Night two

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[Rei] *wakes up*
[Rin] *walks in and opens curtains* Good morning *smiles*
[Rei] good morning Rin* looks out window* it's a nice day today
[Rin] Yes, quite
[Rei] let's go wake up the young masters and lady Elizabeth
[Rin]Don't you have to get dressed first?
[Rei] on yes I almost forgot* changes into maid uniform*
[Rin]Ok let's go *walks out* ill go check on Claude and Sebastian ok?
[Rei] alright I'll wake the children *wakes up children* good morning lady Elizabeth
[Lizzy] * yawns* good morning
[Rei] did you sleep well?
[Lizzy]Yes thank you for asking
[Rei] that's quite alright shall we get dressed?
[Lizzy] yes please
[Rei] alright * dresses lizzy*
[Lizzy] Thank you *hugs Rei*
[Rei] that's alright mi'lady *smiles*
[Lizzy] *smiles back* I'll go wait in the dining area *walks away*
[Rei]* wakes up Alois * good morning
[Alois] good morning
[Rei] I'll get Sebastian to dress you
[Alois] thank you
[Rei] * gets Sebastian *
[Sebastian]Oh hello Rei, what's the matter?
[Rei] could you dress Alois please
[Sebastian]Of course *walks away to Alois room*
[Rei] thank you
[Sebastian]No problem
[Alois] Good morning Sebastian
[Sebastian] Good morning, your highness
[Alois] is Ciel up ?
[Sebastian] *gets out Alois's clothes* I don't know I'm afraid
[Alois] oh well thats alright once in dressed I'll wake him, hehe
[Sebastian] Ok * gets Alois dressed* run along now then
[Alois] thank you * runs to Ciels room to wake him up* WAKE UP CIEL
[Ciel] I'm awake
[Alois] good I'll go get Sebastian to dress you * gets Sebastian *
[Sebastian] Would you like to change young master
[Ciel] yes Sebastian
[Alois] I'll leave * walks to the dining room to sit with Elizabeth
[Sebastian] Ok *dresses Ciel* Lady Elizabeth is in the dining room and breakfast is already served
[Lizzy] Good morning Alois!
[Alois] good morning Lizzy *smiles*
[Lizzy] Rin just served breakfast  *smiles back* Please eat
[Alois] * eats breakfast *
[Ciel]*good morning Lizzy
[Lizzy] Morning Ciel!
[Alois] this is good!
[Lizzy] Isn't it? *eats*
[Ciel]*sits down* looks good*eats*
[Lizzy] *smiles*
[Ciel] Sebastian
[Sebastian] *walks in* Yes?
[Ciel] we need tea please
[Sebastian] Right away my lord *walks out*
[Ciel] thank you
[Alois] Rin is Clawde awake yet ?
[Rin] I'll go check! *walks to Clawde's room and knocks*
[Clawde] yes ?
[Rin] Will you be much longer?
[Clawde] you can come in
[Rin] ok *walks in*
[Clawde] I just need to fix my tie but it keep coming undone *tries to fix tie*
[Rin] Here let me get it *walks over and fixes tie*
[Clawde] alright * lets Rin fix tie *
[Rin] *stays quiet*
[Clawde] thank you mi'lady *kisses*
[Rin] *blushes* Y-y-you're w-welcome
[Rei] * walks in * are you two coming
[Rin] Yes we are *runs out*
[Rei] what's up with her ?
[Clawde] I don't know
[Rin] *runs in dining area and stands*
[Ciel] is he awake ?
[Rin] Y-yes
[Alois] is he coming down ?
[Rin] Yup any minute
[Clawde] is who coming down ?
[Alois] Clawde I missed you
[Lizzy] We meant you, silly *giggles*
[Clawde] well I'm here now * smiles*
[Lizzy] Yay!
[Alois] yay!
[Ciel] Sebastian are we going anywhere today? Or is anyone coming over ?
[Sebastian] I don't know, young master not that I know of *Rin collects dishes
[Grell] BASSY
[Sebastian] Oh no..
[Grell] it's time for our date bassy
[Sebastian]....fine..only for the young masters sake
[Ciel] thank you Sebastian
[Sebastian] *sighs*
[Grell] let's go bassy
[Sebastian] *waves bye as he gets dragged away*
[Clawde] have fun
[Lizzy] *laughs*
[Ciel] Lizzy that was Grell
[Alois] does Grell have a crush on Sebastian?
[Rin] Yes a big one
[Rei] *laughs*
[Rin] *quietly giggles as she walks to the kitchen*
[Rei] I'll do the dishes*walks to kitchen*
[Rin] Oh, okay. *sits the dishes into the sink*
[Rei] thank you
[Rin] that's alright
[Rei] so are you gonna tell me what happened with you and Clawde in his room ?
[Rin] I was helping him with his tie,that's all
[Rei] so why were you blushing. Come on you can tell me I'm your friend
[Rin]Well...ok He kissed me..
[Rei] you like Clawde *smiles* it's alright I like Sebastian this is our little secret *smiles*
