Night four

110 3 0

[Rei]*wakes up laying on Sebastians chest*
[Sebastian] *is still sleeping*
[Rei] *pretends to still be sleeping waiting for Sebastian to wake*
[Sebastian] *opens eyes and yawns*
[Rei] good morning Sebastian *yawns*
[Sebastian] Good morning
[Rei] we need to finish cleaning before the children come home
[Sebastian] Yes, let's wake the others
[Rei] alright *gets changed into maid uniform*lets go
[Rei] *walks away to Rins room to wake her**opens door to find Rin and Clawde asleep*
[Rin] *cuddles up to Clawde*
[Rei] good morning Rin
[Rin] hnngg..go away
[Rei] come on Rin we have duties to do
[Sebastian] *walks in* Allow me..WAKE UP!!
[Clawde] I'm awake what is it
[Rei] thank you Sebastian
[Clawde] come on Rin lets get ready
[Rin].....*sits up* fine...
[Clawde]*kisses Rin* * gets dressed*
[Rin] *blushes and grumbles* *gets dressed*
[Rei] me and Sebastian will continue up stairs and you two continue down stairs, got it
[Rin] yes *heads down stairs*
[Clawde] yup *walks down stairs to continue cleaning*
[Rei] alright let's get this finished fast
[Sebastian] Yes the children will be home soon
   *Everyone finishes cleaning*
[Rin] Yes! Finally!
[Rei] that took forever
[Sebastian] That was annoying
[Clawde] we should freshen up
[Sebastian] Yes, we should
[Rei] yea *whispers in Sebastians ear* I need help again *smiles*
[Sebastian] *smiles* Yes, my lady
[Rei]*walks upstairs with Sebastian tailing behind*
[Rin] *laughs*
[Clawde]*laughs* I wonder what that's about*laughs*
[Rin] Yup
[Clawde] let's go clean up*walks to own room and changes*
[Rin] * walks into own room*
[Rei] we must hurry the children will be back in two minutes *changes and waits down stairs for the children to arrive*
[Rin] *runs down stairs* I'M HERE
[Clawde]*changes and waits for the children* it's alright you're not late *smiles*
[Rei] but Sebastian is
[Rin] Oh...*looks down in embarrassment*
[Sebastian] I'm here
[Rei] and where were you *walks over to Sebastian*
[Sebastian] In my room
[Rei] I swear if you were petting those cats again I'll lose it
[Sebastian] I was but it's alright I changed
[Rei] fine
   *Children arrive*
[Rei] welcome back
[Clawde] welcome
[Alois] I missed you Clawde
[Clawde] I missed you to your heigness
[Alois] *smiles*
[Ciel]thank you
[Lizzy] the manor is spotless
[Rin] that's because we've been cleaning since you left mi'lady
[Lizzy] I told you to take a break
[Rei] we did we promise
[Lizzy] alright
[Sebastian] shall I prepare tea young lord
[Ciel] yes Sebastian
[Alois] we will go sit in Ciels study
[Ciel] alright
  *children go to Ciels study*
[Sebastian] I'll make the tea
[Rei] me and Rin will prepare lunch
[Clawde] I'll go help finny with the garden
[Rin] alright everyone lets go
[Sebastian]*makes tea*
[Cawde]* leaves to help finny with the garden*
[Rin and Rei] *prepare lunch for Alois Ciel and Elizabeth*
[Rei] all done
[Rin] let's take it up the the children
  *Rei and Rin take lunch to Ciel Lizzy and Alois*
[Alois] thank you
[Ciel] where is the tea ?
