Mr Derosa Meets Mrs DeRosa

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This is becoming a bad theme with me since I met miguel, I keep waking up clueless about my whereabouts and what happened.

First thing I noticed was:

I'm in t-shirt only and laying in a king sized bed in a very large bedroom that is not mine.

Two: as I sit up I hear the shower going, I slide of the bed and walk around the bed towards the door.
Pulling it open in am met by some giant man in a black suit and a rifle in his hand.

I quickly back paddle into the bedroom and shut the door, not watching where I was going I bump into a solid chest. I don't even bother to turn around before speaking. " where am I and what happened?"

His arms slide around my waist locking me against his body as he kisses my neck before replying. " I drugged you and brought you back to our home in Vegas......welcome home baby."

"What the hell are you talking about so calmly!? kidnapped me and act as if it is no big deal!"

" lower your voice." He rumbled in a deep demanding tone
" Are you stealing and selling people? Is that what this is? Your selling me !?" I squeaked

" no, why would I be in that life style...why would I want someone else touching my wife? " He says seriously

" so that whole story of us being married was true?" I ask

"Yes baby, I couldn't create such a crazy tale on my own in a million years." He smirks

" why did you kidnap me?"
" I wanted you to come home with me and I knew you would put up a fight, we didn't have time to waste." He states

" before I blacked out I heard shouting...what happened?" I ask

" your two friends from the club came to see you and made quite a scene when they saw you slumping to the floor."

" where are they...are they ok?"

" yes they are fine, they are in the guest room can see them later. Right now I need to talk to you." He says while pulling me to sit down on the chaise lounger across the room.

"I own several hotel chains here in Vegas and one in New York including several night clubs. People know who I am and for the most part I am a respected business man, social media icon and very charismatic guy. But there isn't always love in this line of work, especially from competitors....

I have had death threats and that isn't anything new, but recently I received one from someone I know would follow through if given the opportunity. What worries me this time is that it was directed at you, it has gotten out that we are married and that I actually care about you."

He rakes his hand over his close cropped head with a frustrated sigh.
As he continues....." what I didn't tell you before was that I also stayed away from you intentionally for the first year because I was between wanting you with me and trying to decide whether I should burden you with my life's issues. Believe me I didn't want you to have to be scared for your life...looking over your shoulder. I couldn't leave you out there not knowing what was coming either."

" Are you in some kind of gang or mafia or can you own and run so much?" I ask

He blinks before what sounds like swearing in Spanish.....

"lo que la mujer infierno, yo sólo dije que la gente está tratando de matar a usted y su interrogarme acerca de estar en la mafia !?" He exclaims

I give him a calm flat look in response. " you can go off all you like and I'll just ignore you. How's that?" I ask

"Mierda! Your not stubborn you are just one tough can you not even blink twice when I say there are people trying to kill me through you?" He asks

" from what you have told me the people after me are incompetent, they had a whole year to get me yet didn't. You were tipped off to their plans and able to intervene. What is it that they hope to accomplish? I ask him

His mouth was open in shock, I almost wanted to laugh.

" Are you in the mafia life style....I want a straight answer." I say

"Yes, I'm one of the bosses. You're not scared?" He asks

" of course I am, but knowing that i need to prepare for a battle is a comfort to me, more than just having someone pretend everything is ok....yet fighting battles behind the scenes for me." I state

" wow......I didn't think I could find another reason to love you, but you have surprised me yet again."

" how can you love someone you don't fully know?" I ask him

" easy...I feel it in my heart just like the night we met. You fell for me even though you don't remember. Your heart will remind you in time. I'm not going anywhere." He says

" I need time to get to know you again, I can't rush into playing the wife role. Understand?" I ask him

"Yeah I get that, but I need for you to understand that right now you aren't leaving my side until this matter is resolved. After that we can work out some kind of temporary schedule to spend time together. Eventually you will move here permanently, sooner rather than later. I am not known for having a lot of patience when there is something I really want." He states firmly

" what about my friends, what is gonna happen to them?"

" right now they stay too...they unfortunately came in right of the thick of the mess and we can't afford them accidentally letting out info." He says flatly

" OK."
" OK!? That is all you have to say after this whole discussion? I thought you would be panicked and crying or you are actually scaring me."

I actually laugh at that...." I adapt quickly, I don't know what to tell you." I say

He narrows his eyes at me for a second and then shrugs.

This is going to be a very interesting marriage , it feels like the eye before the storm.

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