Chapter 7: It's The Hard Knock Life For Us.

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I feel scared and frightened, certainly I know of a place to go to help me escape this.

The Goodman Household, Unknown Time, Rose POV.

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I watched as Gabe descended the stairs towards the couple. My heart broke as I watched Dan tell her he was the one who helped her through everything and that he understood and felt her pain. For anyone to lose a child, it was an unthinkable pain that was brought onto your heart and soul. He told her that he would be there for her always. Dan was always a good husband and no one could tell you otherwise.

" I am the one who knows you,  I am the one who cares, I am the one who's always been there." he spoke as he tried to comfort her and tell his side, "I am the one who's helped you, and if you think that I just don't give a damn, then you just don't know who I am."

It was heartbreaking almost watching it play out in front of me. This family I knew so well, trying so hard to keep themselves together when they were so close to falling apart.  I watched Gabe slowly descend the stairs till he was on the bottom. I frowned. I wish I could do so much to help him but I felt completely useless.

Even though I felt completely useless, I felt this pull that I was supposed to be here. Why would I need to be here. I couldn't help them, they couldn't see me for Christ sake! I watched as Dan walked around the kitchen with his hands on his head, trying to find a way to help her. He only wanted the best, he didn't ask for this. I felt completely sorry for him and my heart hurt for him.

Diana was the one who loved Gabe no matter what and wished he was alive. She believed it with all her heart and- wait! That's it! That's how she can see him. You had to believe. I remember what Gabe told me!

——- Flashback ——-

"Remember your imaginary friend when you we're little Rosie?"

 "His name was Gabe."

 "You didn't have an 'imaginary' had me. That's how they came up with my nickname because you had an 'imaginary' friend name Gabe."

"Then how come you vanished like every other imaginary friend?"

"Your parents sat you down and told you that I wasn't real and then you slowly began to forget about me so you couldn't see me anymore, but I was still there-"

——- End ——-

That's how she saw him! She loved him so much that she believed he was still here with her and he actually was! Okay, not alive and physically but as a ghost! That's it! That's how they thought she was crazy! She wasn't crazy, they believed she was seeing things. Okay, technically seeing ghosts was seeing things but when you're upset about your toddler dying, you'd be wanting him back even if you had to make believe he was still here.

And he was for her.

I was touched as I came to this realization. Dan couldn't understand a mother's loss but he did understand a father's loss. You think that when parents loose a child they react the same way, wrong. People have different ways of coping with loss. Some try to move past it, like Dan. Some try to hold on to every precious memory and believe that their son is still here, like Diana.

Gabe moved over to them and started to talk.

"Hey dad, it's me." "Why can't you see?"

I almost cried and reached out for him. I wanted to hug him and never let him go, I wish none of this happened to them. My heart literally was in shambles about the whole ordeal that their family went through. Now, I understood what was really happening.

When I looked over Gabe was holding Diana protectively and hugging her tightly. I walked down the stairs quietly and watched them. Soon it was quiet and it just felt too quiet. I looked at Gabe who was looking at me and held his mother tightly as he made his way over to the staircase. I moved out of their way and I watched them as until they disappeared upstairs.

I looked over at Dan and he was looking at me.

I raised an eyebrow and he stuttered out something that made me happy and a bit upset at the same time.

"...Rosie?" He said softly, eyes wide as saucers. He could see me? He could see me!


So sorry it's short! I've been having writers block and wondering what routes to take on this lovely story. I think I'll be branching off from the story but keeping the main parts from the musical. SO don't worry and I hope you guys are liking it this far! I love the comments you've made! :) - Mal

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