[Rei] Sebastian should be up in a minute
  *Sebastian brings in the tea he made*
[Ciel] thank you Sebastian
[Alois] thank you for the tea
[Lizzy] thank you
[Sebastian] oh and a warning to you Grell came yesterday ha staid he might come back
[Ciel] oh god
[Alois] I think Grell likes you Sebastian
[Lizzy] me to *laughs*
[Sebastian]*laughs* maybe so *sighs*
[Sebastian] I'll go finish the lunch dishes*takes away all dishes left from lunch*
[Rei] Sebastian
[Sebastian] yea Rei what is it
[Rei] what will happen if Grell comes back
[Rin] everything will be alright, remember there are 3 demons and a shinagami in this manor you will be fine
[Sebastian] Rin is right you will be fine, I will always protect you
[Rei] thank you both *smiles*
[Rin] that's alright
[Sebastian]*kisses Rei's forehead* you will be fine *smiles*
[Rin] *smiles* cute *laughs*
[Clawde] *walks in* why is everyone laughing ?
[Rin] Rei is getting scared because she think Grell will be back and Sebastian is comforting her *Laughs*
[Clawde] alright then *laughs*
[Sebastian] no wonder she's scared with that maniac after her
[Rei] I'm not scared anymore I have Sebastian to protect me that's all I need*wipes tear from eye and laughs*
[Clawde] Sebastian are you blushing?* laughs*
[Rin] he is *laughs*
[Rei]aww *smiles*
[Sebastian] oh stop it, let's begin dinner preparations
[Rei] alright
[Rin] fine
[Clawde] okay
  *Sebastian Rei Rin and Clawde begin dinner preparations for tonight's dinner*
[Alois] Clawde
[Clawde] yes your heigness
[Alois] I would like to change
[Ciel] me too
[Lizzy] and me
[Clawde]Alright I'll get Sebastian to change you Ciel and I'll get Rin to change you Lizzy
[Ciel] thank you
[Lizzy]ill go to my room sand wait
[Clawde]*gets Sebastian and Rin to change Lizzy and Ciel*
[Sebastian]*takes Ciel to his room to change him*
[Ciel] thank you Sebastian
[Sebastian] that's alright young lord
[Rin]*takes Lizzy to her room to change her*
[Lizzy] thank you Rin
[Rin] that's alright mi'lady but could I ask you a question
[Lizzy]yes what is it
[Rin]why did you want to change
[Lizzy]umm not sure I guess I was bored *laughs*
[Rin] *laughs* Ok, then
[Rei]*continues making dinner*
[Rin] I'll go help Rei with dinner feel free to do anything *walks out*
[Rei]hello Rin
[Rin] Hello Rei
[Rei] why did the children want to change?
[Rin] Apparently they are bored
[Rei] oh is that what children do when they're bored these days *laughs*
[Rin] *laughs* Yep, but there really isn't anything for them to do
[Rei] yea I guess
[Rin] Come to think of it we have the same problem when ever we aren't doing servant things
[Rei] yea, we don't really get out much*laughs*
[Clawde]*walks in*
[Rin]Hello dear
[Clawde]*kisses Rin* hello mi'lady *smiles*
[Rin] *blushes* D-don't do that baka!
[Rei] you to are cute *laughs*
[Sebastian] Hello, yes they are
[Rin] No we aren't!
[Rei] hey Sebastian *smiles*
[Sebastian] *Kisses rei* *looks at Clawde and Rin* Rin you are a bit harsh on him
[Rei] *blushes* yeah Rin he's just being nice *smiles*
[Rin] I-i-I....*looks away*
[Clawde] *takes Rins hand* come on smile *smiles*
[Rin] *looks shocked and confused* W-why I just look ugly when I do..
[Clawde] stop it no you don't
[Sebastian] *starts chanting* Smile! Smile!
[Rei]Smile! smile! smile!
[Rin] *sighs* f-fine *smiles weakly*
[Rei] come on you can do better
[Rin] *Smiles* There I did
[Clawde] that's the face I love *smiles*
[Rei] aw
[Rin] *blushes and mumbles to herself* why is he so cute..
[Sebastian] *laughs*
[Rei] Sebastian I finished dinner *smirks*
[Sebastian] Very good, mi'lady
[Rei]thank you Sebastian *blushes*
[Sebastian] No problem
[Rei] Sebastian what shall we do now ?
[Sebastian] Maybe get the kids?
