Night six

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[Rei]*wakes up laying in bed with Sebastian*
[Sebastian] *yawns*
[Rei] *pretends to be asleep*
[Sebastian] I know your awake hun
[Rei]*keeps eyes closed* no you don't
[Sebastian] *laughs*
[Rei] Im clearly still sleep
[Sebastian] People who are sleeping don't talk
[Rei] I'm not talking
[Sebastian] Then what are you doing?
[Rei] sleeping duh
[Sebastian] *sighs*
[Rei] oh come on babe
[Sebastian] *hugs*
[Rei] we have the ball today *smirks*
[Sebastian] Oh yea..
[Rei]i wonder if you'll like what I'm wearing *smirks*
[Sebastian] I think I will
[Rei] I think you will to *smirks*
[Sebastian] *smirks* Lets get up
[Rei] I'm Sebastian
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Rei] my arms are dead. They won't move *sad face*
[Sebastian] Aww
[Rei] can you help me
[Sebastian] *lifts her*
[Rei] thank you *struggles to get dressed*
[Sebastian] Want help? I won't peek
[Rei] I don't mind I trust you
[Sebastian] Ok *closes  eyes and helps Rei get dressed*
[Rei] you don't have to close your eyes silly *laughs*
[Sebastian] Oh,
[Rei] I'm your girlfriend remember
[Sebastian]Yes...*continues to help her*
[Rei] you can be so silly sometimes *laughs*
[Sebastian] Yes, I can *laughs*
[Rei] okay shall we go make breakfast?
[Sebastian] Ok, then
[Rei]*goes with Sebastian to make breakfast
[Clawde] morning Rin
[Rin] *yawns* Morning
[Clawde] did you sleep well
[Rin] Yes, what about you?
[Clawde] I slept okay
[Rin] Just ok? Did you wake up during the night?
[Clawde] yea I heard something outside
[Rin] Did you find out what it was?
[Rin] Ok, well I'm going to get dresses
[Clawde] I'll get dressed to *changes into butlers uniform*
[Rin] *Changes into maid dress* Can you tie my bow please
[Clawde] alright *ties Rins bow*
[Rin] Thank you *gives him a kiss*
[Clawde]*blushes* wasn't expecting that
[Rin] *giggles* Thats why I done it
[Clawde] I can't wait to see your outfit today *smirks*
[Rin] Be patient dreary~ Good things come to those who wait *smirks*
[Clawde] define "good things"
[Rin] Me~
[Clawde] define "good things"
[Rin] *blushes*
[Rei] dose that mean I'm "bad things"*Rei walks in*
[Rin] Of course not, your Sebastian's "good thing"
[Rei] alright *laughs/blushes*
[Rin] Lets head down stairs *pulls Clawde by tie*
[Clawde]hey don't be so rough *smirks*
[Rin] Why~?
[Clawde]or you know... do *smirks*
[Rin] Oh ha ha..
[Clawde] I'm not joking *smirks*
[Rin] ....baka *blushes*
[Clawde] oh come on don't be so tsundere
[Clawde] yea okay baka *mocks her*
[Rin] *pulls his face towards her's* Do that again....I dare you
[Clawde] .......... Baka
[Rin] *slaps him and walks away* Baaakkkkaaaa~
[Clawde] you're doing it again *laughs*
[Rin] *runs to him and punches him*
[Clawde] *whispers to self* classic tsundere
[Rei] could you stop hurting him I'm should his heigness wouldn't like that
[Rin] *falls to the ground* B...b.....baaakkkaaaaa! *sniffles* He's bulling meeee
[Rei]*picks her up and hugs her* I'm sure he doesn't mean it like that
[Rin] *pouts*
[Rei] oh come on *hugs tighter* I'm here
[Rin] ...
[Rei] us girls gotta stick together
[Rin] I'm not lesbian
[Rei] umm excuse me nether am I I'm just trying to stop you from crying
[Rin] *laughs* Kidding! I know u didn't mean it like that
[Rei] come we'll go clean you up
[Rin] Ok
[Rin] *whispers* I hate him sometimes
[Rei]*takes Rin away to clean her  up*
[Rei] oh come on you don't mean that
[Rin] Maybe I do, maybe I don't in this case I don't know
[Rei] he was only joking
[Rin] ....I..I'll talk to him at the ball
[Rei] alright I'm always here if you need to talk
[Rin] Thanks
[Rei] that's alright what are friends for
[Rin] *smiles* We should probably get to work
[Clawde] do you think she's okay Sebastian  ?
[Sebastian] She'll be fine, it's probably side affects off of her time of the month
[Clawde] I can assure you she's not
[Sebastian] *raises eyebrow* How do you know?
