizabeth won't let you go
[Rei] me and you could both be cat maids
[Rin] Thats...actually a good idea! We could be twins!
[Rei] yea !!! *smiles*The boys will love it
[Rin] Yeah, that'll make the evening better I wonder what they're going as
[Rei] I wonder
[Rin] I'll try and get it out of Clawde
[Rei]ill ask Sebastian don't tell them what we are going as
[Rin] Ok, good night *walks away and dresses Lizzy*
[Rei]*walks to own room and changes into nightwear*
[Rin] *changes into night wear and looks for Clawde*
[Rei]*looks for Sebastian*
[Clawde] hey Rin
[Rin] Hello~
[Clawde] so what were you and Rei doing ?
[Rin] Just chatting
[Clawde] oh well my and Sebastian changed the boys
[Rin] Ok...*cringed on the inside and snuggles up to Clawde* Do you know what you're going to be for the ball?
[Rin] Oh ok
[Clawde] do you
[Rin] Yes, but it's a secret *winks*
[Clawde] oh well I'm sure I will like it
[Rin] Maybe
[Clawde] what's that supposed to mean*smirks*
[Rin] Oh....nothing!
[Clawde]*yawns* I think we should go to bed
[Rin] *smirks* Carry me my Prince!
[Clawde]alright*carries Rin up to bed*
[Rin] *smiles*
[Rei] Sebastiannnnnnnnnnnn
[Sebastian] Reeeiiii
[Rei] hi babe
[Sebastian] Hello
[Rei] can I ask you a question *smirks*
[Sebastian] Of course
[Rei] *climbs onto Sebastians lap* what are you wearing for the ball *bites lip*
[Sebastian] *smirks* Thats for me to know and you to find out
[Rei] playing hard to get are we *smirks*
[Sebastian] So what if I am no one can stop me *smirks*
[Rei] I can *kisses* Sebastian
[Sebastian] Can't you just be patient?Like a good girl
[Rei] but I'm a bad girl
[Sebastian] You'll just have to wait and see dear I'm afraid
[Rei]*pouts* fine
[Sebastian] *pats her head* good, now rest *hugs her*
[Rei] babe...
[Sebastian] Yes, Hun?
[Rei] can you take me to bed please. Pleaseeeeeeee
[Sebastian] *carries her and lays her down then climbs in aswell*
[Rei]thank you babe *smirks then lays down with head on Sebastian chest*
[Sebastian] Your welcome
*falls asleep*
*everyone falls asleep*

Hope you enjoyed

From your demon maids Rei and Rin xxx

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