[Rei]Alright *smiles*
[Clawde] I'll get Alois *walks away to get alois*
[Rei] shall I collect lady Elizabeth?
[Rin] Please?
[Rei] alright *smiles* * walks upstairs to collect Elizabeth*
[Rei] lady Elizabeth *knocks on door*
[Lizzy] Yeesss?
[Rei] would you like to come down for dinner ?
[Lizzy] Ok,*opens door* Please call me Lizzy!
[Rei] I'm sorry Lizzy would you like to come down for dinner?
[Lizzy] It's ok, yes please!
[Rei] alright let's go *smiles*
[Lizzy] *Smiles and walks down*
[Rei] *walks downstairs to dinning room with Lizzy* 
[Lizzy] *sits down*
[Alois] hello Lizzy*smiles*
[Lizzy] Hello! *Smiles*
[Alois] where is Ciel?
[Lizzy] I don't know
[Alois] Sebastian
[Sebastian] He will be here in a moment
[Ciel] I'm here sorry I'm late
[Lizzy] It's fine *Smiles*
[Rei]*sets the table*
[Rin] *serves dinner*
[Alois] thank you
[Lizzy] Thank you!
[Ciel] thanks
[Rei] Rin what should we do now ?
[Clawde] I'll go tidy the rooms ,Rei you wanna help me
[Rei] yea sure
[Clawde] you wanna come to Rin ?
[Rin] Sure
[Rei] okay I'll clean Ciels room
[Clawde] I'll clean Alois's
[Rin] I'll do Lizzys
[Sebastian] I'll stay here
[Rei] yea Sebastian you make sure the children are alright
[Sebastian] Of course
[Rei]*kisses Sebastian* alright we're of *smiles*
[Sebastian] ok
[Rei]*walks upstairs to clean Ciels room*
[Clawde]*walks upstairs to clean Alois's room*
[Rin] *walks away to Lizzys room*
[Lizzy] We should have a slumber party with the servants!!
[Alois] that would be so fun
[Lizzy] And play games! Like truth or dare!
[Alois] yea *smiles*
[Lizzy] Plwease Ciieeell?
[Ciel] alright then *sighs*
[Lizzy] Yay!!!
[Alois] yay !*smiles*
[Sebastian] I'll go make snacks! *walks away*
[Ciel] I want cookies
[Sebastian] Yes, my lord
[Alois] yay!!!
[Rin] What are we 'yay'ing for?
[Alois] we are having a party
[Rin] Oh...
[Alois] you can come to *smiles*
[Rin ] Um, sure
[Rei] what's happening ?
[Rin] We're having a party just all of us
[Rei] sounds fun *smiles*
[Rin] Yes, it does *smiles*
[Lizzy] Rin, why do you only be really nice when Clawde isn't here?
[Rei] what's happened in the kitchen?
[Lizzy] When you asked her to smile
[Rin] m-mi'lady...
[Rei] mi'lady...
[Rin] .....
[Lizzy] I don't mean to be rude I'm just curious, sorry Rin
[Clawde] lets go get changed for the party alright *smiles*
[Alois] WOOOO
[Rin] *walk away*
[Lizzy] YAAAAYYY!!
[Ciel] why are they excited?
[Clawde] I'm not sure *laughs*
[Sebastian] They are just happy *smiles and walks away*
[Alois] alright let's go change
[Ciel] Sebastian can you dress me ?
[Lizzy] Yes *walks to room* [Sebastian] Yes
[Rei] Lizzy shall I get Rin to change you or will I ?
[Lizzy] You please. I thinks she needs sometime alone...Clawde why don't  you go see
[Clawde] Rin darling are you feeling okay
[Rin] ....she isn't wrong I don't know why I'm like this around you
[Clawde] *hugs Rin* come on Rin
[Rin] ..hmph *hugs back and buries her face in his chest*
[Clawde] I am always here for you
[Rin] Thank you *sniffles*
[Clawde] come on now don't cry
[Rin] You're gonna make me cry by saying that...