[Clawde]i just know
[Sebastian] Mood swings?
[Clawde] it's just because I called her a tsundere
[Sebastian]....*laughs* That IS kind off an insult
[Clawde] not really
[Sebastian] Yes really, you're making her seem like a bad her at least, but you're right she is
[Rei] hi boysssss*Rei and Rin walk in*what you talking about
[Sebastian] Oh how Rin's a- *Clawde's hand covers Sebastian's mouth*
[Clawde]what Rins costume will look like
[Sebastian] Yeah....that
[Rei] oh yea well me and her are wearing the same thing *smirks*
[Rin] True
[Clawde] really *smirks and looks at Sebastian*
[Sebastian] *smirks back at Clawde*
[Clawde]*walks over to Sebastian* do you know that they are going as ?
[Sebastian] No, I don't
[Clawde] aww I wanna know *pouts*
[Sebastian] So do I
[Rei] hey you guys
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Clawde] yea
[Rei] what are you guys whispering about ?
[Sebastian] Man stuff
[Clawde] yea man stuff
[Rin]  Oookkk, well I'm going to wake Lizzy
[Rei] I'll wake the boys
[Rin] Ok *walks away*
[Rei]*walks away*
[Clawde] um Sebastian
[Sebastian] Yes?
[Clawde] what are you going as for the ball ?
[Sebastian] I don't know
[Clawde] should we go matching like the girls ?
[Sebastian] Sure, if you want?
[Clawde] what should we go as ?
[Sebastian] Umm.....You choose
[Clawde] we could go as cat butlers?
[Sebastian] Yeah
[Clawde] okay so we will just wear our uniforms and cat ears and tails ?
[Sebastian] Yeah that sounds about right
[Clawde] alright now I wonder what the girls will go as *smirks*
[Sebastian] Yes, *smirks* me too
[Clawde] shall we make  breakfast?
[Rin] *walks in* Yes! You shall the children are waiting
<time skip till the ball>
[Rei] Rin dose this look good ?
[Rin] What? *turns around*
[Rei] my outfit does it look okay?
[Rin] Yes, you are very pretty
[Rei] so are you *smiles*
[Rin] Awe, thank you
[Rei] that's okay
[Rin] My dress is short! I don't like things short!
[Rei]It doesn't matter the boys will love it
[Rin] Hmph *folds arms* This better be worth it
[Rei] I bet it will be *smirks*
[Rin] Ok *smirks*
[Rei] okay now we need to get Lizzy
[Rin] Ok *walks to Lizzys room*
[Rei]*walks into Lizzys room and helps her pick a costume*
[Lizzy] What one should I beeee!
[Rei] whichever you like the most mi'lady
[Lizzy] What's there?
[Rei] *opens closet*
[Lizzy] Oh! That!
[Rei]oh this one *pulls out Indian native girl costume*
[Lizzy] Yes that!
[Rei] alright *puts it on lizzy*
[Lizzy] Yay! Now can we head down?
[Rei] if everyone is ready to go
[Lizzy] Yea!
[Rin] Yes.
[Rei] alright let's go
*Rei Rin and Lizzy walk down the stairs to the ball room*
[Lizzy] *runs away into the crowd*
[Rei]*walks away to find Sebastian*
[Rin] *walks away to find Clawde*
[Rei] *runs up behind as and says "meow" in his ear*
[Sebastian] *turns around and pats her head*
[Rei] hello master *bows*
[Sebastian] Hello sweetheart *smiles*
[Rei] do you like it *spins around*
[Sebastian] I love it
[Rei] yay now we are matching *smiles*
[Sebastian] So we are *smiles*
[Clawde]*spots Rin
[Rin] *walks to him* *bows head* I'm so sorry about this morning master...
[Clawde] it was my fault lift your head my sweet
[Rin] *blushes*
[Clawde] shall we dance mi'lady?
[Rin] *curtsies* Of course master
* Rin and Clawde start to dance *
[Ciel] Um Lizzy ...
[Lizzy] Yes?
[Ciel] shall we dance
[Lizzy] Why yes please
* Lizzy and Ciel start to dance *
[Lizzy] *smiles*
[Alois] *walks up to Rei*
[Rei] yes your heigness?
[Alois] um would you like to dance...
[Rei] oh course your heigness
*Rei and Aloid start to dance*
[Sebastian] Aww, ones tall and the other is small
[Alois] you can swap in if you like
[Sebastian] No I won't interfere *smiles*
[Rei] but Sebastian he keeps stepping don my head *looks in pain*
[Sebastian] Ok, then
[Rei] yay *smiles and swaps Alois out for Sebastian*
*Sebastian and Rei begin to dance*
[Sebastian] WHHHHHYYYT
[Rei]Sebastian hold me  *jumps into Sebastians arms*
[Sebastian] *holds her*
[Rin] *runs over with red glowing eyes and stands in front of Grell*
[Grell] bassy why is she still here ?