[Rin] I'll keep that a secret for you *smile* but what nags me most is he caught me off guard it's as if he did it on purpose
[Rei] he probably did I've seen the way he looks at you
[Rin] *raises eyebrows* what...way?
[Rei] he likes you I can tell. Sebastian will never kiss me *sad face*
[Rin]...I know this may sound selfish but...Can u find out? I'll help u with Sebastian!
[Rei] I'll get it out of him
[Rin] *hugs* Thank you!
[Rei] that's alright us girls gotta stick together
[Rin] Yeah! I'll finish the dishes for you
[Rei] it's alright I can get them *smiles*
[Rin] If you say so! I''ll be with the others
[Rei] I'll talk with Clawde tonight
[Rin] Ok bye! *walks out*
[Rei] bye * finishes dishes *
[Rin] *walks in dining room*
[Alois] hello Rin *smiles*
[Rin] Hello *smiles back*
[Ciel] hello *smiles*
[Rin] So what are you all doing?
[All children] being bored
[Rin] What about a game?
[Alois] what kind of game
[Rin] I don't know,what type of game do you want to play?
[Ciel] we could play in the garden and pick flowers ?
[Lizzy] Yeah!!
[Rin] Ok, Alois do yo want to
[Alois] yea *smiles*
[Rin] Clawde are you coming
[Clawde] yea ill come
[Rei] me to
[Clawde] let's go
[Rin] Alright let's go *starts walking to the garden
*Everyone walks to the garden*
[Rei] lady Elizabeth do you know how to make a flower ring ?
[Lizzy] No,but my mother made them for me when I was little!
[Rei] me and Rin can teach you *smiles*
[Lizzy] Yay!
[Rin] *gets up* Ok what flowers will we use?
[Clawde] black roses
[Rin] Oh, ok! *picks black roses*
[Rei] aren't they pretty
[Rin] They're my personal favourite
[Clawde] same
[Rin] *smiles* *shows Lizzy how to make flower crowns*
[Rei] *makes flower crown and places in on lizzys head* do you like it lady Elizabeth
[Rei] I'm sorry
[Lizzy]I Love it!!
[Rei] oh yay *smiles*
[Rin] *laughs and lays down on the grass*
[Clawde] the sky is pretty isn't it
[Rin] *blushes* Yes, especially when the suns out..
[Clawde] or when the sun is going down
[Rin] Yeah, the night sky on my opinion is better
[Clawde] I totally agree
[Rin] *smiles and closes eyes*
[Rei] it's getting late
[Rin] Yea-*yawns* I would fall asleep here if I could
[Clawde] dont fall asleep now I still need to talk to you...In private
[Rin] *sits up* um..ok
[Rin] We'll talk out here. Rei please take the kids inside
[Rei] alright * brings the children inside and takes them to bed*
[Rin] *plays with sleeves* so?
[Clawde] I'm gonna be 100% honest here okay ?
[Rin] *gulps* Ok..
[Clawde] Rin I you
[Rin] *stays quiet*
[Clawde] I'm sorry
[Rin] *Kisses Clawde*
[Clawde]* kisses back*
[Rin] *pulls away* I like you too
[Clawde] we can't let anyone know okay ?
[Rin] Ok..Why?
[Clawde] it would be embarrassing if the children saw us
[Rin] You have a point *burries face in his neck*
[Rei]*staring at everything from the window*
[Clawde] we should go inside
[Rin] But they will find out at one point..
[Clawd] yea
[Rin]*puts hand dramatically over head* Oh no! I've lost the ability to walk you'll have to carry me
[Clawde] oh course my queen
*carries Rin inside*
[Rin]*smirks* Oh thank you my Knight in shining armour
[Rei] hi guys...
[Rin] Uh..
[Rei] looks like I don't need to ask him then Don't worry I won't tell Sebastian
[Rin] Thank you
[Clawde] Sebastian should be home any minute now
[Rin] Oh yeah.
[Sebastian] I HATE shinigamis...
[Rei] what did Grell do to you are you okay
[Sebastian] No it was torture
I don't wanna talk about it
[Rei] I'm sorry
[Sebastian] *goes to his room* Its ok *smiles* it wasn't your fault
[Rei] *changes into night wear*
*knocks on Sebastians door*um Sebastian could i ask you something
[Sebastian] Come in, yes?
[Rei] I need help with something
[Sebastian] I'm glad to help
[Rei] could you help me clip this ?
[Sebastian] Ok
[Rei] thank you I would get Rin to do it but she's sleeping
[Sebastian] It's no problem
[Rin] thank you
[Sebastian] Now not to be rude but can you please leave I'm very tierd
[Rei] I'm so sorry I'll leave * leaves *
*Sebastian falls asleep*
*Rin falls asleep hugging Clawde*
[Rei]* lays in bed thinking about how stupid she was crying*

Hope you enjoyed

From your demon maids Rei and Rin xxx

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