[Clawde]*hugs* you're okay *wipes tear from her eye*
[Clawde] you're alright now I'm here
[Rin] ...*puts her head on his shoulder and lightly cries* Promise you'll never leave?
[Clawde] I promise I'll never leave you
[Rin]* wipes tears and lightly punches Clawde*
[Clawde] hey what was that for *Laughs*
[Rin] For making me cry *pouts*
[Clawde] oh I'm sorry
[Rin] You make me feel strange emotions, spider
[Clawde] you like them though don't lie
[Rin] grr...*mumbles* so what if I do
[Clawde]oh I know you do *smirks*
[Rin] Just take me to my room so I can change..
[Clawde] alright *lifts up Rin and takes her room*
[Rin] Thank you *kisses him* theres your reward
[Clawde] that it?*smirks*
[Rin] Why do you want something else?
[Clawde]I'm joking *laughs*
[Rin] Creep
[Clawde] you like it tho
[Rin] Do I? Do I really?
[Clawde] if you don't then why are you smiling
[Clawde]ill go get changed *walks away to change in own room*
[Rin] *Gets dressed*He's very odd but thats what makes him cute
[Rei] I can hear you, you know *laughs*
[Rei] I can hear you, you know *laughs*
[Rei]its not my fault you're loud
[Rei] you ready yet ?
[Rei] me to
[Rin] Where are we meeting?
[Rei] you're next to me so at the door ?
[Rin] *Grabs pillows and covers* *opens door* No with the kids?
[Rei] i think we're just sleeping in the den tonight *takes pillows and cover and opens the door*
[Rin] For Satan's sake...WHAT ROOM!?!
[Rin] *cries on the inside* What room!?1?! I know we're sleeping in a den!
[Rei] they are in there rooms. We have to go get them
[Rin] Ok we meet up in the living room
[Rei]*laughs* okay. Btw do you like my night wear ? *poses*
[Rin] Yea it's pretty! *laughs* all I wear is a shirt and shorts
[Rei] well I'm just trying to impress Sebastian to be honest *Laughs*
[Rin] He'll be mesmerized *laughs
[Rei] * laughs* that's a good thing
[Clawde]hey girls
[Rin] H-hello
[Rei] hey *looks at Rin and laughs*
[Rin] *pushes glasses up*
[Clawde] I like your night wear Rin *smiles*
[Rin] U-u-uhh...... *blushes*
[Re]*pushes Rin close to Clawde*
[Rin] Ahh!! *falls backwards*
[Clawde]*catches Rin* hey there *smiles*
[Rin] U-u-mm
[Rei] oh come on Rin *laughs*
[Rin] *blushes and fixes glasses* Shouldn't we get the kids?
[Rei] yea lets go *walks away to get Ciel*
[Rin] I will kill her if she does that again
[Clawde] oh come on you know you can't kill a demon
[Rin] It's an expression *kisses him and walks away to Lizzys room* dummy.*smirks*
[Clawde]*walks away to get Alois* that's why I love you *smirks*
[Rin] *giggles* I heard yoou~
[Clawde] that's the point
[Rin] *gets Lizzy and walks to living room and Sebastian is already there with the snacks
[Clawde] *takes Alois to the living room*
[Rin] *Fixes pillows and lays down covers
[Rei] *takes Ciel and brings him to the living room* hey Rin *Smiles*
[Rin] Hello....
[Rei] oh come on you're not angry with me
[Rin] I'm not I'm just....surprised
[Rei] surprised about what?
[Rin] That you did that!
[Rei] you know I heard you
[Rin] Let's just sit...
[Rei] alright *sits down*
[Alois] so what do you wanna do ?
[Alois] alright Lizzy truth or dare ?
[Lizzy] Dare!
[Alois] I dare you to...... kiss Ciel
[Lizzy] Ok...*Kisses ciel*
[Lizzy] Let's move on...
[Alois] your turn
[Lizzy] Ok, Clawde truth or dare?
