How Could You? Your His Brother!

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(Hey guy for now on the bunnies will be boys)

Shadows p.o.v

                            I was enjoying myself. I finally got this stupid freddy to black out. I let go of him and smiled. I put him on my shoulder and took him to a dark room. I had shabby put the others in the same room but chained. She had some trouble chaining my brother golden. He was moving around a lot but shabby slapped him. Right in that moment when shabby slapped him I felt something I have never felt in a long time and that is pain. I started to become weak that I fell to my knees.

"Shadow are you alright"shabby asked

"No"I growled

I then heard giggling and I looked at the person. It was golden.

"Why are you lau" I was cut off by the feeling of pain in my stomach

I put both hands on my stomach. I couldn't stand it. I ran out of the room. I ran straight to the restroom and vomited.

Golden p.o.v

                        I knew why he was feeling that. He isn't supposed to be harming us if he harms us, he will feel pain. He will vomit at first but then he will start crying. I started laughing insane. I kept laughing until I felt someone cover my mouth and put something sharp in my neck. I was breathing fast but then I noticed who its was. Shadow of course it would be him.

"Why were you laughing" he said while his head was twitching

I started laughing.

"Shut up!!!!" he yelled

Instead of being quiet, I bit his arm. I heard him scream but I didn't care,my anger was making me go crazy and I didn't care. I had already seen my brother suffer but I'm not letting him get away with this. I kicked him in the stomach and he ran off again. I took this as a chance. I pulled on the chains until they broke off and I ran towards freddy. I started trying to take the chains off freddy until I heard springtrap yell.

"Golden watch out!!!!!!" he yelled

I was going to turn to see but I was to late. I felt something sharp cut into me. I fell to my knees. I put my hands on my stomach. I felt something warm coming out. I picked up one hand to look. It was blood. I fell to my side.

"Golden!!" springtrap cried.

"Don't worry,I'll always be by your side even if you can't see me" I said before everything went blank.

Springtraps p.o.v

                         I began to cry. Why did shadow do that? Why would he kill his own brother?

"How could you? Your his brother!" I yelled

He stayed quiet. I knew he was listening. He was just ignoring me.

"Answer me!! Why did you do that?!?!" I yelled

He looked away. I then looked at shabby.

"Your his friend,make him answer please" I cried

Shabby p.o.v

                        I sighed. I put my hand on his shoulder. And spoke with a soft tone.

"Come on shadow answer him please" I said

He just looked to the floor. I knew why he was like this. He felt worthless.

"Shadow look at me" I said

He looked up at me.

"I know you feel worthless right now but your not" i told him

"How do you know that" he said in a low voice

"Cause I know that you don't always cause trouble" I said

Why does he always do something bad and then feel worthless? Well at least he still doesn't know I love him.

(Well that was sad bye my cuties)

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