[Clawde]*runs over and helps protect Rei*
[Sebastian] Leave.
[Grell] why are you so mean to me *fake cries*
[Rin] I've had enough of holding back! *goes to slap Grell*
[Clawde]*pins Grell to the floor*
[Sebastian] *holds Rei close* I'm here ok?
[Grell] get your dirty demon hands of of me
[Rei]*starts to cry*
[Clawde] it's alright darling
[Sebastian] Its ok! *holds Rei*
[Grell] oh so she's a demon to who in the room isn't a demon
[Clawde] the children thats it
[Rin] Sutcliff, why are YOU here?
[Grell] I just wanted to see bassy
[Rin] He doesn't love you!! GET OVER IT.
[Grell] how would you know you're not bassy I'll leave if bassy does one thing for me
[Rin] I know because he loves Rei! [Sebastian] What?
[Rei] Sebastian hold me I don't want him to take you away
[Sebastian] He won't darling
[Grell] all I want from you bassy if for you to kiss me
[Rei] Sebastian
[Sebastian] In your dreams
[Grell] if you do this I'll leave Forever...
[Rin] He doesn't want to, we can make this easy or hard. Leave now is the easy way. Clawde and I rip you to shreds, is the hard way
[Rei] don't leave me out I haven't gotten to use my death syth in ages
[Grell] wait how did you get. a death syth ?
[Rin] Shes half shinigami
[Grell] WAIT what
[Rin] You heard
[Grell] Um Rei
[Rei]... Yea ...
[Grell] what ranking are you ...
[Rei] higher than my brother
[Grell] umm I'm just gonna leave now
[Rin] Clawde let him up
[Clawde]* gets off of Grell but is still holding his neck*
[Clawde] I don't trust him
[Rin] *stands on Grell* Can we trust you, Sutcliff?
[Grell] well now that I know she is basically my boss I kind of can't hurt her or I will be demoted to the lowest rank
[Rin] *gets off him* Let him up
[Clawde] *let's go of Grells neck*
[Rin] Out *points to the door*
[Grell]'ill leave just one thing *walks up to Rei* *bows* IM SO SORRY
[Rei]*curls up into Sebastians chest can you make it leave please *stops crying*
[Rin] *Grabs Grell and pulls him out*
[Sebastian] Its ok
[Rei]*jumps out of Sebastians arms and runs to the children* are you all right you didn't get scared did you?
[Lizzy] No I'm ok
[Alois] I'm alright
[Ciel] im fine
[Rei] oh that's good *she says wiping away tears*
[Lizzy] *hugs Rei* Are you ok?
[Rei] yes mi'lady I'm alright now
[Alois]*joins the hug*
[Ciel*joins the hug*
[Sebastian] *joins hug*
[Rei] I'm just so glad none of you got hurt
[Sebastian] Me too
[Lizzy] *smiles*
[Rei] I'm sorry the party was ruined
[Lizzy] It's fine!
[Rei] we should probably get cleaned up and get ready for bed
[Sebastian] Yeah
[Rei] I'll go change the children of you can start to clean up
[Sebastian] Ok
[Rei] alright con with me *Rei Lizzy Alois and Ciel go upstairs*
[Rin] *walks in*
[Rei] oh by the way thank you so my for all the help with Grell it meant so much
[Rin] Its fine.  I'm going to wash my face I'll be back
[Rei] alright
*Rin walks out*
[Rei]*changes all then children and puts them to bed*
[Sebastian] *cleans up*
[Clawde] why can't we ever do anything nice with out something bad happening *continues to wash up*
[Sebastian] No idea
[Clawde] it's really annoying
[Sebastian] It is.
[Rin] *walks in* The next time I see him hold me back or let that THING die.
[Clawde] come on I think we should go to bed for the night you need to cool of
[Clawde] I know
[Clawde] well did you do it ok purpose?
[Rin] ....but....well yea
[Rek] I'm so tired I can bearly keep my e* falls asleep *
[Sebastian] I'll take her to bed *walks out*
[Clawde] I'm pretty tired I'm going to bed* walks to own room*
[Rin] *sits on her bed*
[Clawde]*falls asleep*
[Rin] *daydreams then falls asleeo*
[Sebastian] *thinks about what happened then falls asleep*
   * everyone falls asleep *
Hope you enjoyed
From your demon maids Rei and Rin xxx

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