[Lizzy] I dare you to...I dare you to Play with Rin hair for the next 3 questions
[Clawde] alright *begins playing with Rins hair*
[Rin] ...
[Lizzy] Your turn!
[Rei] go on Rin. truth or dare
[Rin] Truth
[Rei] js it true that you are a cat demon ?
[Rin] Yes, I am
[Rei] alright then I guess it's my turn
[Rin] Rei truth or dare?
[Rei] dare I guess...
[Rin] *smiles* Kiss Sebastian
[Rei]*blushes* um alright *kisses Sebastian* *blushes harder*
[Sebastian] *blushes*
[Lizzy] Ah! So cute!!
[Ciel] why are my butler and maid kissing ?
[Rin] Because , reasons
[Sebastian] My Lord, truth or dare?
[Rei] I'm sorry young master
[Ciel] dare
[Sebastian] wait here *walks to his room*
[Ciel] alright *looks confused*
[Sebastian] *walks in with a cat* Hold this for 3 questions
[Ciel] you know I can't do that I'm allergic I could die 
[Sebastian] Hmph...*claps the cat* Ok then run around pretending to be a horse
[Ciel] fine *sighs* *pretends to be horse*
[Lizzy] *laughs*
[Ciel] let's pretend that never happened
[Rei] as you wish young master
[Lizzy] Maybe we will maybe won't
[Rin] Yes, Young lord
[Rei] Lizzy it's your turn
[Lizzy] Ok Sebastian truth or dare?
[Sebastian] truth
[Lizzy] Are you and Rei dating?
[Sebastian] yes *hides face*
[Ciel] what!!!!
[Lizzy] No need to be ashamed! *smiles*CIEL!! BE HAPPY
[Rei] I'm so sorry young master
[Lizzy] No! Don't be!
[Ciel] why should I be happy ?
[Lizzy] *slaps the back of Ciels head* Because they love each other more than you love me and its nice to see some romance!!!
[Rei] I'm so sorry young lord
[Ciel] ow Lizzy that hurt. That's not true
[Lizzy] Yes it is! Ever since aunty and uncle died you neglected me and never smile!!
[Ciel] it's not my fault I forgot how to smile *sad face*
[Rei]*hugs Ciel* my lord I think me and you should go for a walk
[Ciel] Fine. Everyone else keep playing..
[Rei] young lord let's go* takes Ciels hand*
[Ciel] What is it?
[Rei] how did you forget how to smile
[Ciel] My parents died on my birthday..
[Rei] I know...I think lady Elizabeth is just sad because you and her haven't spent much time together lately with out Alois
[Ciel] I'm only distant because I don't want to hurt her
[Rei] you won't hurt her you will make her happy if you and her spent some time together
[Ciel] Ok..Let's head back
[Rei] all I'm asking young lord is for you to spend some time with Lizzy okay
[Ciel] I'll take her and Alois out shopping and ill buy her a present
[Rei] thank you young lord *smiles*
[Ciel] It's ok now let's head back
[Rei]alright let's get back to the game *takes Ciel back inside*
[Lizzy] Hello, I'm sorry for hitting you Ciel. Alois it's your turn
[Alois]alright  Lizzy truth or dare ?
[Lizzy] Truth
[Ciel] that's alright Lizzy
[Alois] is it true that you love Ciel
[Lizzy] Yes very much, if I lost him in the fire I'd probably had been so lost and insane
[Rei] aww, sorry young lord
[Alois] guys i think it's time for....... A PILLOW FIGHT
[Lizzy] ITS ON!!
[Rei]*picks up a pillow and hits Sebastian* haha got you *laughs*
[Lizzy] Think fast!! *hits Rin* [Sebastian] * laughs and hits Rei back *
[Rin] *falls backwards* AAHH!
[Alois]*hits Clawde*
[Clawde]*catches Rin before she falls*
[Rin] wow again..
