Chapter 2: Catch Me I'm Falling

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Catch me I'm falling, Faster than anyone should,

Catch me I'm falling, Please hear me calling.

Jasper High School, Rose POV, The autumn morning of September 9th, 2009, 10 A.M.

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Did I wake up?

I look around and see the that I'm laying in my high school's courtyard. I stand and look around, no one in sight. Where is everyone? I wonder, starting for the door into the school. Once inside, I glance around. No one in the halls? That's not normal. I hear approaching footsteps, running to where I am and I see Alicia, she was crying and ran past me.

"Alicia?.." I raise my eyebrow, What the hell was going on?!

She turns and looks at me and her eyes widen, "R-Rose?..." I nod "What's going on, Alicia?" She starts to sob harder, "You can't be here! There's no way! I saw-" she runs away from me and out the door to the courtyard. What did she mean?..

I walk down the hallway to the gymnasium, seeing a group of students waiting outside and murmuring to each other. Ok, will someone tell me what's happening! I sigh and walk up to one of the students, "What's going on..?" They ignore me and turn and walk into the gymnasuim, I roll my eyes. Can't anyone tell me what's going on without being rude or saying they can't say anything..?!

"Excuse me, but will someone tell me what's going on?!" I almost scream, they couldn't ignore me now, but they do. I blink and try waving my hand in front of someone's face, to utterly disappoint myself when they don't notice me again. How can you not notice a hand in front of your face?!

"Did you see her parents?.."

"Yeah and her brother?.."

"It couldn't have been prevented, she had her seatbelt on.."

"The Goodman's came too.."

Goodman? The family that lost their son when he died at 18 months? Why are they here? I mean someone must have died, but..who?

I was close with the Goodman's daughter, Natalie. She was one of my best friends actually. I had heard about her brother and her mother, who couldn't get over him. I hope she was alright to be here. I looked into the gym and there they were. Dan, Natalie's dad, her mother Diana and herself being comforted by Henry. I was good friends with him too. Who died to make them this upset?

 Then our principal, Walter James, stood and went before the audience, the rather large audience that kind of scared me. Everyone I knew was here and that was a lot of people.

Then when the principal spoke, I about lost it...

"We are here to remember the life that was taken too soon, a friend, a daughter and amazing student, Rose Amelia Dalton."

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Catch me I'm falling, Catch me I'm falling, Losing myself in the air.

Jasper High School, Gabriel's POV, The autumn morning of September 9th, 2009, 10:01 A.M.

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I sat with my mother, looking at the figure at the door, Rose.

I feel bad I couldn't tell her, she had to figure it out herself, I couldn't interfere. She seemed like a good person and Natalie's best friend. I look at Natalie, she kept losing people and I don't think she misses me, how could you miss someone you never knew. I would understand if she hated me, from taking mother away from her, I didn't mean to do that to her. Now without Rose, I don't know how she's gonna be okay after this. With no mother and a father who's trying to keep the family together, when it's slowly drifting painfully apart. 

I look to Rose who's just standing there. I wonder what she's thinking. I see her gaze over to her parents, Michael and Rebecca and to her brother Nathan. They were utterly devsistated to get the news. My parents were friends with them and my mom stayed on the phone crying with Rebecca with me by her side.

I looked over to where Rose was and she was no where in sight, Rose, where did you go? I unclasp my hand from my mothers and she looked at me confused and I put a finger up to say I needed a moment and I walk out of the gym to find her.

It didn't take me long to find her sitting in an abandoned classroom, one of the classrooms I would probably have studied in. I walk up to her and  place my hand on her shoulder, "Rose?" I ask softly. "It's going to be okay...." I try to comfort her.

She looks up at me with her tear-filled eyes and I frown.

"How can you say that! I'm dead!"

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