[Rei] it's not his fault you keep falling
[Lizzy] * hits Clawde*
[Alois] *hits lizzy*
[Lizzy] Huehue! *hits Alois*
[Rin] *gets pillow and hits Clawdes face*
[Clawde] rude *laughs*
[Rin] Says the man who plays with a women's hair without permission
[Clawde] you likes it come on don't lie *smirks* And anyway it was a dare
[Rin] *blushes* Shut up you talk to birds
[Clawde] so *laughs*
[Rin] *punches Clawdes chest*
[Rei] hey it's a "pillow" fight not a fist fight *laughs*
[Rin] *Laughs* well its hard to get pillows standing like this! He won't let go!
[Clawde]i don't plan to*laughs*
[Rin] How romantic..*rolls eyes* *smirks*
[Rei]oh wow *laughs*
[Rin] help... I think he thinks I'm a pillow to cuddle
[Clawde] so what if I do *smirks*
[Rin] *blushes* then....I can't do anything about it
[Lizzy] *runs over and whispers in Clawdes ear* Just kiss her already!
[Clawde]*blushes* *whispers in Lizzy ear*alright *kisses Rin*
[Rin] *what are you two whisperin-! *blushes*
[Lizzy] Yay!!
[Lizzy] Kawaii!*laughs*
[Ciel] oh get a room
[Lizzy] Huehue! Maybe they will..Kidding!
[Rei] lady Elizabeth that is no such way for a lady to speak!
[Lizzy] I'm no lady I'm Elizabeth!
[Sebastian] *laughs*
[Rei] you are both my lady
[Rin] Rei, You want ice for that burrrnnn??!
[Rei] oh stop
[Ciel] Sebastian
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Ciel]im tired
[Sebastian]*Sebastian makes den for the kids* Jump in
[Alois] me to *yawns*
[Lizzy] Me three *yawns*
[Rei] I'm tired to Sebastian *yawns*
[Sebastian] One minute dear. *tucks in the kids* good night
[Ciel] night
[Alois] good night
[Lizzy] Good night *falls asleep*
      * all kids fall asleep *
[Rin] *Makes beds for the servants* There.
[Rei] thank you Sebastian *bites lip*
[Sebastian] Your welcome.
[Rei] I'm cold *sad face*
[Sebastian] *Hugs Rei and pulls her under the covers* There you go.
[Rei] thanks you Sebastian *kisses Sebastian on the lips*
[Sebastian] No bother
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Rei] can you hug me until I fall asleep ,pleaseeeeee
[Sebastian] Of course *Hugs Rei*
[Rei] thank you *smiles*
[Sebastian] It's Alright.
[Rin] *goes to the kitchen*
[Clawde] you two are cute *follows Rin to the kitchen*
[Rin] *Boils water and gets bread*
[Clawde]whats that for?
[Rin] Ah! Don't scare me! And I'm making tea and sandwiches because I'm hungry and thirsty.
[Clawde] ah alright
[Rin] I can make you some?
[Clawde] no it's alright I can make my own
[Rin] Ok then. *sits on kitchen top drinking tea*
[Clawde]*makes tea*
[Rin] *eats food* I thought you would have went straight to [Clawde] I'll go to sleep after this *smiles**finishes tea*
[Rin] *finishes and puts dishes in the sink*
[Clawde] I'll go to the den and wait for you now *smiles*
[Rin]Ok *smiles*
[Clawde] *goes to den and waits for Rin*
[Rin]*walks through while playing with shirt* Clawde?
[Clawde]Yea ?
[Rin]I'm cold
[Clawde]*hugs Rin* I'll heat you up
[Rin]*blushes* o-ok
[Clawde]*hugs Rin tightly*
[Rin]*smiles* You'll end up choking me If you hug me any tighter, Clawde *laughs*
[Clawde] I'm sorry *loosens hug*
[Rin]No,No it's ok!
[Clawde] alright
[Rin]*snuggles up to Clawde* Good night
[Clawde] good night *kisses forehead*
    *everyone falls asleep*

Hope you enjoyed

From your demon maids Rei and Rin xx

The Manor जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें